Browse Items (155 total)

Pediatric neurodegenerative disorders (PNDs), such as juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN3 disease, also called Batten disease) and juvenile Huntington disease, are devastating conditions that result in progressive neurological dysfunction…

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Background: The role of pediatric palliative care (PPC) is well described in oncology, however, its involvement in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) is not well explored. Method(s): This prospective interventional study was conducted on…

Objectives The West Midlands Perinatal Palliative Care Service based at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Hospital Trust is one of the busiest services in the UK after being in operation only 2 years. The service offers support to all West…

Advances in neonatal medicine have allowed us to rescue extremely preterm infants. However, both long-term vulnerability and the burden of treatment in the neonatal period increase with decreasing gestational age. This raises questions about the…

INTRODUCTION: Nationally, over 45,000 children die each year with nearly 75% of those dying in hospitals and 80% of hospital deaths occurring in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). CHRISTUS Children's is among an estimated 20% of children's…

An adolescent's last moment of life is an emotionally and medically complex time. Children may grapple with understanding the things happening to them and with grief of a future lost; caregivers struggle to simultaneously balance deep sorrow, hope,…

Outcomes: 1. Participants will self-report the ability to evaluate the complexities and nuances of school (re)integration for pediatric patients receiving palliative care or hospice. 2. By utilizing an interdisciplinary approach which includes…

Background: Although the concepts of uncertainty and anticipated loss have been explored in a variety of contexts, advances in genetic testing and life-sustaining technology rendered changes in the care of medically complex infants. The separate…

Objective To describe the causes and circumstances of neonatal mortality and determine whether the implementation of a palliative care protocol has improved the quality of end-of-life care. Methods A retrospective observational study including all…

Objectives: This study examined short- and long-term psychological adjustment to parental bereavement in later life for mothers and fathers. Methods: Using 9 waves of data from the United States (1998-2014 Health and Retirement Study), I estimated…

OBJECTIVES: (1) To operationalise our previously published definition of neonatal serious illness by applying it to a patient cohort and (2) to evaluate timing of palliative care consultation, goals of care discussions and meeting serious illness…

The ethical barriers involved in the practice of pediatric palliative medicine remain high and challenging. In terms of medical ethics, attention should be paid to culture, religion and family values, in order to promote adequate care for caregivers,…

Objective: Barriers to palliative care for children with serious illness include system constraints and vastly different training and attitudes toward palliative care. This study aimed to explore trainee and faculty physician perceptions of barriers…

Fetal neurology is a rapidly evolving and expanding field. Discussions about diagnosis, prognosis, treatment options, and goals of care often begin in the antenatal period. However, there are inherent challenges to fetal counseling of neurological…

OBJECTIVE: Despite calls to increase prognosis communication for adolescents with cancer, limited research has examined their perceptions of prognosis as compared with their parents. We assessed adolescents' understanding of their prognosis relative…

BACKGROUND: Perinatal palliative care (PPC) is an emerging concept in fetal medicine that offers quality of life options and anticipatory grief management for families of fetuses with complex conditions. Few PPC outcomes are detailed in peer-reviewed…

BACKGROUND: Although the importance of palliative care in pediatric patients has been emphasized, many health care providers have difficulty determining when patients should be referred to the palliative care team. The Paediatric Palliative Screening…

Data show that children are less severely affected with SARS-Covid-19 than adults; however, there have been a small proportion of children who have been critically unwell. In this systematic review, we aimed to identify and describe which underlying…

Context: Racial and ethnic disparities in end-of-life care are well documented among adults with advanced cancer. Objective(s): To examine the extent to which communication and care differ by race and ethnicity among children with advanced cancer.…

BACKGROUND: The increase in the number of pediatric patients with complex health conditions necessitates the application of advance care planning for children. Earlier, withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment was taboo in the medical society in South…

BACKGROUND: Adolescents and young adults undergoing heart transplantation experience risks of morbidity and mortality both pre- and post-transplant. To improve end-of-life care for this population, it is necessary to understand their medical and…

Purpose of study Care for children with cardiac disease often involves difficult decisions and clinical uncertainty. Genomic Sequencing (GS) promises to improve clinical prognostics and could impact how difficult decisions are made. We sought to…

Objectives: * Describe a prospective study to evaluate how parents of children with advanced heart disease (AHD) perceive communication about prognosis with their child's physicians. * Describe results from this analysis that found no correlation…

Background: Approximately 500,000 children in the United States suffer from serious illnesses each year and 50,000 die annually. Hospice and palliative care services are known to be beneficial for many children with serious illnesses and their…

Background Little is known regarding the neuropsychological profiles of pediatric patients with mitochondrial diseases or their parents, information that is crucial for improving the quality of life (QOL) for both patients and parents. We aimed to…

Background: Despite advances in medical technology, resources for pediatric palliative care (PPC) for children with serious illnesses are limited in South Korea. Physicians' awareness of and willingness to provide general palliative care and refer to…

Learning Objectives: Integration of pediatric palliative care (PPC) into the management of children with serious illness and their families is widely endorsed by international organizations and experts in the field as standard of care. However,…

Objective To explore end-of-life (EoL) decision-making and palliative care in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) nationwide. Methods A cross-sectional national study on moderate-to-severe HIE in newborns ≥35 weeks’ gestational age in 2015,…

Introduction: Adolescents with cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and heart transplant (CMHF/HTx) are at risk of life-changing complications and premature death. The importance of advance care planning (ACP) in pediatric patients with HIV and cancer has…

OBJECTIVES: To determine which prognostic information sources parents find informative and which are associated with better parental understanding of prognosis. METHODS: Prospective, questionnaire-based cohort study of parents and physicians of…

BACKGROUND: Due to psychological distress and an increased care burden, parents of children diagnosed with cancer may face a higher risk of sickness absence from work. The objective of this study was to examine the association of childhood cancer…

Objectives: The goal of this study was to assess pediatric oncology providers' perceptions of palliative care in order to validate previously identified barriers and facilitators to early integration of a pediatric palliative care team (PCT) in the…

Background: "Primary" palliative care (PC) skills for CF care teams are not clearly defined, but in general for serious illness include managing basic physical and emotional symptoms, and having basic discussions about prognosis, goals, suffering,…

OBJECTIVE: Prognostication of survival is difficult in children with life-limiting illnesses because of the rarity of these conditions and technological advances improving survival. The objective of this article is to describe the characteristics of…
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