Browse Items (29 total)

Outcomes: 1. Participants will be able to define and summarize the major themes characterizing CMC family caregivers' experiences of rest, rejuvenation, and respite and then illustrate examples of those themes from family caregivers' stories. 2.…

Outcomes: 1. Utilizing a case-based approach plus content expert didactic presentation, participants will self-report ability to identify 3 defensive mechanisms utilized by caregivers and providers during shared decision making (SDM) that can…

Background: Hospice and palliative medicine is important in the education of pediatric residents. Little is known about if and how residents' learnings during a pediatric palliative care elective fulfill core competencies and Pediatrics…

Context: Loss of a child to a life-limiting condition (LLC) is 1 of the most traumatic life events for parents. Research focusing on fathers' experiences is in its infancy. Objectives: Using a meta-ethnographic approach, we systematically reviewed…

Background: While hematological symptoms are considered difficult to manage in a Pediatric Palliative Care setting, home may still represent a safe and convenient place for transfusions in patients with advanced malignancy or chronic conditions. This…

Background: Systematic symptom assessment is not a standard of care in children with cancer. Many well-known symptom assessment tools are lengthy or difficult to integrate into a daily pediatric palliative care practice. We created a series of brief…

The use of health-related quality of life scales as outcome measures in clinical trials is increasing. Although such measures have been validated in adults with Friedreich ataxia, they have not been studied in children with this disorder. The…

OBJECTIVE: To explore the health-related quality of life (QoL) among children with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) and to compare QoL by gender and with samples of chronically ill and healthy children. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional design,…

In the current study, the authors examined whether the fatigue level of children diagnosed with cri du chat syndrome was associated with the expression of autistic symptoms. Sixty-nine children with cri du chat syndrome were compared with 47 children…

Introduction: Many paediatric hospitals are treating increasing numbers of children with medical complexity (CMC), diagnosed with chronic life-limiting illnesses and requiring life-sustaining home medical technology. These medically fragile children…

Background/Objectives: Bereaved parents during palliative care affects the quality of life of children and family. This research aims to explore parents' experiences caring children with cancer in palliative condition. Design/Methods: The research…

Background/Objectives: Palliative care for Pediatric cancer patients and their families includes the relief of symptom and improvement of quality of life at any and all stages of disease. There care are most effectively provided by an…

OBJECTIVE: Compassion fatigue (CF) is secondary traumatic distress experienced by providers from contact with patients' suffering. Burnout (BO) is job-related distress resulting from uncontrollable workplace factors that manifest in career…

BACKGROUND: Although sleep and physical activity often are impaired among adult cancer patients, there is limited data among pediatric oncology populations. We conducted a prospective study to investigate the relationship between physical activity…

BACKGROUND: Cancer-related fatigue is one of the most pervasive and debilitating side-effects of cancer treatment and adolescents consistently rate cancer-related fatigue as one of the most distressing aspects of treatment. Because fatigue is also…

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship of coping style and self-efficacy to functional impairment in a group of patients with both chronic widespread pain (CWP) and chronic fatigue, as well as the possible mediating role of psychiatric diagnosis.…

OBJECTIVES: Fatigue is common among children living with cancer, particularly in advance stages. Little is known about the effectiveness of non-pharmacological approaches to manage this complex and distressing symptom among children. Thus, the…

Context: Although a large percentage of children with advanced-stage cancer die at home, remarkably little information is available regarding the experience of general practitioners (GPs) with respect to providing home-based palliative care to…

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