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Introduction: In neonatology, multiple pregnancies are common. Unfortunately, it is not rare for one baby to die. Communication with parents in these circumstances has been demonstrated to be sub-optimal. Methods: Two educational programs were…
CONTEXT: Improving end-of-life care for children with complex chronic conditions (CCCs) requires parental perspectives. The vulnerability of bereaved parents has historically been a research barrier and studies describing their research participation…
OBJECTIVES: Children with complex chronic conditions often receive inpatient and end-of-life care in the ICU, yet little is known about the clinical care strategies that best support this unique group of parents. This study aimed to elucidate…
CONTEXT: Improving end-of-life care for children with complex chronic conditions (CCCs) requires parental perspectives. The vulnerability of bereaved parents has historically been a research barrier and studies describing their research participation…
Objective Although stakeholders' participation in healthcare is increasingly recommended, bereaved parents are often excluded for perceived potential risks to them. The objective of this study is to describe the ongoing involvement and the…
BACKGROUND: Limited knowledge exists of parents' perceptions and experiences of children's hospices and how these contribute to the varied access and uptake of services. AIM: This study aimed to explore parents' perspectives and experiences of a…
BACKGROUND: Societal attitudes about end-of-life events are at odds with how, where, and when children die. In addition, parents' ideas about what constitutes a "good death" in a pediatric intensive care unit vary widely. OBJECTIVE: To synthesize…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Children with medical complexity (CMC) often have multiple life-limiting conditions with no unifying diagnosis and an unclear prognosis and are at high risk for morbidity and mortality. Advance care planning (ACP)…
OBJECTIVES: Children with medical complexity (CMC) have high readmission rates, but relatively little is known from the parent perspective regarding care experiences surrounding and factors contributing to readmissions. We aimed to elicit parent…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Clinicians are urged to optimize communication with families, generally without empirical practical recommendations. The objective of this study was to identify core behaviors associated with good communication during and…
Introduction: The care at the end of children's lives must be sensitive to the needs of the child and their family. An understanding of the illness is required from the perspective of parents faced with the death of their child, in order to improve…
Objectives: For children, adolescents, and young adults with complex chronic conditions advance care planning may be a vital component of optimal care. Advance care planning outcomes research has previously focused on seriously ill adults and…
OBJECTIVE: To characterize patterns of care at the end of life for children and young adults with life-threatening complex chronic conditions (LT-CCCs) and to compare them by LT-CCC type. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of bereaved parents (n =…
Parents facing the death of their child have a strong need for compassionate professional support. Care services should be based on empirical evidence, be sensitive to the needs of the families concerned, take into account the…