Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a paediatric palliative care team


Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a paediatric palliative care team


Verberne LM; Kars MC; Schepers SA; Schouten-Van Meeteren AYN; Grootenhuis MA; Van Delden JJM


BMC Palliative Care




health care personnel; palliative therapy; Child; Only Child; Palliative Care; Pilot Projects; human experiment; major clinical study; pilot study; expectation; concrete; child; human; female; male; pediatrics; article; awareness; patient satisfaction; tertiary health care


Background: Over the last decade, paediatric palliative care teams (PPCTs) have been introduced to support children with life-limiting diseases and their families and to ensure continuity, coordination and quality of paediatric palliative care (PPC). However, implementing a PPCT into an organisation is a challenge. The objective of this study was to identify barriers and facilitators reported by healthcare professionals (HCPs) in primary, secondary or tertiary care for implementing a newly initiated multidisciplinary PPCT to bridge the gap between hospital and home. Methods: The Measurement Instrument for Determinants of Innovations (MIDI) was used to assess responses of 71 HCPs providing PPC to one or more of the 129 children included in a pilot study of a PPCT based at a university children's hospital. The MIDI (29 items) assessed barriers and facilitators to implementing the PPCT by using a 5-point scale (completely disagree to completely agree) and additional open-ended questions. Items to which >=20% of participants responded with 'totally disagree/disagree' and >=80% responded with 'agree/totally agree' were considered as barriers and facilitators, respectively. A general inductive approach was used for open-ended questions. Results: Reported barriers to implementing a PPCT were related to the HCP's own organisation (e.g., no working arrangements related to use of the intervention [PPCT] registered, other organisational changes such as merger going on). Reported facilitators were mainly related to the intervention (correctness, simplicity, observability and relevancy) and the user scale (positive outcome expectations, patient satisfaction) and only once to the organisation scale (information accessibility). Additionally, HCPs expressed the need for clarity about tasks of the PPCT and reported having made a transition from feeling threatened by the PPCT to satisfaction about the PPCT. Conclusion: Positive experiences with the PPCT are a major facilitator for implementing a PPCT. Tailored organisational strategies such as working arrangements by management, concrete information about the PPCT itself and the type of support provided by the PPCT should be clearly communicated to involved HCPs to increase awareness about benefits of the PPCT and ensure a successful implementation. New PPCTs need protection and resources in their initial year to develop into experienced and qualified PPCTs.


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April 2018 List



Verberne LM; Kars MC; Schepers SA; Schouten-Van Meeteren AYN; Grootenhuis MA; Van Delden JJM, “Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a paediatric palliative care team,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed September 20, 2024,