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Introduction and objectives: Death in children with neurological disease is usually complex and requires an interdisciplinary approach. Our aim was to describe the context of death in children with neurological disease according to the underlying…
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate out-of-pocket non-medical expenses and employment-related outcomes in families of children with life-limiting conditions, specifically, to quantify the financial and employment implications of two…
Aim: The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of paediatric palliative care by investigating, on a population basis, where children in Sweden died, from 2013 to 2019. A particular focus was on comparing two groups: children who died…
The untimely death of a child is an incredibly traumatic experience for parents and their loved ones. It uproots every aspect of their life, leading the bereaved parents to be far more likely to have poorer physical and mental health outcomes. This…
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of advance care planning (ACP) on parent-reported end-of-life (EOL) outcomes in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Study design: Single-center, cross-sectional mixed-methods survey study of…
INTRODUCTION: Predicting time to death after terminal extubation is valuable to augment family counseling and identify suitable candidates for organ donation after circulatory death (DCD). Our objective was to train and validate a machine learning…
After the unexpected death of a child, bereaved parents require prompt access to helpful support systems. Online therapeutic writing courses can make such support accessible. Because few studies have included bereaved fathers as participants, we…
Background: Parental bereavement after the death of an infant in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a complex and nuanced experience. Support from healthcare practitioners can have a significant impact on bereavement experiences in the short-…
Abstract Background Grief in parents has been described as a very intense long-lasting experience, characterized by deep sadness, and social isolation, therefore, the recommendation of scientific societies in pediatrics is to provide bereavement care…
OBJECTIVES: To examine the circumstance of death in the PICU in the setting of ongoing curative or life-prolonging goals. DATA SOURCES: Multidisciplinary author group, international expert opinion, and use of current literature. DATA SYNTHESIS: We…
OBJECTIVES: To describe practical considerations related to discussions about death or possible death of a critically ill child. DATA SOURCES: Personal experience and reflection. Published English language literature. STUDY SELECTION: Selected…
"Losing Thomas & Ella" presents a research comic about one father's perinatal loss of twins. The comic recounts Paul's experience of the hospital and the babies' deaths, and it details the complex grieving process afterward, including themes of…
Importance: Robust quality measures to benchmark end-of-life care for children with cancer do not currently exist; 28 candidate patient-centered quality measures were previously developed. Objective(s): To prioritize quality measures among parents…
BACKGROUND: Decision-making during the end-of-life (EOL) phase for children with cancer is extremely difficult for parents. We synthesized the qualitative experiences of children with cancer, parents, and healthcare professionals (HCPs), and their…
BACKGROUND: Exploring the experience and understanding of death in children with terminal cancer is important to provide them with appropriate care. However, most studies have focused on the perspectives of parents and healthcare professionals, and…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To provide support to parents of critically ill children, it is important that physicians adequately respond to parents' emotions. In this study, we investigated emotions expressed by parents, physicians' responses to these…
As medical students and residents, we have all grappled with patient death and dying at some point in our training. These experiences often remain with us, informing our clinical practice, our personal wellbeing, and the ways in which we build…
This article provides a brief overview on the role of poetry into the pediatric palliative and end-of-life care setting. Starting from examples, the author deepens possible applications to the world of children and offers a poem, from his direct…
Two separate bodies of literature point to the link between family bereavement and cardiovascular health and between sleep quality and cardiovascular outcomes. However, less is known about the joint influence of family bereavement and sleep quality…
Palliative Extended and Care at Home (PEACH) is a rapid response nurse-led package of care mobilized for palliative care patients who have an expressed preference to die at home. This study aimed to identify the demographic and clinical predictors of…
Coping with the death of a newborn infant requires training and reflection regarding the end-of-life decision-making process, communication with the family, and the care to be provided. The objective of this article is to analyze in depth the salient…
BACKGROUND: A terminally ill child should have the possibility to be at home with their family during the end of life. Provision of care from primary care nurses (PCNs) is crucial, but no model exists on how specialised paediatric palliative care…
Instrumental variable analysis (IVA) has been widely used in many fields, including health care, to determine the comparative effectiveness of a treatment, intervention, or policy. However, its application in pediatric end-of-life care research has…
BACKGROUND: A significant number of critically ill neonates face potentially adverse prognoses and outcomes, with some of them fulfilling the criteria for perinatal palliative care. When counselling parents about the critical health condition of…
Objectives: About 16,000 infants die in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) each year with many experiencing invasive medical treatments and high number of symptoms.1 To inform better management, we characterized diagnoses, symptoms, and patterns…
Context: Most children with cancer die in hospital settings, without hospice, and many suffer from high-intensity medical interventions and pain at end of life (EOL). Objective(s): To examine the effects of COMPLETE: a communication plan early…
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of life support limitation (LSL) in patients who died after at least 24h of a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay, parent participation and to describe how this type of care is delivered. METHODS:…
Purpose: High-quality communication is a standard of palliative care for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer. Yet, few studies have characterized the negative communication experiences of AYAs near the end of life (EOL). Method(s): We…
Introduction: The experience of bereavement is associated with severe physical, psychological, social and spiritual reactions in the parents of children with cancer. Because of that, the families of these children need to receive bereavement…
For the sizeable subset of adolescents and young adults whose cancer is incurable, developmentally appropriate end-of-life discussions are critical. Standards of care for adolescent and young adult end-of-life communication have been established,…
Introduction: One of the most complex and emotional aspects of nursing is the interaction between the nurse and the dying child. The attitudes of nurses towards death, affect the quality of care. Objective(s): To investigate pediatric nurses'…
Background: How children die in pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) has been poorly described, and support for parents during this traumatic experience could be improved. Better information on perceptible signs of the end of life (EOL) in children…
When medicine proves to be powerless to cure a child suffering from cancer, there remains the path of accompaniment by what we call palliative care. This is very different from the treatments that have been administered up to now - since they are not…
BACKGROUND: Specialist palliative care (SPC) is often needed to manage complex or refractory problems in children with life-threatening conditions during end-of-life. This study explores the perceptions of healthcare professionals (HPs) to determine…
Perinatal loss may deeply affect the attachment relationships of mothers and their next-born children. The aim was to explore the subjective perceptions of mothers, who had fetal death during the first pregnancy, and their adult subsequent firstborn…
Background The origins of the word condolence stem from Latin roots: com ‘together,” and dolere, “to grieve”. Parents grieving the death of their child benefit from condoling words and actions of those around them. Grieving the death of a child…