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The authors examined psychosocial outcomes following the first year of bereavement, for 51 family caregivers, including both spouses and offspring. Researchers assessed caregivers during palliative care and again during the second year of…
Children who require palliative care are being 'short changed or ignored', according to a survey of services in England by the charity Together for Short Lives.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common life-limiting genetic conditions. Ellen Bolton (not her real name) is a teenager with one of the rarer presentations of CF. This case study explores the experiences of Ellen and her family. It discusses…
A career in pediatrics can bring great joy and satisfaction. It can also be challenging and lead some providers to manifest burnout and depression. A curriculum designed to help pediatric health providers acquire resilience and adaptive skills may be…
Palliative care is specialized care for people with life-limiting illness; it focuses on symptom management and quality of life and ensures that a patient's care is concordant with her goals and values. Unlike end-of-life care, palliative care can be…
OBJECTIVES: We hypothesize that a formal simulation curriculum prepares neonatology fellows for difficult conversations better than traditional didactics. METHODS: Single-center neonatology fellowship graduates from 1999 to 2013 were sent a…
Draft guidelines address regional variations, but there are worries over terminology, the needs of family members and implementation. The death of a child is a comparatively rare event in the UK. Even so, more than 3,000 infant and 2,000 children and…
A good palliative care service is responsive, available to families where they want it, provided round the clock, and co-ordinated by a lead healthcare professional or team. This is the view of one hospice director of care in response to a draft good…
Critical care providers are responsible for many aspects of patient care, primarily focusing on preserving life. However, nearly 40% of patients who are admitted to an adult critical care unit will not survive. Initiating a conversation about…
BACKGROUND: More children are living with serious illness. However, survival and complexity of illnesses have not been described. OBJECTIVE: To describe types of illnesses, timing of referral, and time to death following referral to palliative care;…
Moral distress frequently arises for medical trainees exposed to end-of-life cases. We review the small literature on best practices for reducing moral distress in such cases and propose two areas to target for moral distress reduction: medical…
This paper reports the findings from a Delphi Study undertaken to identify the research priorities in children's palliative care in Ireland. Palliative care for children is a small and highly specialised field of healthcare that focuses on improving…
Background: Although there are many studies that explore complicated grief, no studies have examined the impact of bereavement support services on the progression to complicated grief. The aims of our study were to describe the types of bereavement…
Major announcements were made in all four parts of the UK at the end of last year. All have the potential to improve the way seriously ill children are looked after.
Perinatal palliative care allows for an active partnership among a pregnant woman, her family, and her multidisciplinary treatment team and addresses her specialized medical care, emotional, social, and familial needs when a life-limiting fetal…
Background: The question ‘would you be surprised if this patient died in the next 12-months’ is widely used for identifying adult patients in the last year of life. However, this has not yet been studied in children.
Pain is a significant public health problem that affects all populations and has significant financial, physical and psychological impact. Opioid medications, once the mainstay of pain therapy across the spectrum, can be associated with significant…
CONTEXT: Specialized pediatric palliative home care (SPPHC) is the main pediatric palliative care structure in Germany. Detailed data on patient characteristics and care are sparse. Describing this population in terms of diagnoses and care needs is…
OBJECTIVE: To explore the influence of the Amulet artwork and exhibition on midwifery students' perceptions of caring for parents experiencing perinatal death. DESIGN: A descriptive qualitative design involving face-to-face semi-structured interviews…
The present study aimed to examine whether bereaved parents “meaning-made”–defined as results of attempts to reduce discrepancies between the meaning assigned to the death of the child and self and world-views—was influenced by their own and their…
Understanding parents' experience of care is essential to develop high-quality perinatal bereavement services. This study aimed at developing a questionnaire to identify parents' needs and record their experience of care. The patient experience…