Browse Items (33 total)
- Tags: Cerebral Palsy
A systematic review and meta-analysis focusing on the use of ayurvedic medicine in cerebral palsy
Intrathecal baclofen therapy as treatment for spasticity and dystonia: Review of cases in a pediatric palliative care unit
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Alba RM, alert, antibiotic agent/dt [Drug Therapy], antibiotic agent/iv [Intravenous Drug Administration], Article, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/po [Oral Drug Administration], baclofen/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], benzodiazepine derivative/dt [Drug Therapy], benzodiazepine derivative/po [Oral Drug Administration], benzodiazepine derivative/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], botulinum toxin/dt [Drug Therapy], Brain Damage, catheter, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, clobazam/dt [Drug Therapy], clonazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], Congenital Malformation, continuous infusion, de Noriega Echevarria I, Descriptive Research, diazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], disease classification, drug dose increase, drug dose reduction, dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], enzyme deficiency, Errasti VI, Female, glutaric aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 1, Gross Motor Function Measure, Human, implantation, intrathecal baclofen pump/am [Adverse Device Effect], intrathecal pump, Male, medical device malfunction/co [Complication], meningitis/dt [Drug Therapy], nerve degeneration, Neurologia, November List 2024, Palliative Therapy, pantothenate kinase/ec [Endogenous Compound], Pediatrics, Perez MMA, poly malformative syndrome, Preschool Child, Puertas MV, reservoir, Retrospective Study, School Child, spasticity/dt [Drug Therapy], STATA v16.0, Syndrome, tizanidine/dt [Drug Therapy], tizanidine/po [Oral Drug Administration], tizanidine/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], trihexyphenidyl/dt [Drug Therapy], trihexyphenidyl/po [Oral Drug Administration], trihexyphenidyl/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Young Adult
Permanent cutaneous vesicostomy: a pragmatic approach to safely manage lower urinary tract dysfunction in pediatric patients with chronic and life-limiting conditions and neuropathic bladders
Tags: 2024, Abdelmaguid N, Adolescent, Al Saeedi A, antibiotic agent, antibiotic prophylaxis, Article, bladder catheterization, bladder irrigation, bladder stone, Cerebral Palsy, Child, chronic life-limiting disease, Clinical Effectiveness, conservative treatment, Controlled Study, cutaneous vesicostomy, cystostomy, encephalomyelitis, Female, Follow Up, Frontiers in Pediatrics, Gross Motor Function Classification System, Human, Hydrocephalus, hydronephrosis, hydroureter, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Khalil IA, Long Term Care, lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD), lower urinary tract symptom, Major Clinical Study, Male, Meningomyelocele, Mohamed RB, Muneer E, nephrolithiasis, neurogenic bladder, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Neuromuscular Disease, neuropathic bladder, occult spinal dysraphism, Palliative Therapy, Patient Safety, Pippi Salle JL, Polypharmacy, postoperative complication, Postoperative Period, pragmatic trial, Preschool Child, quadriplegia, recurrent infection, Retrospective Study, School Child, September List 2024, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, stenosis, stoma, urinary tract infection, Vallasciani S, vesicostomy
Parental Perceptions of the Impact of a Child’s Complex Chronic Condition: A Validation Study of the Impact on Family Scale
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Alves SP, Article, August List 2024, Braz AC, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Child Health, Childhood Disease, Chronic Disease, cohesion, confirmatory factor analysis, construct validity, Disease, Educational Status, Emotional Stress, Family Life, family relation, Family Relations, Female, Fontaine AM, Graça L, Human, Humans, impact on family, Impact on Family Scale, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, life satisfaction, Likert scale, Male, Middle Aged, Parent, parental care, Parents, pediatric complex chronic illness, Perception, Personal Satisfaction, Portugal, Psychology, psychometry, Questionnaire, Reproducibility, Reproducibility of Results, Satisfaction, satisfaction with life, scoring system, social cohesion, sociodemographics, Surveys And Questionnaires, test retest reliability, validation study
Medication Management Through Collaborative Practice for Children With Medical Complexity: A Prospective Case Series
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Adverse Drug Reaction, adverse drug reactions, Article, Asthma, Blood Pressure, Bodenstab HM, bradycardia, cerebral blindness, Cerebral Palsy, Child, children with disability, Chronic Disease, Clinical Practice, collaborative practice, Congenital Malformation, Cost Control, Current Procedural Terminology, diazepam, diphenhydramine, drug information, Drug Therapy, drug-related side effects, Dysphagia, economics, Emergency Ward, Epilepsy, Female, health care facility, hospital readmission, Human, Hypotension, Infant, ipratropium bromide, Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics, July List 2024, Length Of Stay, Long-Term Care, Major Clinical Study, Male, medication management, Medication therapy management, metoclopramide, Multiple Chronic Conditions, Nervous System, Neurology, Newborn, Paracetamol, Parrish RH, pediatric long term care facility, Pharmaceutical, pharmacist, Quinn J, salbutamol, Wo E
Musculoskeletal Injections for Palliative Treatment of Neuromuscular Hip Dysplasia patients: How I Do It
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Amaral JZ, April List 2024, Article, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Diagnosis, Drug Administration, Drug Therapy, hip dysplasia, hip joint, Human, Kan JH, Male, oral drug administration, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Radiology, Quality Of Life, Rosenfeld SB, School Child, Schultz RJ, steroid, Surgery
The Relationship Between Dyspnea Severity with Radiological and Laboratory Findings in Pneumonia in Children in Pediatric Palliative Care
Tags: 2023, Article, assisted ventilation, Atrophy, bacterial pneumonia, bone development, breathing muscle, bronchopneumonia, Caregiver, Çelik T, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Coskun M, Cross-sectional Study, Cubukcu D, Dyspnea, Epilepsy, February List 2024, Female, Genetic Disorder, Harputluoglu N, Hospitalization, Human, interstitial pneumonia, Journal of Pediatric Academy, laboratory diagnosis, Major Clinical Study, Male, medical device, modified Borg dyspnea scale, Nurse, Nutritional Support, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrician, physiotherapist, pneumonia/di [Diagnosis], radiodiagnosis, respiratory distress, scoring system, Social Worker, thorax radiography, virus pneumonia, X ray
Lactation Support as a Proxy Measure of Family-Centered Care Quality in Neonates with Life-Limiting Conditions-A Comparative Study
Tags: 2023, Article, Brannon M, breast feeding, breast pump, Brito S, Cerebral Palsy, Chahin N, Children, clinical assessment, Cognitive Defect, Cohort Analysis, Comparative Study, Congenital Heart Disease, Controlled Study, do not resuscitate order, Donor Milk, extracorporeal oxygenation, Family Centered Care, February List 2024, Female, Fox J, gastrointestinal disease, Genetic Disorder, Gestational Age, health disparity, Hendricks-Munoz KD, Hospital Admission, hospital discharge, Human, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, incurable disease, Infant, kidney disease, lactation, learning disorder, Length Of Stay, Life limiting condition, Lung Disease, Major Clinical Study, Male, McCarthy K, Mohammed T, Mortality, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neurologic Disease, Nubayaat L, Nunlist S, nutritional deficiency, Retrospective Study, Seizure, sensory dysfunction, Williams A, Xu J
Advance Care Plan Discussion among Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Supplementation with carnitine reduces the severity of constipation: A retrospective study of patients with severe motor and intellectual disabilities
Tags: 102767-28-2 (levetiracetam), 1069-66-5 (valproic acid), 1309-48-4 (magnesium oxide), 1317-74-4 (magnesium oxide), 14093-02-8 (iron), 14378-32-6 (zinc), 146-22-5 (nitrazepam), 1622-61-3 (clonazepam), 2017, 22316-47-8 (clobazam), 298-46-4 (carbamazepine), 461-06-3 (carnitine), 50-06-6 (phenobarbital), 53858-86-9 (iron), 541-15-1 (carnitine), 56-99-5 (carnitine), 57-30-7 (phenobarbital), 57-88-5 (cholesterol), 59-30-3 (folic acid), 6484-89-5 (folic acid), 68291-97-4 (zonisamide), 7439-89-6 (iron), 7440-66-6 (zinc), 7782-49-2 (selenium), 8028-68-0 (phenobarbital), 8047-84-5 (carbamazepine), 84057-84-1 (lamotrigine), 99-66-1 (valproic acid), acute brain disease, Adult, albumin, albumin blood level, anticonvulsant therapy, Aomatsu T, Article, bacterial meningitis, bed rest, body mass, brain infarction, carbamazepine/dt [Drug Therapy], carnitine, carnitine deficiency, carnitine deficiency/dt [Drug Therapy], carnitine/dt [Drug Therapy], Cerebral Palsy, Child, cholesterol blood level, cholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], Clinical Article, Clinical Trial, clobazam/dt [Drug Therapy], clonazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], Constipation, constipation/dt [Drug Therapy], constipation/pc [Prevention], Controlled Study, copper blood level, cupric ion/ec [Endogenous Compound], diet supplementation, Disease Severity, Endogenous Compound, enema/dt [Drug Therapy], enteric feeding, epilepsy/dt [Drug Therapy], Female, folic acid, folic acid blood level, folic acid/ec [Endogenous Compound], Gene Expression, groups by age, Hospital, Human, Human Tissue, infantile spasm, Inoue K, Intellectual Impairment, iron blood level, iron/ec [Endogenous Compound], Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, lamotrigine/dt [Drug Therapy], levetiracetam/dt [Drug Therapy], magnesium oxide/dt [Drug Therapy], Male, Medical Record Review, Middle Aged, motor dysfunction, Murata S, NCL3, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, nitrazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease, Pelizaeus- Merzbacher disease, periventricular leukomalacia, pharmacologic intervention, phenobarbital/dt [Drug Therapy], prealbumin, prealbumin/ec [Endogenous Compound], Preschool Child, Retrospective Study, School Child, selenium blood level, selenium/ec [Endogenous Compound], sex difference, Tamai H, trace element, Tuberous Sclerosis, valproic acid, valproic acid/dt [Drug Therapy], West syndrome, Yoden A, Young Adult, zinc/ec [Endogenous Compound], zonisamide/dt [Drug Therapy]
Interventions for oropharyngeal dysphagia in children with neurological impairment
Tags: 2012, Cerebral Palsy, Dodrill P, Down Syndrome, feeding difficulties, lip strengthening intervention, Morgan A T, myotonic dystrophy, neurological impairment, oral sensorimotor intervention, oropharyngeal dysphagia, physical intervention, Rett syndrome, sensorimotor intervention, Stroke, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, traumatic brain injury, Ward E C
Feed-induced Dystonias in Children with Severe Central Nervous System Disorders
Tags: 1134-47-0 (baclofen), 2017, acquired brain injury, Adolescent, Article, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], Campbell D I, Case Study, central nervous system disease, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, Constipation, Dystonia, dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], feed induced dystonia, feed induced dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], feeding difficulties, Female, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Gastroscopy, GERD, Human, Hydrocephalus, Hyperglycinemia, Infant, infantile spasm, intestinal dysmotility, intestine motility, Intestine Obstruction, Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition, Male, microcephaly, Mordekar S R, motor dysfunction, MPSIII, onset age, Parenteral Nutrition, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, peristalsis, pharmacologic intervention, Practice Guideline, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, reflux esophagitis, Retrospective Study, Rett syndrome, Sanfilippo syndrome, School Child, tone and motor problems, total parenteral nutrition, Velayudhan M, West syndrome
Effect of selective dorsal rhizotomy on daily care and comfort in non-walking children and adolescents with severe spasticity
Tags: 2017, Adolescent, Attention, Becher J G, Bolster E A M, Buizer A I, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, Comfort, Congenital Malformation, Controlled Study, dorsal rhizotomy, Dystonia, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Follow Up, Human, leg muscle, lipidoses, Medical History, Pain, risk factor, Satisfaction, School Child, scoliosis, selective dorsal rhizotomy, Spasticity, Stadhouder A, Strijers R L, surgical intervention, tone and motor problems, van de Pol L A, van Ouwerkerk W J, van Schie P E M, Vermeulen R J
Providing cost-effective and coordinated care for children with medical complexity
Tags: 2019, administrative personnel, Adolescent, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Artificial Ventilation, Caregiver, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Chow C, conference abstract, Congenital Heart Disease, Controlled Study, Diagnosis, Fatigue, Female, Gastrostomy, Home Care, Human, limited mobility, machine, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Technology, Multicenter Study, Multidisciplinary team, Neuromuscular Disease, Nurse, October 2019 List, Outpatient, Pediatrician, salary, Shahdadpuri R, Stress, Tracheostomy, ventilator, working time
End of life care in children with neurodisability and concurrent palliative care needs: An audit of local Paediatric palliative services
Tags: 2019, Archives of Disease in Childhood, August 2019 List, Awareness, Canavan disease, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Decision Making, disorders of mitochondrial functions, Documentation, Female, Hqli F, Human, Male, Medical Specialist, Monitoring, Nutrition, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Rett syndrome, Santhanam G, School Child, secondary health care, Seizure, Social Care, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Terminal Care
Developmental trajectories of mobility and self-care capabilities in young children with cerebral palsy
A systematic review of activities of daily living measures for children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
Recent trends in cerebral palsy survival. Part II: individual survival prognosis
Tags: 2014, Adolescent, Adult, Backlog, Brooks JC, California, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Disabled Persons, Female, Humans, Infant, Journal Article, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Life Expectancy, Male, Mortality, Preschool, Prognosis, Rosenbloom L, Shavelle RM, Strauss DJ, Tran Linh M, Wu YW, Young Adult
Change in parent-identified goals in young children with cerebral palsy receiving a context-focused intervention: associations with child, goal and intervention factors
Tags: 2014, Alberta, Backlog, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Christenson C, Darrah J, Disability Evaluation, Female, Goals, Gorter JW, Humans, Journal Article, Law M, Male, Motor Skills, Ontario, Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, Physical Therapy Modalities, Pollock N, Preschool, Sharma N, Treatment Outcome
Life at the interface: adults with "pediatric" disorders of the nervous system
Characteristics of Pain in Children and Youth With Cerebral Palsy
Tags: 2013, Backlog, Binepal N, Cerebral Palsy, Fehlings D, Journal Article, Pain, Pediatrics, Penner M, Switzer L, Xie Wen Yan
Early neurodevelopmental outcomes of extremely preterm infants
Tags: 2016, Adhd, Biomedical Research, Brain/embryology/ physiopathology, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Disabilities/etiology/ physiopathology, Diseases/ physiopathology, Extremely Premature/growth & development/physiology/psychology, Fetal Organ Maturity, Hintz SR, Humans, Infant, Intellectual Impairment, intraventricular hemorrhage, March 2018 List, Neonatology, Nervous System Diseases/etiology/ physiopathology, neurodevelopment, Neurodevelopmental Outcomes, Newborn, Premature, preterm birth, Risk Factors, Rogers EE, Seminars in Perinatology, sensory impairment, Survival Rate/trends, Very Low Birth Weight/growth & development/physiology/psychology, white matter injury
Total Pain' in Children with Severe Neurological Impairment
Development and pilot-testing of a health-related quality of life chronic generic module for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions: a European perspective
Tags: 'Independence', 'Physical', 'Social Exclusion') with acceptable internal consistency., 'Social Inclusion', 13-16 years) with different chronic health conditions (asthma, 2005, Adolescent Child Chronic Disease/psychology Disabled Children/psychology Europe Health Status Humans Pilot Projects Quality of Life/psychologyQuestionnaires Research Support, and cystic fibrosis) as well as their families were included. Data were analysed according to predefined psychometric and content criteria. Psychometric an alyses resulted in a 56-item chronic generic HRQOL questionnaire with six domains ('Medication', and implement European instruments for the assessment of HRQOL of children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. The current paper describes the development and pilot testing of a chronic generic HRQOL measure. Using literature searches, Arthritis, atopic dermatitis, Backlog, Bullinger M, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Emotion, Epilepsy, expert consulting and focus groups with children/adolescents and their families, items of the instruments were developed and translated into the respective languages. A pilot test with 360 children and adolescents was conducted. Children and adolescents (8-12, Journal Article, Non-U.S. Gov'tSickness Impact Profile%X Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) assessment in children and adolescents with chronic health conditions is increasingly considered as a relevant topic. The aim of the EU-funded DISABKIDS project is to develop, PedPal Lit, Petersen C, Power M, Quality of Life Research, Schmidt S, test
Structural equation and log-linear modeling: a comparison of methods in the analysis of a study on caregivers' health
Tags: 2006, Adaptation, Adult, Backlog, Bmc Medical Research Methodology, Caregivers/psychology/statistics & numerical data, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Cross-sectional Studies, Disabled Children, Family/psychology, Female, Health Status, Humans, Journal Article, Linear Models, Logistic Models, Male, Ontario, Psychological, Questionnaires, Raina P, Rosenbaum P, Russell DJ, Self Concept, Social Support, Socioeconomic Factors, Telemeres, Walter SD, Zhu B
The health of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: how does it compare with that of other Canadian caregivers?
Tags: 2004, Adult, Backlog, Brehaut JC, Caregivers/psychology, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Employment/statistics & numerical data, Female, Health Status, Humans, Journal Article, Kohen DE, Male, Mental Health/statistics & numerical data, Middle Aged, O'Donnell ME, Pediatrics, Raina P, Rosenbaum P, Russell DJ, Swinton M, Telemeres, Walter SD
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Infants Born at <29 Weeks of Gestation Admitted to Canadian Neonatal Intensive Care Units Based on Location of Birth
Clinical spectrum of children receiving palliative care in Malaysian Hospitals
Tags: 2017, Abdul Manaf AM, Abdul Shukor INC, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adolescent, Adult, Alias E, Bereavement, Caregiver, Cerebral Palsy, Chieng CH, Child, Child Care, Chong LA, Chromosome, Chromosome Aberration, Clinical Trial, Congenital Malformation, Controlled Clinical Trial, Controlled Study, Cross Sectional Study, Diagnosis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Education, Female, Follow Up, Hedra ZS, Hospital, Hospital Admission, Human, Icd-10, Infant, Khalid F, Khoo TB, Kuan GL, Major Clinical Study, malaysia, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Medical Journal Of Malaysia, Multicenter Study, Needs Assessment, Newborn, Observational Study, Ong GB, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatrician, Prognosis, Razali H, Review, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Teh SH, Wang JJ
Pharmacological Interventions For Pain In Children And Adolescents With Life-limiting Conditions
Tags: 103-90-2 (paracetamol), 1095-90-5 (methadone), 1134-47-0 (baclofen), 124-90-3 (oxycodone), 125-56-4 (methadone), 133-16-4 (chloroprocaine), 1333-08-0 (benzocaine), 136-47-0 (tetracaine), 137-58-6 (lidocaine), 15307-79-6 (diclofenac), 15307-86-5 (diclofenac), 15687-27-1 (ibuprofen), 18010-40-7 (bupivacaine), 2017, 2180-92-9 (bupivacaine), 23142-53-2 (methadone), 24847-67-4 (lidocaine), 297-88-1 (methadone), 31121-93-4 (ibuprofen), 38396-39-3 (bupivacaine), 3858-89-7 (chloroprocaine), 40391-99-9 (pamidronic Acid), 437-38-7 (fentanyl), 52-26-6 (morphine), 52485-79-7 (buprenorphine), 527688-20-6 (ibuprofen), 53152-21-9 (buprenorphine), 55750-21-5 (bupivacaine), 56934-02-2 (lidocaine), 57-27-2 (morphine), 57248-88-1 (pamidronic Acid), 66376-36-1 (alendronic Acid), 73-78-9 (lidocaine), 74103-06-3 (ketorolac), 76-42-6 (oxycodone), 76-57-3 (codeine), 76-99-3 (methadone), 79261-49-7 (ibuprofen), 94-09-7 (benzocaine), 94-24-6 (tetracaine), Alendronic Acid/ct [clinical Trial], Alendronic Acid/dt [drug Therapy], Analgesia, Baclofen/ct [clinical Trial], Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], Beecham E, Benzocaine/ct [clinical Trial], Benzocaine/dt [drug Therapy], Bluebond-Langner M, Bupivacaine/ct [clinical Trial], Bupivacaine/dt [drug Therapy], Buprenorphine/ct [clinical Trial], Buprenorphine/dt [drug Therapy], Candy B, Cerebral Palsy, Chloroprocaine/ct [clinical Trial], Chloroprocaine/dt [drug Therapy], Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Codeine/ct [clinical Trial], Codeine/dt [drug Therapy], Diclofenac/ct [clinical Trial], Diclofenac/dt [drug Therapy], Drug Clearance, Drug Efficacy, Drug Safety, Fentanyl/ct [clinical Trial], Fentanyl/dt [drug Therapy], Functional Status, Howard R, Human, Ibuprofen/ct [clinical Trial], Ibuprofen/dt [drug Therapy], Jones L, Ketorolac/ct [clinical Trial], Ketorolac/dt [drug Therapy], Laddie J, Length Of Stay, Lidocaine/ct [clinical Trial], Lidocaine/dt [drug Therapy], McCulloch R, Methadone/ct [clinical Trial], Methadone/dt [drug Therapy], Morphine/ct [clinical Trial], Morphine/dt [drug Therapy], Neuropathic Pain/dt [drug Therapy], Nociceptive Pain/dt [drug Therapy], Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Oxycodone/ct [clinical Trial], Oxycodone/dt [drug Therapy], Pain Intensity, Pain Severity, Pamidronic Acid/ct [clinical Trial], Pamidronic Acid/dt [drug Therapy], Paracetamol/ct [clinical Trial], Paracetamol/dt [drug Therapy], Priority Journal, Psychological Well-being, Quality Of Life, Randomized Controlled Trial (topic), Rees H, Review, Risk Benefit Analysis, September 2017 List, Tetracaine/ct [clinical Trial], Tetracaine/dt [drug Therapy], Treatment Outcome, Vickerstaff V
Mechanical Ventilation In Children With Life-limiting Conditions
Tags: 2016, Adult, Artificial Ventilation, Cancer Epidemiology, Cantero EQ, Carro CC, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Chromosome Disorder, Cognitive Defect, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Studies, Cross-sectional Study, Death, European Respiratory Journal, Follow Up, Gaboli M, Garrido MM, Human, Lung Disease, Major Clinical Study, May 2017 List, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Neuromuscular Disease, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Pecellin ID, Quality Of Life, Respiration Artificial, Respiratory Insufficiency, Rodriguez LMR, Spain, University Hospital, Valencia JPG, Ventilators Mechanical, Young Adult
How Parents And Physicians Experience End-of-life Decision-making For Children With Profound Intellectual And Multiple Disabilities.
End-of-life decisions (EoLD) often concern children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD). Yet, little is known about how parents and physicians discuss and make these decisions.
The objective of this research…
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Adult, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Attitude To Health, Caregiver, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Child Preschool, de Vos MA, Decision Making, Disabled Children, Dissent And Disputes, End Of Life, Ewals FV, Female, Healthcare Professional, Humans, Infant, Infant Newborn, Intellectual Disability, Male, Middle Aged, Neurologists, Palliative Care, Parents, Pediatricians, Professional-family Relations, Qualitative Research, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Resuscitation Orders, Retrospective Studies, September 2016 List, Severity Of Illness Index, Shared Decision-making, Terminal Care, van Goudoever JB, Willems DL, Young Adult, Zaal-Schuller IH