Browse Items (152 total)

Objectives Perinatal palliative care is an evolving specialty committed to providing care for fetuses and babies with a life limiting condition diagnosed in the antenatal or neonatal period. It also includes supporting the parents and extended…

Objectives As per NICE guidelines [NG 61], children and young people with life limiting conditions and their carers or parents should have enough time and opportunities for discussions about difficult decisions around end-of-life care. A…

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, a pediatric hospice in Ottawa, Ontario, implemented a Virtual Bereavement Group Program, necessitating a reorganization of care delivery during the global crisis. This paper outlines the program and assesses the…

Background: Paediatric palliative and hospice care aims to improve the quality of life of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions and their families. The number of these patients has risen significantly in recent years, resulting…

A 15-year-old patient with metastatic synovial sarcoma conveyed to his palliative care physician that his dying wish was to start gender-affirming hormone therapy. His medical team was able to identify resources to support both him and his family as…

Context: Home-based pediatric palliative and hospice care (PPHC) supports the hundreds of thousands of children with serious illness and complex care needs and their families in the home setting. Considerable variation, however, exists in the…

Objectives: Many children undergo surgery or an invasive procedure during their terminal hospital admission.1 The types of procedures, patients, and the intent of the procedures has not been well defined. Understanding these details may help…

Outcomes: 1. Implement a scoring system to facilitate clear and concise communication of goals of care between palliative care teams, hospice staff, and families. 2. Understand the benefits of a scoring system for hospice staff to mitigate family…

Outcomes: 1. Participants will be able to describe the need for dedicated pediatric hospice support as well as the differences in care needs of children versus adults. 2. Participants will be able to identify at least three tangible actions to…

BACKGROUND: Research exploring nurse-parent relationships in children's hospices is rare. AIM: To investigate how children's hospice nurses manage emotional labour and professional integrity in their long-term relationships with parents. METHODS: A…

BACKGROUND: Children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions have multidimensional needs and heterogenous cognitive and communicative abilities. There is limited evidence to support clinicians to tailor their communication…

BACKGROUND: The establishment of paediatric hospices improves the quality of care of paediatric nurses. AIM: To examine the effect of establishing paediatric hospices on the quality of care of paediatric nurses. METHOD(S): Data was collected between…

This scoping review aimed to explore the characteristics of neonatal palliative care in the neonatal intensive care unit, including the features, contents, and experiences of infants, parents, and nurses during palliative care. Five databases…

In areas where there are absences of pediatric hospice care, adult hospices are often asked to provide hospice care for children. Little is known about these adult hospices. The purpose of our study was to describe the characteristics of adult…

BACKGROUND: In 2020, the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care redefined palliative care to incorporate the concept of serious health-related suffering. An estimated 21 million children globally live with conditions which would…

BACKGROUND: South Asians are one of the fastest growing populations in the US. Family based decision making is common among this population. Little is known about their knowledge and attitudes towards hospice use. OBJECTIVE(S): This study explored US…

Hospice care plays a vital role in providing compassionate and holistic support to terminally ill patients and their families. While hospice care has gained recognition and acceptance globally, its implementation and understanding in the context of…

PURPOSE: This phenomenological analysis was conducted to explore the experiences of college student volunteers in the field of pediatric palliative care. METHODS: In-depth interviews were conducted with nine study participants who had experience…

Care after the death of a child and support of their bereaved family is an important element of the services offered by children's hospices in the United Kingdom. The study aims to explore the emotional challenges of those delivering…

Objectives To identify gaps in SPPC provision at a patient and service level at the tertiary centre, local children's hospice and the region, compared to national frameworks and standards. Specialist paediatric palliative care (SPPC) aims to improve…

Purpose: Pediatric palliative care is a rapidly developing multidisciplinary approach that supports children with life-limiting conditions and their families. However, there is limited evidence on how to effectively support bereaved parents and…

Purpose: Considering growing disparities in health outcomes between rural and urban areas of Appalachia, this study compared the incremental Medicaid costs of pediatric concurrent care (implemented by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)…

BACKGROUND: A terminally ill child should have the possibility to be at home with their family during the end of life. Provision of care from primary care nurses (PCNs) is crucial, but no model exists on how specialised paediatric palliative care…

OBJECTIVES: To explore experiences of pediatric clinicians participating in a serious illness communication program (SICP) for advance care planning (ACP), examining how the SICP supports clinicians to improve their communication and the challenges…

BACKGROUND: Poor psychological well-being among healthcare staff has implications for staff sickness and absence rates, and impacts on the quality, cost and safety of patient care. Although numerous studies have explored the well-being of hospice…

BACKGROUND: Parents of babies diagnosed with life limiting conditions in the perinatal period face numerous challenges. Considerations include the remainder of the pregnancy, delivery of the baby and decisions around care in the neonatal period. AIM:…

Instrumental variable analysis (IVA) has been widely used in many fields, including health care, to determine the comparative effectiveness of a treatment, intervention, or policy. However, its application in pediatric end-of-life care research has…

Using a sample of 18,152 pediatric hospice patients, this study assessed the cost-effectiveness of concurrent care over standard hospice care. Analysis of incremental cost-effectiveness ratios with bootstrapping simulations showed that concurrent…

Aims: This feasibility study aimed to systematically identify and address the support needs of parents of children with life-limiting illnesses and to assess whether the systematic approach was acceptable and relevant to parents. Method(s): The CSNAT…

Palliative care has been defined as 'the active holistic care of individuals across all ages with serious health-related suffering due to severe illness, and especially of those near the end of life'. Unfortunately, palliative care and especially…

Currently, little is known about how geographic information systems (GIS) has been utilized to study end-of-life care in pediatric populations. The purpose of this review was to collect and examine the existing evidence on how GIS methods have been…

Abstract Objectives: To characterize delivery of goal-concordant end-of-life (EOL) care among children with complex chronic conditions and to determine factors associated with goal-concordance. Study design: This was a retrospective review of goals…

For the first time since he was born, we looked at our son as a baby who had withstood endless medical interventions. Rather than taking each new diagnosis in stride, we stopped to reflect. [...]

Context: Most children with cancer die in hospital settings, without hospice, and many suffer from high-intensity medical interventions and pain at end of life (EOL). Objective(s): To examine the effects of COMPLETE: a communication plan early…

Project ECHO (Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes) is an innovative model of online education which has been proposed to enhance access to palliative care in resource-limited settings. There is limited literature describing how health care…

OBJECTIVES: The present study aims to determine the attitudes of care providers including obstetricians, paediatricians and midwives working in perinatal, obstetric and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) wards of the selected teaching hospitals in…

Given that pediatric concurrent hospice care has been available for more than a decade, it is appropriate to seek an understanding of the value of this care delivery approach. Value is the cost associated with achieving beneficial health outcomes. In…

Background Estimating the local population needs for children's palliative care services can prove challenging. Data has shown that most children die in hospital and not all children with life-limiting conditions (LLC) are known to local hospices at…

After death care is an essential service offered by paediatric hospices in the time between the death of a child and their funeral or care being transferred to a funeral home. This service allows families time together, privacy and memory making…
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