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Introduction: Palliative care is a critical component of pediatric oncology care. Embedded pediatric palliative care (PPC) is relatively new in pediatric hematology/oncology (PHO) and may improve access, utilization, and quality of PPC. In June 2020,…
Background/Objective: Compared to existing studies on end-of-life care of mid- to older-aged patients diagnosed with cancer, there is a paucity of research on adolescents and young adult (AYA) patients. Guided by the Anderson's Behavioral Model for…
Background: There is growing evidence that palliative care (PC) is associated with increased quality of life in children with cancer. Despite increasing recommendations in support of PC to improve pediatric oncology care, little is known about its…
Background/Objectives: Palliative care for Pediatric cancer patients and their families includes the relief of symptom and improvement of quality of life at any and all stages of disease. There care are most effectively provided by an…