Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: terminally Ill Patient
Prevalence of pain in the last 2 weeks of life in hospitalized pediatric patients
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Analgesia, Article, Bastidas-Legarda S, Child, Data Analysis Software, Female, Flores-Munoz MA, Gutierrez-Cortes C, Hernandez-Ramirez E, Hospital Patient, Hospitalization, Human, Infant, longitudinal study, Major Clinical Study, Male, March List 2025, Medical Practice, Newborn, Observational Study, Pain Assessment, Pain Intensity, Pain/ep [Epidemiology], Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Prevalence, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Retrospective Study, Revista Medica del Hospital General de Mexico, SPSS version 21, terminally Ill Patient
Procedural Interventions for Terminally Ill Children - Are We Aiding Palliation?
Tags: 2024, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Adolescent, Article, Carlisle EM, Caucasian, Child, Chronic Disease, Chronic Patient, Cohort Analysis, Diagnosis, Female, Hospice Care, Hospitalization, Human, Infant, Intubation, invasive procedure, Journal Of Palliative Care, July List 2024, Length Of Stay, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Only Child, Palliative Therapy, pediatric surgeon, Perry S, Phillips H, Retrospective Study, Shinkunas LA, Surgery, Terminally Ill, terminally Ill Patient
Not Just Small Adults: The Birth and Early Years of a Pediatric Hospice Program
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, case manager, Child, conference abstract, Distress Syndrome, Female, Hospice, Hospice Care, Human, Infant, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, MacDonell-Yilmaz RE, Male, obstetric delivery, Palliative Therapy, Patient Care, Patient Referral, pediatric patient, professionalism, Ritzau J, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Teamwork, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, United States
Flourishing, religion, and burnout among caregivers working in pediatric palliative care
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, April List 2024, Article, Burnout, Caregiver, Child, Controlled Study, Convenience Sample, Coping, Cross-sectional Study, Doolittle BR, Dying, Female, Human, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, Job Satisfaction, job stress, life satisfaction, Male, Multidisciplinary team, Oberholzer AE, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Prevalence, Qualitative Analysis, Religion, South Africa, terminally Ill Patient, work environment
Thirty-day mortality as a metric for palliative radiotherapy in pediatric patients
Tags: 2023, Adult, Article, biological marker, Child, Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, Female, Human, Johnstone PAS, Keit E, Male, March List 2024, Metronidazole, Mortality, Nanda R, Palliative Therapy, Patient Care, Patient Referral, pediatric patient, Quality Of Life, Radiotherapy, terminally Ill Patient
Hospice Care in India-A Pediatrician's Perspective
Religious and cultural challenges in paediatrics palliative care: A review of literature
Tags: 2019, Abd Ghani NA, Autopsy, Caregiver, Coping Behavior, cultural anthropology, Data Base, Decision Making, Human, Interpersonal Communication, Journal Of Pediatric Hematology/oncology, July List 2023, Khalid K, Ku Md Saad S, Life, Mohamed Abdul Kadher AN, organ donor, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Religion, Review, Software, Systematic Review, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient
Palliative care in an underserved community: Striving and thriving
Tags: 2018, Alladin A R, April 2020 List, Awareness, Bereavement Support, bone marrow, Cancer Patient, Cantwell G P, Caribbean, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Congenital Malformation, coordination compound, Ethnic Group, Europe, Female, Heart, Hispanic, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Japan, Juanico K, kidney, liver, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medicaid, Memory, Middle East, Music Therapy, Nares M, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, nursing education, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pastoral Care, Pediatrics, Perception, Posthumous Care, Resident, Sibling, Social Work, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, Webster-Carrion A
Spiritual needs and communicating about death in nonreligious theistic families in pediatric palliative care: A qualitative study
Tags: 2020, Abbas A, Article, Bereavement Support, Cai S, Child, China, Comfort, Controlled Study, Death Education, Guo Q, Hematology, Human, Luo Y, March 2020 List, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Peng X, Qualitative Research, Religion, Spiritual Care, support group, terminally Ill Patient, Zhou X, Zhou Y
The needs of parents during end-of-life care for terminally ill child
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Data Analysis, Death, Father, Female, Genetic Disorder, genetic transcription, Grounded Theory, Human, Human Tissue, Identity, immune deficiency, Interview, Leukemia, Loucka M, Male, Mother, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Polakova K, Qualitative Research, risk factor, solid malignant neoplasm, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient
Spirituality in patients with advanced illness: The role of symptom control, resilience and social network
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Barreto P, Clinical Trial, Cross Sectional Study, Cross-sectional Studies, Emotion, February 2018 List, Female, Fombuena M, Galiana L, Human, Journal Of Health Psychology, Male, Middle Aged, Multicenter Study, Oliver A, Palliative Therapy, Pascual A, Psychological Resilience, Psychology, Religion, Social Support, Soto-Rubio A, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, Very Elderly, Young Adult