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Objectives: Pediatric patients with advanced heart disease (AHD) often receive high intensity medical care at the end of life (EOL). In this study, we aimed to determine whether receipt and timing of pediatric palliative care (PPC) consultation was…
Objective: Pediatric deaths often occur within hospitals and involve balancing aggressive treatment with minimization of suffering. This study first investigated associations between clinical/demographic features and the level of intensity of various…
OBJECTIVES: To understand the perspectives of pediatric fellows training in critical care subspecialties about providing spiritual care. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of United States National Residency Matching Program pediatric fellows training…
Caring for children and their families at the end-of-life is an essential but challenging aspect of care in the PICU. During and following a child's death, families often report a simultaneous need for protected privacy and ongoing supportive…
OBJECTIVES: To examine the circumstance of death in the PICU in the setting of ongoing curative or life-prolonging goals. DATA SOURCES: Multidisciplinary author group, international expert opinion, and use of current literature. DATA SYNTHESIS: We…
As part of the invited supplement on Death and Dying in the PICU, we reviewed ethical, cultural, and social considerations for the bedside healthcare practitioner prior to engaging with children and families in decisions about limiting therapies,…
OBJECTIVES: To describe practical considerations related to discussions about death or possible death of a critically ill child. DATA SOURCES: Personal experience and reflection. Published English language literature. STUDY SELECTION: Selected…
Widespread primary care policies coupled with the advent of tertiary and quaternary care facilities promoted an impressive reduction of pediatric mortality in the last 50 years worldwide. The better care provided to survivors led to a significant…
OBJECTIVE: This scoping review aimed to: 1) identify parent-reported experience measures (PaREMs) for parents of children with serious illnesses from peer-reviewed literature, 2) map the types of care experience being evaluated in PaREMs, 3) identify…
acial and ethnic inequities are well documented in medicine (1). Patients from historically marginalized groups have consistently reported medical mistrust, poor communication, and perceived discrimination as barriers to the care that they receive…
OBJECTIVES: To identify the prevalence of screening criteria for acute and posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSDs) and stress symptoms among family members of children in the PICU for more than 8 days and examine risk factors for stress symptoms.…
Objectives: To describe the reasoning processes used by pediatric intensivists to make antibiotic-related decisions. Design: Grounded theory qualitative study. Setting: Three Canadian university-affiliated…
For families facing end-of-life decisions for their critically ill children, compassionate extubation at home is a valuable service that pediatric intensivists can provide. Compassionate extubation at home is resource intensive and can be…
Decision-making surrounding extracorporeal membrane oxygenation initiation and decannulation has become a key challenge in critical care. Nuanced communication skills and transparent discussions about prognosis are imperative during this lifesaving,…
OBJECTIVES: Pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We sought to summarize literature on communication and decision-making, end-of-life care, and ethical issues to identify recommended…
Objectives: Accurate prediction of time to death after withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies may improve counseling for families and help identify candidates for organ donation after cardiac death. The study objectives were to: 1) train a long…
OBJECTIVES: Children with complex chronic conditions often receive inpatient and end-of-life care in the ICU, yet little is known about the clinical care strategies that best support this unique group of parents. This study aimed to elucidate…
OBJECTIVES: To assess the ability of two illness severity scores, Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction Score 2 and Pediatric Index of Mortality 3, in predicting PICU-acquired morbidity. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review conducted from April 2015 to…
OBJECTIVES: In children, coronavirus disease 2019 is usually mild but can develop severe hypoxemic failure or a severe multisystem inflammatory syndrome, the latter considered to be a postinfectious syndrome, with cardiac involvement alone or…
OBJECTIVES: Communication breakdowns in PICUs contribute to inadequate parent support and poor post-PICU parent outcomes. No interventions supporting communication have demonstrated improvements in parental satisfaction or psychologic morbidity. We…
OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of an electronic version of the Pediatric Index of Mortality 2 score. DESIGN: Retrospective observational study. SETTING: Pediatric and cardiac ICUs at a quaternary medical center. PATIENTS: Patients more than 60…
OBJECTIVE: To quantify moral distress in neonatal ICU and PICU clinicians and to identify associated factors. DESIGN: A national cross-sectional survey of clinicians working in an neonatal ICU or PICU. Moral distress was assessed with the Moral…
OBJECTIVES: Therapeutic alliance is the collaborative bond that develops between patients/families and healthcare providers. Our objective is to determine the extent of therapeutic alliance bereaved parents perceive to have occurred with their…
OBJECTIVES: The objectives are as follows: 1) estimate palliative care consult rates and trends among critically ill children and 2) characterize which children receive palliative care consults, including those meeting previously proposed…
INTRODUCTION: Despite growing recognition of pediatric palliative care's importance, training in palliative care communication remains a gap in medical education. Graduating medical students frequently feel unprepared to initiate or facilitate goals…
OBJECTIVES: Children with dependence on respiratory or feeding technologies are frequently admitted to the PICU, but little is known about their characteristics or outcomes. We hypothesized that they are at increased risk of critical illness-related…
OBJECTIVES: To describe how children currently die in Spanish PICUs, their epidemiologic characteristics and clinical diagnoses. DESIGN: Prospective multicenter observational study. SETTING: Eighteen PICUs participating in the MOdos de Morir en UCI…
Objectives: To describe and compare characteristics of care provided at the end of life for children with chronic complex conditions and neonates who died in an ICU with those who died outside an ICU. Design: Substudy of a nation-wide retrospective…
OBJECTIVES: Describe pediatric palliative care consult in children with heart disease; retrospectively apply Center to Advance Palliative Care criteria for pediatric palliative care consults; determine the impact of pediatric palliative care on end…
Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of do-not-resuscitate status, assess the epidemiologic trends of do-not-resuscitate status, and assess the factors associated with do-not-resuscitate status in children after in-hospital cardiac arrest using…
OBJECTIVES: Studies in adult patients have shown that do-not-resuscitate orders are often associated with decreased medical intervention. In neonatology, this phenomenon has not been investigated, and how do-not-resuscitate orders potentially affect…
OBJECTIVES: Around the world, the PICU is one of the most common sites for hospitalized children to die. Although ensuring the best possible care experience for these children and their families is important, clear recommendations for end-of-life and…
Introduction: Family conferences between parents of critically ill children and health care providers in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) serve an important role in family centered care. Many family conferences include palliative care…
Aims & Objectives: To develop three linked projects to enumerate, reflect upon and identify ways to improve the experience of children with life limiting conditions (LLC) admitted to PICU without previous contact with palliative care services or…
Aims & Objectives: End of life conversations form the basis of many complex communication scenarios in paediatric intensive care (PICU). These conversations are sometimes initiated late in the disease process. Anecdotal evidence is that many…
Aims & Objectives: To study the epidemiology of deaths in our paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) over 5 years, so that we can better understand the dying experience of these patients and improve on palliative care for patients with life-limiting…
Aims & Objectives: Caring for dying children is complex and requires coordination of all resources. In PICU the main objective is to save lives and ensure vital functions in critically ill children. However due to the child's critical and life…
Aims & Objectives: Preference for care in dying children is important for the quality of end-of-life care but little is known about attitudes of the relatives of the children toward the preference according to the expected life span. Methods We…