Browse Items (26 total)
- Tags: Hospital Patient
What constitutes 'good quality care' from the perspectives of children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions?
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Braybrook D, Bristowe K, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Conversation, Coombes L, developmental stage, Female, Fraser L, genetic transcription, Harding R, Haroardottir D, Hospital Patient, Human, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Nervous System, October List 2029, Only Child, Outpatient, Preschool Child, Scott HM, Semi Structured Interview, Social Care
The Landscape of Outpatient Pediatric Palliative Care: A National Cross-Sectional Assessment
Tags: 2023, Advance Care Planning, Analgesia, Article, Autrey AK, Cesarean Section, Child, Controlled Study, Demographics, Funding, Hospital Patient, Human, James C, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Kaye EC, May List 2023, Miller EG, Morvant A, Mothi SS, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Program Development, School Child, Stafford C, United States, workflow
Timing of Pediatric Palliative Care Consults in Hospitalized Patients with Heart Disease
Tags: 2023, Advance Care Planning, April List 2023, Article, Artificial Ventilation, Bennett E, Bodily S, Cardiomyopathy, Catheterization, Child, Congenital Heart Disease, Consultation, Cook L, Delgado-Corcoran C, Disease Course, extracorporeal oxygenation, Female, Green DJ, heart disease, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Hospitalized Child, Human, Infant, information technology, Intensive Care Unit, Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care, Length Of Stay, Life Sustaining Treatment, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mansfield KJ, Medical Decision Making, Moore D, Mortality, Myocarditis, myopericarditis, Newborn, Olson LM, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, pericarditis, pulmonary hypertension, Retrospective Study, Terminal Care, Wawrzynski S, Wilkins V
Designing the physical environment for inpatient palliative care: A narrative review
Tags: Child, Hospice Care, Hospital Care, Human, Thematic Analysis, 2021, Adult, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, Built Environment, Cinahl, Collins A, Comfort, Conception, data extraction, Data Synthesis, Emergency Ward, Family Interaction, Family Management, Female, Furniture, Hospice Care, Hospital care, Hospital Patient, Human Dignity, January List 2023, Male, McLaughlan R, Medline, Narrative, nursing home, Nursing Home Care, Palliative Therapy, Philip J, Privacy, Psycinfo, Review, Systematic Review, Wong K
Improving the frequency of symptom assessment in pediatric palliative care patients
Tags: 2018, April 2020 List, Awareness, Child, clinical evaluation, Comfort, conference abstract, E-mail, electronic medical record, Hospital Patient, Human, human cell, information technology, Mark M S, McKenna L, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Quality Of Life, root cause analysis, stem cell, Symptom Assessment, Thienprayoon R, Total Quality Management
GPs' role in caring for children and young people with life-limiting conditions: a retrospective cohort study
Tags: 2020, accident, Adult, April 2020 List, Article, Attention, care behavior, Child, Clinical Article, Clinical Practice, Cohort Analysis, Consultation, England, Female, Fraser L K, general practice, Health Care Utilization, Hewitt C, Hospital Patient, Human, Icd-10, Jarvis S, Male, Mitchell S, Parslow R C, Patient Care, Primary Health Care, Read code, Retrospective Study, secondary health care, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Palliative care in an underserved community: Striving and thriving
Tags: 2018, Alladin A R, April 2020 List, Awareness, Bereavement Support, bone marrow, Cancer Patient, Cantwell G P, Caribbean, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Congenital Malformation, coordination compound, Ethnic Group, Europe, Female, Heart, Hispanic, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Japan, Juanico K, kidney, liver, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medicaid, Memory, Middle East, Music Therapy, Nares M, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, nursing education, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pastoral Care, Pediatrics, Perception, Posthumous Care, Resident, Sibling, Social Work, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, Webster-Carrion A
Key Findings of the Structures and Processes of Inpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Programs (S737)
Tags: 2020, Burnout, Child, Clergy, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Female, Friebert S, Health Care Delivery, Health Care System, Heitner R, Hospital Patient, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Klick J, Major Clinical Study, Male, March 2020 List, Palliative Therapy, Physician, Practice Guideline, registered nurse, Rogers M, Social Worker, Williams C
Getting a Seat at the Table: An Iterative Development Process to Improve Available Benchmark Data for Pediatric Palliative Care Programs (S778)
Tags: 2020, administrative personnel, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, District of Columbia, Friebert S, Hospital Patient, Human, Humphrey L, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Klick J, March 2020 List, Palliative Therapy, Perception, phase 1 clinical trial, Program Development, Rogers M, Williams C, workflow
End-of-life care among adolescent and young adult patients with cancer living in poverty
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Bakitas M, Cancer, Cancer Patient, Cancer Therapy, Controlled Study, Currie E R, Female, Friedman S, Gilbertson-White S, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Insurance, Lindley L C, lowest income group, Mack J W, Male, Medical Record, Multicenter Study, Oncology 2019 List, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Poverty, Retrospective Study, Roeland E J, Saeidzadeh S, Statistical Significance, Terminal Care, Young Adult
Medication utilization for symptom management by pediatric inpatients with cancer at end-of-life
Tags: 2019, Adult, anxiety, Benzodiazepine, Black person, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Davidoff A, Death, Decision Making, do not resuscitate order, Drug Therapy, Ethnicity, Female, Gender, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Length Of Stay, Major Clinical Study, Male, manager, Massaro S, Medicaid, Multicenter Study, Nausea, Oncology 2019 List, Opiate, Pain, patient history of bone marrow transplantation, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric patient, Prozora S, Recipient, Retrospective Study, Shabanova V, solid malignant neoplasm, tumor diagnosis, University Hospital, Young Adult
Frequency and Clinical Characteristics Associated With Pediatric Deaths In a Tertiary Hospital in a Developing Country - Opportunities for Pediatric Palliative Care
Tags: 2018, antibiotic therapy, Artificial Ventilation, Brain Death, Cause Of Death, Child, Clinical Feature, Comfort, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Cuervo Suarez M I, Demography, developing country, Developing World 2019 List, Diagnosis, Drug Withdrawal, Female, Garcia X, Health Care Quality, Hospital Patient, Human, Human Tissue, inotropism, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Life Sustaining Treatment, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record, Munoz M, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Sedation, statistical analysis, Terminal Care, tertiary care center
Hospital inpatient use in mainland Portugal by children with complex chronic conditions (2011 - 2015). [Portuguese]
Tags: 2019, Acta Médica Portuguesa, Adolescent, Article, Cancelinha C, cancer radiotherapy, Child, Controlled Study, Death, developed country, Female, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Lacerda A F, Length Of Stay, Lopes S, Male, Mortality, national health service, Needs Assessment, Newborn, nonparametric test, October 2019 List, Oliveira G, Outpatient, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Portugal, Radiotherapy, Retrospective Study
Pediatric Complex Chronic Conditions: Does the Classification System Work for Infants?
Tags: 2019, African American, Article, Attention, Caucasian, Child, Chronic Disease, Comorbidity, Complex Chronic Conditions, Controlled Study, end-of-life, Fortney C A, hcup kid, Health Care Cost, Hospital Patient, Human, Infant, Infants, Insurance, June 2019 List, Lindley L C, Neonates, Palliative Therapy, Prevalence, Regression Analysis, Serious Illness, The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care
Palliative care referral patterns for children with cancer: A three-year retrospective study
Tags: 2018, Cancer Patient, Central Nervous System, Child, conference abstract, Diagnosis, Emergency Ward, Female, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Infant, Intensive Care Unit, Kim CH, Kim MS, Korea, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Major Clinical Study, Male, Moon YJ, Oncology, Oncology 2018 List, outpatient department, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric ward, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, School Child, Shin HY, solid malignant neoplasm, Song IG, statistical analysis, Terminal Care, time of death
Illness and end-of-life experiences of children with cancer who receive palliative care
Tags: 2018, Article, Artificial Ventilation, Baker JN, Blazin L, cancer center, cancer susceptibility, Child, Childhood Cancer, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Cost Effectiveness Analysis, data extraction, Death, DeMarsh S, Experimental Therapy, Female, Gushue CA, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Intensive Care Unit, invasive procedure, Jerkins J, Johnson LM, Kaye EC, Levine DR, Life Change Events, Lu Z, Major Clinical Study, Male, Morrison RR, Oncology 2018 List, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Personal Experience, phase 1 clinical trial, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Snaman JM, Sykes A
Development and delivery of a one-stop multidisciplinary clinic to provide comprehensive palliative and supportive care for children with cancer
Tags: 2018, Ambulatory Care, Anis H, antibiotic agent, Arora R, Bagai P, Cancer Patient, Caregiver, Child, Chuki T, conference abstract, Crack L, dietitian, doctor nurse relation, Drug Therapy, Education, Female, financial management, Holistic Care, Hospital Patient, Human, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Multidisciplinary team, nutritional counseling, Oncology 2018 List, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Therapy, patient coding, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, physiotherapist, Physiotherapy, Psychologist, Social Support, Taluja A, Terminal Care, wound
An economic examination of private insurance claims among adolescents and young adults who were enrolled in hospice during the last year of life
Tags: 2018, Adolescent, Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, Adult, Article, Cohrs AC, December 2018 List, Emergency Ward, Female, Health Care Utilization, Hospice Care, Hospital Patient, hospital service, Human, Keim-Malpass J, Length Of Stay, Leslie DL, Lindley LC, Male, preliminary data, primary medical care, private health insurance, Retrospective Study, Young Adult
Mindful Movement: Tai Chi, Gentle Yoga, and Qi Gong for Hospitalized Pediatric Palliative Care Patients and Family Members
Tags: 2018, adverse outcome, Caregiver, Child, Hospital Patient, Human, Intensive Care Unit, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Letter, mindfulness, movement therapy, November 2018 List, occupational therapist, Palliative Therapy, Parry SM, pediatric patient, qigong, Quality Of Life, Staenberg B, Tai Chi, Weaver MS, Yoga
Pediatric palliative care and resident education
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Child, Comfort, conference abstract, Curriculum, Decision Making, Dietzen D, Exercise, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Internal Medicine, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Kim G, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Penney J, primary medical care, Questionnaire, Resident, Simulation, Survival, terminal disease
Beyond mortality: Assessing pediatric palliative needs
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Bone Marrow Transplantation, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Diagnosis, Female, General Practitioner, Gielissen K, Hematology, heme, Hospital Patient, Human, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Major Clinical Study, Male, Marquez A, Massaro S, Morbidity, Mortality, Murtha TD, Nausea, Needs Assessment, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Oncology, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Prozora S, Questionnaire, Resident, Surgery, tertiary health care
Challenges in assessing the need for beds in palliative care-The example of inpatient hospice care for children, adolescents and young adults
Tags: 2018, Adult, Artificial Ventilation, August 2018 List, calculation, Child, conference abstract, Death, Diagnosis, disabled person, Female, Funding, Germany, Home Care, Hospice Care, Hospital Patient, Human, Jansky M, Jaspers B, Length Of Stay, Likert scale, Long Term Care, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mortality, Nauck F, occupation, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Politics, Prevalence, psychosocial care, quantitative analysis, Resident, Semi Structured Interview, Statistics, Young Adult
Bringing social context into the conversation about pediatric long-term ventilation
Tags: 2018, April 2018 List, Article, Artificial Ventilation, Boss RD, Child, decision support system, Family Decision Making, Henderson CM, Home Care, home care services, home environment, Hospital Patient, Hospital Pediatrics, Human, Life Sustaining Treatment, Long Term Care, Long-Term Care, Mechanical, Medical Information, Only Child, Patient-centered Care, Pediatrics, Personal Experience, practice gap, Quality Of Life, Social Environment, Tracheostomy, Ventilators, Wilfond BS
Early involvement of palliative care in cystic fibrosis in inpatient setting: A quality improvement initiative
"His ears are so soft!" Animal-assisted interventions in oncology settings: Implications for oncology social work practice
Tags: 2016, 50-56-6 (oxytocin), 51-61-6 (dopamine), 54577-94-5 (oxytocin), 60118-07-2 (endorphin), 62-31-7 (dopamine), Adult, Animal Experiment, Animal Model, anxiety, Bach C, Blood Pressure, Cancer Patient, Cancer Therapy, Cerebrovascular Accident, Clinical Practice, Distress Syndrome, Dog, Dopamine, Ear, Endogenous Compound, Endorphin, Family Study, Female, Gene Expression, Happiness, Heart Rate, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Human Versus Animal Comparison, Infusion, Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology, Male, Narrative, Nonhuman, Oncology, Oncology 2017 List, Oxytocin, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pet Therapy, Program Development, Recreation, Skill, Social Support, Social Work Practice, Storytelling, Symptom, Total Quality Management, Trust, Volunteer, Waiting Room