Browse Items (29 total)
- Tags: Fatigue
Living with Pompe disease: results from a qualitative interview study with children and adolescents and their caregivers
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, cognitive behavioral therapy, Content Analysis, content validity, Disease Severity, Dyspnea, Emotion, emotional appraisal, enzyme replacement, Fatigue, February List 2025, Female, glycogen storage disease type 2, Hahn A, Hennermann JB, Home Care, Huemer M, Human, inborn error of metabolism, Lagler FB, Landolt MA, Life Expectancy, Male, MAXQDA software, Moslinger D, Multicenter Study, Muscle Weakness, musculoskeletal pain, Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases, Pain, Pain Intensity, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Pfrimmer C, psychosocial care, Qualitative Analysis, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Rohrbach M, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Severity Of Illness Index, social exclusion, Social Support, sore throat, Truninger MI, Vomiting, Werner H, Young Adult
Understanding and Optimizing Rest and Rejuvenation for Family Caregivers of Children with Medical Complexity
Tags: 2024, Adult, Caregiver, Caregiver Support, Child, Clinician, conceptual model, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, coronavirus disease 2019, Family, Fatigue, Female, Follow Up, household, Human, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Palliative Therapy, Participant Observation, Porter AS, Qualitative Analysis, rejuvenation, Respite Care, rest, Semi Structured Interview, task shifting, ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase
Has Pediatric Palliative Care Become Too Deferential? A Challenge To and For the Field
Tags: 2024, Advance Care Planning, Caregiver, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Coping, Distress Syndrome, Drug Administration, Family Centered Care, Fatigue, Health Care Personnel, Human, Humphrey LH, Jacobowski N, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Medical Specialist, Palliative Therapy, professionalism, psychiatrist, psychological defense, Psychologist, Self Report, shared decision making, Teamwork, Truba NP, vignette
Supportive care for cancer-related symptoms in pediatric oncology: a qualitative study among healthcare providers
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, acupressure, Acupuncture, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adult, Aged, alternative medicine, anxiety, Arcury TA, Aromatherapy, Article, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, Canada, Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Therapy, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Constipation, Content Analysis, dietitian, Education, Fatigue, Female, Germany, Health Care Personnel, Human, insomnia, Integrative Medicine, Interview, Jong MC, Kristoffersen AE, Leukemia, Male, Massage, Mora DC, Music Therapy, Nausea, Netherlands, Norway, Nurse, Palliative Therapy, Philosophy, Play Therapy, Professional Practice, psychodrama, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Quandt SA, Semi Structured Interview, Stub T, United States, vincristine, Vomiting
Evaluating a Pediatric Palliative Care Elective Rotation Through Prompted Reflective Writing and Aligning with Competencies
Tags: 2023, Accreditation, Arevalo Soriano T, Article, Child, clinical evaluation, Crawford C, Fatigue, Hospice, Human, inductive reasoning, Intestine Obstruction, Jarrell JA, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Learning, Lu S, Medical Education, October List 2050, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, physical examination, Population Health, professionalism, Resident, Rotation, Rubenstein J, United States, writing
The FATHER Model of Loss and Grief After Child's Life-Limiting Illness
Tags: 2023, ambivalence, anxiety, Article, August List 2045, Child, Cinahl, Davies S, Deterioration, directory, disenfranchised grief, ethnography, Father, Fatigue, Female, Grief, Guilt, Hamilton J, Human, injury, Male, Medline, Mental Health, meta analysis, Michael A, Mother, Mukaetova-Ladinska EB, Only Child, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Postavaru GI, Practice Guideline, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, quality control, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Swaby H, Swaby R, Systematic Review, unresolved grief
The efficacy of educational interventions on neonatal intensive care unit nurses knowledge and attitude toward neonatal palliative care
Tags: 2023, Abuhammad S, adjuvant therapy, Adult, Aggression, analgesic activity, anxiety, Article, Attitude, care behavior, Chronic Pain, cocaine, Controlled Study, Death, Demographics, drowsiness, drug dependence, Education Program, Educational Status, El-Bashir M, Elayyan M, electrolyte disturbance, Electronic Journal of General Medicine, emotional deprivation, Family, Fatigue, Female, Grief, Hospital Admission, Human, Human Experiment, Infant Newborn, Intestine, Jordan, June 2022 List, Knowledge, Male, Marriage, Morphine, Nausea And Vomiting, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, neonatal intensive care unit attitude scale, Nurse, Nursing, Opiate, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, pethidine, pretest posttest design, Prognosis, Questionnaire, Respiration Depression, scoring system, Sedation, work experience
Impact of Palliative Care Integration on End-of-Life Outcomes in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant
Tags: 2023, anxiety, Appetite, Baker JN, bleeding, bodily secretions, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, coughing, Cuviello A, Data Analysis, Demographics, Diarrhea, Distress Syndrome, do not resuscitate order, Documentation, Dyspnea, edema, Fatigue, Female, fever, hematopoietic cell, Hospice, Human, human cell, Intubation, Irritability, July List 2023, Levine DR, Lifespan, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Nausea And Vomiting, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Quality Of Life, Retrospective Study, Surgery, Survival, Terminal Care, Transplantation, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
Safety and Feasibility of Home Transfusions in Pediatric Palliative Care: A Preliminary Report
Pediatric oncology nursing research in low- and middle-income countries
Tags: 2020, Afungchwi G M, Alqudimat M R, alternative medicine, Burkitt lymphoma, cancer incidence, Cancer Survival, Caregiver, Caregiver Burden, caregiver burnout, Challinor J M, Cytotoxicity, Day S W, Developing World 2020 List, economic status, Fatigue, geographic distribution, gross national income, Health Care Personnel, high income country, Human, immune status, Impact of Events Scale, Infant Mortality, Kaposi sarcoma, lifestyle, low income country, malnutrition, Methodology, middle income country, nurse training, Nursing Care, Nursing Practice, nursing science, Nutrition, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Oncology, pediatric oncology nursing, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, risk factor, Sepsis, Southeast Asian, Southern Europe, Stress, traditional medicine, treatment response
A simple system for symptom assessment in pediatric palliative care patients with cancer: A preliminary report
Tags: 2018, Anorexia, Bruera E, Caregiver, Charone M, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Dibaj S, Fatigue, Female, Health Care Quality, Human, insomnia, Irritability, Journal of Clinical Oncology. Conference, Liu D, Loss Of Appetite, Madden K, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Mills S, nervousness, Oncology 2019 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Symptom Assessment, Williams J L
Health-related quality of life in children with Friedreich ataxia
Tags: 2010, Adolescent Child Female, alertness, Fatigue, Friedman L S, Friedreich ataxia, Friedreich Ataxia/pp [Physiopathology], Friedreich Ataxia/px [Psychology], Health Status, Humans, Lynch D R, Male, Myers L M, Paulsen E K, Pediatric Neurology, Quality Of Life/px [psychology], scale development, tool development
Fatigue and depression in children with demyelinating disorders
Tags: 2013, acquired demyelinating syndromes, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Adolescent, alertness, Article, Benedict R H B, Canada, characteristics, Child, Child Behavior, Childhood Disease, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Comorbidity, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, demyelinating disease, demyelinating disorders, Depression, disease duration, Epidemiology, Fatigue, Female, Health Survey, Human, Journal of Child Neurology, Male, Mood, Multiple Sclerosis, Parrish J B, Priority Journal, psychological aspect, School Child, Self Report, Sleep, Smerbeck A, Therapy, Trajectory, Weinstock-Guttman B, Yeh E A
Quality of life among children with velocardiofacial syndrome
Intrathecal baclofen treatment an option in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
Tags: 1134-47-0 (baclofen), 1309378-01-5 (botulinum toxin A), 1638949-86-6 (botulinum toxin A), 1800016-51-6 (botulinum toxin A), 2018, 93384-43-1 (botulinum toxin A), Addison disease, adrenoleukodystrophy/dt [Drug Therapy], adrenoleukodystrophy/su [Surgery], Article, baclofen, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/po [Oral Drug Administration], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], balance disorder, behavior change, bladder dysfunction, botulinum toxin A, Case Report, Child, Clinical Article, clinical examination, clonus, diplopia, drug dose increase, Dystonia, Ehrstedt C, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Fatigue, hearing disorder, Hjartarson H T, Human, hyperpigmentation, intrathecal baclofen, intrathecal pump, Leukodystrophy, limited mobility, Male, Pain, pharmacologic interventions, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, Range of Motion, School Child, Spasticity, strabismus, Tedroff K, tone and motor problems, urinary catheter, visual disorder, X chromosome linked disorder/dt [Drug Therapy], X chromosome linked disorder/su [Surgery], X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
Association Between Fatigue and Autistic Symptoms in Children With Cri du Chat Syndrome
Mitochondrial capacity, muscle endurance, and low energy in friedreich ataxia
Tags: 2017, Adolescent, Adult, alertness, Article, Bossie H M, cellular subcellular and molecular biological phenomena and functions, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Comparative Study, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Disease Severity, electrostimulation, endurance, energy, Fatigue, Female, Friedreich ataxia, Godin Leisure Time Physical Activity Score, Human, Male, McCully K K, mechanomyography, mitochondrial capacity, Muscle and Nerve, muscle endurance, muscle exercise, myography, near infrared spectroscopy, O'Connor P J, oxygen consumption, physical energy, Priority Journal, Schoick R A V, School Child, scoring system, skeletal muscle, Trajectory, Willingham T B
Providing cost-effective and coordinated care for children with medical complexity
Tags: 2019, administrative personnel, Adolescent, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Artificial Ventilation, Caregiver, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Chow C, conference abstract, Congenital Heart Disease, Controlled Study, Diagnosis, Fatigue, Female, Gastrostomy, Home Care, Human, limited mobility, machine, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Technology, Multicenter Study, Multidisciplinary team, Neuromuscular Disease, Nurse, October 2019 List, Outpatient, Pediatrician, salary, Shahdadpuri R, Stress, Tracheostomy, ventilator, working time
Care with love: Parents' experiences in caring their child with cancer under palliative care
Tags: 2018, Allenidekania A, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, daily life activity, Data Analysis, Fatigue, Fear, Female, Human, Interview, jealousy, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Nafratilova M, Nurse, Oncology 2018 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Phenomenology, primary medical care, Sibling, Uncertainty, Wanda D
An interdisciplinary care model to establishing palliative care for children and adolescents with cancer
Tags: 2018, Adolescent, cancer model, Cancer Patient, Case Study, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Constipation, Counseling, Dyspnea, Education, Fatigue, Health Care Quality, Hospice, Hsu PY, Human, Lin FR, Oncology 2018 List, oncology ward, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Satisfaction, Social Worker, Taiwan, Terminal Care
End-of-life care in children with hematologic malignancies
Tags: 2017, 52-26-6 (morphine), 57-27-2 (morphine), Adolescent, Adult, Article, Balzer S, Blood Transfusion, Borkhardt A, Child, Child Care, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Fatigue, Female, hematologic malignancy/dt [Drug Therapy], hematologic malignancy/th [Therapy], Hoell JI, Home Care, Hospital Mortality, Human, Intensive Care Unit, Janßen G, Kuhlen M, Male, Morphine/dt [drug Therapy], mucosa inflammation, Oncology 2018 List, Oncotarget, Palliative Therapy, pallor, Patient Referral, petechia, prescription, Retrospective Study, somnolence, Terminal Care, treatment duration, walking difficulty, Warfsmann J
A cross-sectional pilot study of compassion fatigue (CF), burnout (BO), and compassion satisfaction (CS) in pediatric palliative care (PPC) providers in the United States
Physical activity (PA) and sleep among children and adolescents with cancer
Fatigue in adolescents with cancer compared to healthy adolescents
Symptoms in the palliative phase of children with cancer
Tags: 2007, Adolescent, Age Factors, Anorexia, Attitude To Death, Backlog, Brain Neoplasms, Caregivers, Child, Emotions, Fatigue, Fear, Female, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Hoogerbrugge PM, Humans, Infant, Journal Article, Leukemia, Male, Mobility Limitation, Neoplasms, Pain, Pain Management, Palliative Care, Parent-child Relations, Parents, Pediatric Blood & Cancer, Physician-patient Relations, Preschool, Prins JB, Professional-family Relations, Psychological, Questionnaires, Retrospective Studies, Social Support, Stress, Terminal Care, Theunissen JMJ, Treatment Failure, van Achterberg T, van den Ende CHM, Vernooij-Dassen M
Coping, self-efficacy and psychiatric history in patients with both chronic widespread pain and chronic fatigue
Tags: 2009, Activities of Daily Living, Adaptation, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Attitude To Health, Backlog, Buchwald D, Chronic, Chronic Disease, Comorbidity, Depressive Disorder, Emotions, Fatigue, Fatigue Syndrome, Female, Fibromyalgia, General Hospital Psychiatry, Humans, Journal Article, Major, Male, Middle Aged, Pain, Post-traumatic, Problem Solving, Psychological, Questionnaires, Regression Analysis, Self Efficacy, Severity Of Illness Index, Smith WR, Strachan ED, Stress Disorders, Young Adult
Non-pharmacological interventions for management of fatigue among children with cancer: systematic review of existing practices and their effectiveness
Home-Based Palliative Care for Children With Incurable Cancer: Long-term Perspectives of and Impact on General Practitioners
Tags: 2017, Bindels PJE, Cancer Epidemiology, Child, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Darlington ASE, Death, Distress Syndrome, Doctor Patient Relation, Fatigue, General Practitioner, Human, Human Versus Animal Comparison, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Major Clinical Study, Michiels EMC, Nonhuman, Oncology 2017 List, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Panic, Pieters R, Pluijm SMF, Powerlessness, Questionnaire, Sadness, Symptom, Thermometer, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, van der Geest IMM, van der Heide A
Late Effects of Treatment and Palliative Care
Tags: 147-94-4 (cytarabine), 154-93-8 (carmustine), 15475-56-6 (methotrexate), 15663-27-1 (cisplatin), 2017, 26035-31-4 (cisplatin), 59-05-2 (methotrexate), 69-74-9 (cytarabine), 7413-34-5 (methotrexate), 96081-74-2 (cisplatin), Advance Care Planning, Appetite Disorder, Banerjee A, Bone Density, Brain Tumor, Carmustine, Central Nervous System Tumor, Chang E, Childhood Cancer Survivor, Cisplatin, Constipation, Corticosteroid, Cytarabine, Diarrhea, Dyspnea, Endocrine Disease, Fatigue, Genetic Polymorphism, Goldsby R, Health Care Quality, Human, Incidence, Medical Decision Making, Medulloblastoma, Methotrexate, Morbidity, Mortality Rate, Mueller S, Nausea And Vomiting, Neuroectoderm Tumor, Neuropathic Pain, Neuropsychological Test, November 2017 List, Pain Assessment, Palliative Therapy, Patient Care, Pediatric Oncology, Phase 1 Clinical Trial (topic), Priority Journal, Psychosocial Disorder, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Radiation Injury, Respiration Depression, Seizure, Signal Transduction, Spasticity