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Background: Little is known about the extent to which pediatric palliative care (PPC) clinicians are engaged in ethics consults or how they perceive interactions with ethics consultants. Objective: Describe the extent to which PPC team members serve…

In areas where there are absences of pediatric hospice care, adult hospices are often asked to provide hospice care for children. Little is known about these adult hospices. The purpose of our study was to describe the characteristics of adult…

Full text linksCite Abstract Background: Parents of medically complex children hold deeply personal definitions of how to be "good parents" that guide their medical decision making and interactions with providers and are impacted by provider…

CONTEXT: Children with cancer and their families have complex needs related to symptoms, decision-making, care planning, and psychosocial impact extending across the illness trajectory, which for some includes end of life. Whether specialty pediatric…

BACKGROUND: Children with terminal cancer and their families describe a preference for home-based end-of-life care. Inadequate support outside of the hospital is a limiting factor in home location feasibility, particularly in rural regions lacking…

For the sizeable subset of adolescents and young adults whose cancer is incurable, developmentally appropriate end-of-life discussions are critical. Standards of care for adolescent and young adult end-of-life communication have been established,…

The prevalence of Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) programs for children significantly increased over the past two decades. In more recent years, however, evidence suggests a plateau in program expansion and service reach, despite the current reality…

Background The origins of the word condolence stem from Latin roots: com ‘together,” and dolere, “to grieve”. Parents grieving the death of their child benefit from condoling words and actions of those around them. Grieving the death of a child…

Background: Parents of seriously ill children are at risk of psychosocial morbidity, which may be mitigated by competent family-centered communication and role-affirming conversations. Parent caregivers describe a guiding desire to do a good job in…

Families of children receiving palliative care depict lack of respite services as a top unmet need. Although the benefits of access to respite services are notable, little is known on a state-by-state basis about respite provision or funding. The…

Background: Medicaid is the most common of health care benefits for children at end of life. Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) presents a complex policy scenario for children enrolled in the Medicaid hospice benefit, and…

Parents of ill children have willingly identified their personal beliefs about what they should do or focus on to fulfill their own internal definition of being a good parent for their child. This observation has led to the development of the…

Lack of availability of community-based pediatric palliative care and home-based hospice services for children limits care location options for families. For many families from rural regions, hospital-based care models may be perceived as the only…

Palliative care (PC) subspecialists and clinical ethics consultants often engage in parallel work, as both function primarily as interprofessional consultancy services called upon in complex clinical scenarios and challenging circumstances. Both…

Pediatric palliative care (PPC) is different from palliative care (PC) for adults. However, conceptualizing PPC remains cumbersome due to the high heterogeneity of often rare diseases, the high diversity of disease trajectories, and the particular…

Seriously ill children, adolescents, and young adults (C-AYA) live with a heavy symptom burden, uncertain or poor prognoses, and evolving expectations of their disease course that require health care professionals (HCPs) to facilitate and maintain…

* Abbreviations: IRB — : institutional review board PPC — : pediatric palliative care Patient- and family-centered care “is an innovative approach to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health care that is grounded in a…

Abstract Context: Insufficient communication from the medical team following a child's death may compound parental grief. Pediatric residents care for children who die, yet the landscape of condolence expression education within residency programs…

Context: The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has profoundly impacted the provision of pediatric palliative care (PPC) interventions including goals of care discussions, symptom management, and end-of-life care. Objective: Gaining understanding of the…

Objective: Parents of seriously ill children worry about their vulnerable child contracting COVID-19, whether their child's palliative care providers will be able to continue to provide the same quality of care to their child, and who can be with the…

Background: Hospital-based support for bereaved parents is regarded as best practice. Little is known about parental perceptions or programmatic potential of online grief support. Objectives: To learn from bereaved parent participants' experiences…

Objectives: Define the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on pediatric palliative care team structures, communication, and workflow; and describe the roles, responsibilities, and reflections of interdisciplinary team members. Methods: Cross-sectional…

BACKGROUND: Parents of children with complex medical needs describe an internal, personal definition of "trying to be a good parent" for their loved child. Gaps exist in the current "good parent concept" literature: (1) When the idea of "trying to be…

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to report the benefits and burdens of palliative research participation on children, siblings, parents, clinicians, and researchers. BACKGROUND: Pediatric palliative care requires research to mature the science and…

OBJECTIVE: To synthesize the perspectives of a broad range of pediatric palliative care (PPC) clinicians and parents, to formulate a consensus on prioritization of the PPC research agenda. STUDY DESIGN: A 4-round modified Delphi online survey was…

CONTEXT: Implementation of pediatric palliative care as a primary practice relevant for all pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists requires a grounding, shared knowledge. This study reports on the innovative application of a monthly Palliative…

The national nursing shortage translates into a gap in home nursing care available to children with complex, chronic medical conditions and their family caregivers receiving palliative care consultations. A total of 38 home health nursing surveys…

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