Browse Items (23 total)

Importance: Pediatric advance care planning (ACP), which aims to ensure care is aligned with family goals and values, is associated with better end-of-life outcomes; however, ACP in pediatrics remains uncommon. Objectives: To determine the…

Outcomes: 1. Participants will be able to identify the impact current bereavement resources have on patients and families treated at our free-standing children's hospital. 2. Participants will be able to identify periods during bereavement where…

Outcomes: 1. Using a critical historical approach, participants will evaluate why, how, and for/with who the "good death" concept emerged and how it has persisted over time. 2. The interprofessional authorship team will illustrate and deconstruct the…

Outcomes: 1. Utilizing single-case design and graphical analytic approaches, participants will self-report the ability to investigate prospective small-sample trends in anxiety symptom trajectories, individual variation over time, and clinically…

Background: Pediatric palliative care (PPC) can improve the quality of care provided to critically ill children with a high risk of morbidity and mortality. Early identification of patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) who may…

To examine the parent's experiences of bonding in the care of newborns who were seriously ill during the neonatal period and did not survive. Design: Data were collected through 7 interviews with 10 parents whose infants were cared for and died in a…

Objective: To pilot feasibility and acceptability of HomeVENT, a systematic approach to family-clinician decision-making about pediatric home ventilation. Methods: Parents and clinicians of children facing home ventilation decisions were enrolled at…

OBJECTIVES: Our research aims to compare the perception that children in the pediatric palliative care setting have of their emotional well-being, or that expressed by the parents, with the perception held by the professionals involved in their care.…

BACKGROUND: There is no standard assessment tool for pediatric home care recipients in Canada, limiting the availability of comparable, population-based data. The objective of this study was to describe pediatric home care recipients who were part of…

Background: For children with cancer in palliative care, pain and worry are common and frequently under-managed, which negatively impacts quality of life (QOL). Massage therapy (MT) can lead to reduced pain in children with chronic illnesses.…

BACKGROUND: Adolescents and young adults undergoing heart transplantation experience risks of morbidity and mortality both pre- and post-transplant. To improve end-of-life care for this population, it is necessary to understand their medical and…

Objectives: * Discuss whether the Reiki intervention was feasible to implement with this population of very young hospitalized children receiving palliative care. * Discuss why parents thought the Reiki intervention was helpful to their child.…

Background: To date, time-use studies in palliative care have been limited to exploration of time commitments of caregivers. Understanding time-use in people with a life-limiting illness might provide insight into disease progression, symptom…

Objectives: Research has shown that advance care planning concepts for adults need to be revised and adapted to be applicable to pediatric situations. A consistent approach to pediatric advance care planning (pACP) is still missing. The study aimed…

Background: Over the last decade, paediatric palliative care teams (PPCTs) have been introduced to support children with life-limiting diseases and their families and to ensure continuity, coordination and quality of paediatric palliative care (PPC).…

Background: Advanced care planning (ACP) is recommended for people with cystic fibrosis (CF). To date, a CF-specific consensus statement that would help CF care teams incorporate ACP into clinical practice has not been developed. Additional research…

Understanding parents' experience of care is essential to develop high-quality perinatal bereavement services. This study aimed at developing a questionnaire to identify parents' needs and record their experience of care. The patient experience…

Background: Although palliative care (PC) communication skills can be learned through trial and error, pediatric fellows have few opportunities to practice communication, and learning by doing may be harmful for families. Despite these issues and…

Children with chronic complex-medical conditions comprise a small minority of children who require substantial healthcare with major implications for hospital utilization and costs in pediatrics. Community-Based Pediatric Palliative Care…
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