Browse Items (38 total)

Aims An audit of children and young person's advanced care plans (ACPs) in two district general hospitals (centres A and B) against NICE guidance [1]. Methods Centre A: consultants were emailed to identify the population with ACPs. Centre B: two…

Pediatric health care is practiced with the goal of promoting the best interests of the child. Treatment generally is rendered under a presumption in favor of sustaining life. However, in some circumstances, the balance of benefits and burdens to the…

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OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine what adolescents and young adults with moderate to complex congenital heart disease (CHD) believe their life span to be and to examine correlates of their beliefs. BACKGROUND: Patients with moderate to…

Background: Over the last decade, paediatric palliative care teams (PPCTs) have been introduced to support children with life-limiting diseases and their families and to ensure continuity, coordination and quality of paediatric palliative care (PPC).…

Objectives * Identify a simple, effective way to facilitate selfcare among hospital team members. * Describe the impact story time has had on the attendees' daily practice and self-care strategies. Background. Story time was born out of a photograph…

Objectives * Identify three key elements that influence successful implementation of triggers for palliative care consultation within a NICU setting. * Recall the four major trigger domains that qualify for pediatric palliative care consultation…

Background Technological advances have decreased PICU mortality but increased the number of children surviving with disability or technologically-dependent. Death in PICU most frequently follows withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (LST),…

Introduction: In Italy there are approximately 12000 children affected by life-limiting illnesses, which require palliative care services. The national reality, however, confirms the lack of a proper palliative care services network to ensure relief…

Aims & Objectives: To identify patients admitted to PICU who might benefit from palliative care using the Spectrum of Children's Palliative Care Needs. Methods Prospective study between July 2016-December2017. Cases admitted to the PICU were assessed…

Background: "Primary" palliative care (PC) skills for CF care teams are not clearly defined, but in general for serious illness include managing basic physical and emotional symptoms, and having basic discussions about prognosis, goals, suffering,…

Background/Objectives: Palliative and supportive care needs of children with cancer and their families are unique and require special attention. Development of appropriate services sensitive to the needs of families and based on observed evidence has…

PURPOSE: Preparing a future nurse to respond to the complex and sensitive needs of a child and family during the end-of-life requires more than didactic content in a classroom. During clinical experiences, students may care for children diagnosed…

Objective: A proportion of children die, making them potentially eligible to be organ/tissue donors. Not all are approached for donation, and experiences of those parents are not well understood. The objective was to investigate to what extent organ…

Aims A proportion of children with neurodisability will have life-limiting conditions, whereby their complex continuing needs increase the intricacy and urgency for providing comprehensive supportive care to these families. Equal access to universal…

Program Goals: Appropriate use of electronic media in a pediatric palliative care setting enhances a family's experience of care given to their child over time and assists in the grieving process. Here we explore multiple uses of electronic media in…

Background: Around 200,000 pediatric clients are diagnosed with cancer each year globally. Majority (84%) of cancer cases are found in developing countries with 20% average survival rate (Ferlay et al, 2012). Two-thirds of pediatric oncology clients…

Introduction Issues: Until recently, Paediatric Palliative Care in Uganda was ignored, with less than 5% of patients seen at Hospice Africa Uganda being Paediatric patients. African Palliative Care Association (APCA) and Palliative Care Association…

Introduction: For children with cancer, early integration of pediatric palliative care in conjunction with curative treatments is recommended. In Switzerland, pediatric palliative care is mostly provided by an interdisciplinary primary oncology team…

BACKGROUND: Although international guidelines recommend discussions about goals of care and treatment options for children with severe and life-limiting conditions, there are still few structured models of paediatric advance care planning. AIM: The…

Purpose: Compassion fatigue (CF) is emotional distress experienced by providers from ongoing contact with patients' suffering. Burnout (BO) is personal distress due to uncontrollable workplace factors that manifest in career dissatisfaction. CF and…

High quality symptom management for children receiving palliative care relies on accurate and timely documentation of symptoms. Our pediatric palliative and comfort care team (PACT) previously established a mechanism in to assess and document…

The use of a palliative care guideline in infants remains controversial in the NICU community. Triggers are only intermittently utilized within the NICU setting. Most NICUs implement strategies for near-death care, but few have guidelines for those…

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes a substantial disease burden among children, elderly and immunocompromised adults. Recognition of patient involvement in research is gradually increasing. Most research is being carried out without active…

The integration of pediatric palliative care (PPC) should become a standard of care for all children with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses. There are many barriers and misperceptions in pediatrics which hinder the early…

Background Estimating the local population needs for children's palliative care services can prove challenging. Data has shown that most children die in hospital and not all children with life-limiting conditions (LLC) are known to local hospices at…

OBJECTIVES: To explore experiences of pediatric clinicians participating in a serious illness communication program (SICP) for advance care planning (ACP), examining how the SICP supports clinicians to improve their communication and the challenges…

Background: Provision of and access to paediatric end-of-life care is inequitable, but previous research on this area has focused on perspectives of health professionals in specific settings or children with specific conditions. This qualitative…

BACKGROUND: Since 2011, the Libyan civil war crisis had affected all dimensions of livelihood including cancer care. This has resulted in a steady incline in the number of Libyan patients with cancer seeking oncologic care and management in Tunisia,…

Background/aims: Turkey has a population fo 85 million and also hosts the larger number of refugees with 3,7 million mainly from Syrian. Globocan 2020 data estimates 233,000 new cancer cases and 126,000 deaths due to cancer. By the end of the 90s,…

Background: Collaboration between therapists and parents of children with developmental disabilities is a key element of family-centred care. In practice, collaboration appears to be challenging for both parents and therapists. This systematic review…

Aim: The Charter of the Rights of the Dying Child was formulated as a professional guide for caring the child in the final stages. The study examines the nurses' degree of agreement with the Charter's principles and their perception of the…

Outcomes: 1. Using a critical historical approach, participants will evaluate why, how, and for/with who the "good death" concept emerged and how it has persisted over time. 2. The interprofessional authorship team will illustrate and deconstruct the…
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