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Introduction: In neonatology, multiple pregnancies are common. Unfortunately, it is not rare for one baby to die. Communication with parents in these circumstances has been demonstrated to be sub-optimal. Methods: Two educational programs were…
The emotional turmoil associated with extremely preterm birth is inescapable parents. How each parent handles the unexpected, makes sense of the unknown and learns to parent their child is uniquely personal. A rigid standardized approach to support…
Advances in perinatal care bring with them ethical challenges and difficult questions. When should we provide life-sustaining interventions, and who should decide? Particularly at the edges of viability, some clinicians may feel required to provide a…
OBJECTIVE: To quantify moral distress in neonatal ICU and PICU clinicians and to identify associated factors. DESIGN: A national cross-sectional survey of clinicians working in an neonatal ICU or PICU. Moral distress was assessed with the Moral…
BACKGROUND: Current conceptualisations of moral distress largely portray a negative phenomenon that leads to burnout, reduced job satisfaction and poor patient care. OBJECTIVE: To explore clinical experiences, perspectives and perceptions of moral…
The nature and content of the conversations between the healthcare team and the parents concerning withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining interventions for neonates vary greatly. These depend upon the status of the infant; for some neonates,…
Trisomy 13 and trisomy 18 (T13-18) are associated with high rates of perinatal death and with severe disability among survivors. Prenatal diagnosis (PND) may lead many women to terminate their pregnancy but some women choose to continue their…
More than a century ago, the leaders of public health identified the infant mortality rate as a key measure to assess and understand the health of society.1 Today, the infant mortality rate of a country or region remains an important marker of public…
OBJECTIVE: To review the literature on moral distress experienced by nursing and medical professionals within neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and paediatric intensive care units (PICUs). DESIGN: Pubmed, EBSCO (Academic Search Complete, CINAHL…
OBJECTIVE: To clarify the process of end-of-life decision-making in culturally different neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). STUDY DESIGN: Review of medical files of newborns >22 weeks gestation who died in the delivery room (DR) or the NICU…
AIM: Perinatal deaths occurring outside the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are rarely recorded in outcome studies, despite having a direct impact on perinatal statistics. Our aim was to investigate the timing and modes of perinatal deaths that…
AIMS: This study explored how paediatric healthcare professionals experienced and coped with end-of-life conflicts and identified how to improve coping strategies. METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed to all 2,300 professionals at a paediatric…
The majority of neonatal deaths occur after a decision to limit life-sustaining interventions (LSIs). Decisions on when to withhold/withdraw LSIs in fragile neonates are among the most difficult decisions in paediatric practice. Two rigorous…
Background: The majority of children die in pediatric hospitals after a decision to withhold or withdraw life sustaining interventions. Tensions and conflicts at the end of life (EOL) are not rare in pediatric hospitals. Objective: To investigate how…
Background: The majority of children die in pediatric
hospitals after a decision to withhold or withdraw
life sustaining interventions. Tensions and conflicts
at the end of life (EOL) are not rare in pediatric
Objective: To investigate how…
Trisomy 13 and 18 are life-limiting conditions for which a palliative approach is frequently recommended. The objective of this study was to examine parental goals/decisions, the length of life of their child and factors associated with survival.…