Browse Items (109 total)
- Tags: tone and motor problems
Anti-parkinson drugs in the Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt syndrome; a pilot trial
Tags: 1982, Adolescent, Adult, amantadine, Amantadine/therapeutic use, Antiparkinson Agents/therapeutic use, Benserazide/therapeutic use, Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Drug Combinations/therapeutic use, Humans, Levodopa/therapeutic use, Lipidoses/drug therapy, madopar, NCL3, orfenadrine, pharmacologic intervention, Psychoses Substance-Induced/etiology, Syndrome, tone and motor problems, van der Zee H J, van Nieuwenhuizen O, Zweije-Hofman I L
A randomized trial of oral betamethasone to reduce ataxia symptoms in ataxia telangiectasia
Tags: 2012, ataxia, ataxia telangectasia, betamethasone, Betti G, Brusco A, Buoni S, Chessa L, Finocchi A, Fois A, Hayek J, Kelly C, Leuzzi V, Martino S, Micheli R, Misiani F, Movement Disorders, pharmacologic intervention, Pietrogrande M C, Plebani A, Rossi L N, Salvucci S, Soresina A, tone and motor problems, Zannolli R
Variations of Stereotypies in Individuals With Rett Syndrome: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study in Taiwan
Tags: 2017, Autism, Autism Research, Behavioral Sciences, bruxism, CDKL5, characteristics, chinese patients, Disorders, Epilepsy, Ganglia, girls, hair pulling, Hung P L, Jan T Y, Lee W T, lip protrusion, manifestations, mecp2, mecp2 mutations, motor stereotypies, Movement Disorders, Psychology, retropulsion, Rett syndrome, stereotypies, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Wong L C
An analogue assessment of repetitive hand behaviours in girls and young women with Rett syndrome
Responsiveness of the motor function measure in neuromuscular diseases
Tags: 2012, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Berard C, Child, Disability Evaluation, Ecochard R, Female, Fermanian J, Girardot F, Humans, Iwaz J, Male, MFM, Middle Aged, Mobility Limitation, motor function measure, Motor Skills, Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne/physiopathology/rehabilitation, Neuromuscular Diseases/physiopathology/rehabilitation, Payan C, Perception, Physical Therapy Modalities, Prospective Studies, Q3 conditions, scale development, SMA1, tone and motor problems, tool development, Vuillerot C, Young Adult
Evolution of Stereotypies in Adolescents and Women with Rett Syndrome
Functional and gait assessment in children and adolescents affected by Friedreich's ataxia: A one-year longitudinal study
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Article, assessment of humans, Bella G D, Bertini E, Castelli E, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Female, Friedreich's ataxia, functional assessment, Gait, Gait Analysis and the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia, Gazzellini S, Human, Lispi M L, longitudinal study, Male, Petrarca M, Pisano A, PLoS One, Preschool Child, Reliability, step length, stride length, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Vasco G, Walking, walking velocity, Zazza M
Surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger digits in children with mucopolysaccharide storage disorders
The quick motor function test: a new tool to rate clinical severity and motor function in Pompe patients
Tags: 2012, acid maltase deficiency, Children, de Vries J M, Disease, Duivenvoorden H J, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Genetics & Heredity, genotype-phenotype correlation, glycogen storage disease type II, Hagemans M L C, Journal Of Inherited Metabolic Disease, Leshner R T, Medicine, motor function, muscle function, muscular-dystrophy, natural course, Research & Experimental, responsiveness, Scale, scale development, tone and motor problems, tool development, VALIDATION, van Capelle C I, van der Beek N A M E, van der Ploeg A T, van Doorn P A
Effect of hand splints on stereotypic hand behavior of girls with Rett syndrome: a replication study
Considerations in deep brain stimulation (DBS) for pediatric secondary dystonia
Tags: 2017, cerebral-palsy, Childs Nervous System, deep brain stimulation, Dystonia, globus-pallidus internus, Granader Y, hemidystonia, IND, Keating R F, Lavenstein B, Neurosciences & Neurology, Oluigbo C O, Pediatric neurosurgery, Pediatrics, Reddy S K, secondary dystonia, Surgery, surgical intervention, surgical-treatment, Tochen L, tone and motor problems, Tsering D
Dystonia in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation: outcome of bilateral pallidal stimulation
Tags: 2010, Adolescent, Adult, bilateral pallidal stimulation, Brain, Brain Diseases/physiopathology/therapy, Brain/physiopathology, Child, Child Preschool, Deep Brain Stimulation/adverse effects/methods, Dystonia, Dystonia/physiopathology/therapy, Female, Functional Laterality, Gill S S, Globus Pallidus/physiopathology, Haenggeli C A, Hayflick S J, Hogarth P, Humans, IND, Infant, Iron/metabolism, Jech R, Kurlemann G, Leenders K L, Limousin P, Malanga C J, Male, Moro E, Neurodegenerative Diseases/physiopathology/therapy, Ostrem J L, Pauls K A, Peker S, Retrospective Studies, Revilla F J, Santens P, Schnitzler A, Sharma N, surgical intervention, Timmermann L, Tisch S, tone and motor problems, Treatment Outcome, Valldeoriola F, Vesper J, Volkmann J, Wieland K, Woitalla D, Young Adult
Development, behavior, and biomarker characterization of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: An update
Tags: 2016, 7 dehydrocholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], 8 dehydrocholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, Albert P, Article, Autism, automutilation, Behavior, Bianconi S, Bukelis I, Case Study, cerebrospinal fluid level, characteristics, Child, Child Rearing, childhood, cholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], Clinical Article, Cognition, delayed development, development, Developmental delay, Farmer C, Female, Human, Intelligence Quotient, Interpersonal Communication, Joseph L, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Lanham D, Male, Observational Study, Parent, Porter F D, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, problem behavior, Sarphare G, Smith Lemli Opitz syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Socialization, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Sterols, Swedo S, Thurm A, Tierney E, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Unclassified Drug, Walking, Wassif C A, Wheeler C, Young Adult
Movement disorders in Rett syndrome: An analysis of 60 patients with detected MECP2 mutation and correlation with mutation type
Tags: 2008, Barbot C, Borges L, Cabral A, Cabral P, Calado E, Carrilho I, characteristics, CHOREA, Dias K, Dystonia, females, Fonseca M, Gomes R, Levy A, Maciel P, Monteiro J P, Moreira A, Movement Disorders, Neurosciences & Neurology, Oliveira G, Parkinson, Ramos E, Rett syndrome, rigidity, Santos M, Sequeiros J, stereotypies, Temudo T, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, tremor, Vieira J P
Stereotypies in Rett syndrome - Analysis of 83 patients with and without detected MECP2 mutations
Tags: 2007, Barbosa C, Barbot C, behaviors, Borges L, Cabral A, Cabral P, Calado E, Carrilho I, characteristics, Dias A, Dias K, Eusebio F, Fonseca M, Gomes R, hair pulling, hand movements, Levy A, Maciel P, Mira G, Monteiro J, Moreira A, Neurology, Neurosciences & Neurology, normal human infants, Oliveira G, Oliveira P, Regression, Rett syndrome, Santos M, Sequeiros J, stage, stereotypy, Temudo T, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Vieira J
An evaluation of rating scales utilized for deep brain stimulation for dystonia
Tags: 2010, cervical dystonia, deep brain stimulation, Dystonia, electrical-stimulation, Foote K D, globus pallidus internus, globus-pallidus internus, Jacobson C E, Journal Of Neurology, Malaty I A, Mishra M, movement-disorders, Neurosciences & Neurology, Okun M S, Outcome, pallidotomy, primary generalized dystonia, Q3 conditions, Rating, Rodriguez R L, scale development, scales, secondary dystonia, segmental dystonia, Sun A Q, surgical intervention, Susatia F, term-follow-up, tone and motor problems, tool development, torsion dystonia, ul Haq I, unspecified Q3 conditions, Wu S S, Zeilman P R
Measuring Friedreich ataxia: Interrater reliability of a neurologic rating scale
Tags: 2005, Adolescent, Adult, Age of Onset, Arm/pp [Physiopathology], Ashizawa T, Brain Stem/pp [Physiopathology], Cooperative Ataxia Group, Disease Progression, Female, Fischbeck K, Friedreich Ataxia/di [Diagnosis], Friedreich Ataxia/pp [Physiopathology], Friedreich's ataxia, Friedrich's Ataxia Scale, Gait Disorders, Gomez C, Hallett M, Lynch D, May W, Neurologic/di [Diagnosis], Neurologic/et [Etiology], Neurology, scale development, Subramony S H, Taylor P, tone and motor problems, tool development, Wilson R
Comparing PECS and VOCA to promote communication opportunities and to reduce stereotyped behaviors by three girls with Rett syndrome
Tags: 2 boys, 2014, Albano V, Augmentative and alternative communication, Autism, contact, Damiani R, De Pace C, DEVELOPMENTAL, Developmental-disabilities, Di Leone A, Disabilities, Education & Educational Research, environmental stimuli, Indices of happiness, keyboard emulator, microswitch-based programs, motor disabilities, Perilli V, physical intervention, Picture exchange communication systems, profound multiple disabilities, Psychiatry, Psychology, Quality Of Life, quality-of-life, Rehabilitation, Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett syndrome, Social, spectrum disorders, Stasolla F, stereotypies, tone and motor problems, Vocal output communication aid
Technological aids to support choice strategies by three girls with Rett syndrome
Promoting adaptive behaviors by two girls with Rett syndrome through a microswitch-based program
Tags: 2013, adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Article, Assistive technology, Caffo A O, Case Report, Child Behavior, Female, hand washing, Happiness, Human, Indices of happiness, locomotion, Locomotor behavior, Microswitches, optic sensors, physical intervention, Priority Journal, Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett syndrome, School Child, Stasolla F, stereotyped movements, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Wobble microswitch
Building the repertoire of measures of walking in Rett syndrome
Tags: 2-minute, 2017, 6-minute, adults, Bisgaard A M, cerebral-palsy, Children, Disability And Rehabilitation, disability inventory, Downs J, functional mobility scale, girls, Leonard H, Modified two-minute walk test, Nordmark E, pediatric evaluation, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, Rett syndrome specific functional mobility scale, RSGMS, scale development, Stahlhut M, test-retest reliability, tone and motor problems, tool development, two-minute walk test, Walking
Comparative Effects of Bilateral Hand Splints and an Elbow Orthosis on Stereotypic Hand Movements and Toy Play In 2 Children with Rett Syndrome
Disorders of Upper Limb Movements in Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Tags: 2013, abnormal involuntary movements, accelerometry, Adolescent, Adult, Age Factors, ataxia telangiectasia, Ataxia Telangiectasia/pp [Physiopathology], Biomechanical Phenomena, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Crawford T O, Cross-sectional Studies, Female, Humans, kinetic tremor, Lederman H M, Male, Mandir A S, Motor Activity, Motor Activity/ph [Physiology], Movement, Movement Disorders/pp [Physiopathology], Movement/ph [Physiology], Periodicity, PLoS One, postural tremor, Posture/ph [Physiology], resting tremor, Severity Of Illness Index, Shaikh A G, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Tremor/pp [Physiopathology], Upper Extremity, Upper Extremity/pp [Physiopathology], Young Adult, Zee D S
Otorhinolaryngological, Audiovestibular and swallowing manifestations of patients with Niemann-Pick disease Type C
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Aksoy S, Akyol U, Article, aspiration scale, auditory response, Balance disorders, body equilibrium, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, Demir N, Dysphagia, Endoscopy, feeding difficulties, Female, Flexible endoscopy, hearing, hearing impairment, Hearing problems, Human, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Kuscu O, Male, Niemann Pick disease/di [Diagnosis], Niemann-Pick Disease, NPC, Otorhinolaryngology, penetration, postural imbalance, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, Prospective Study, pure tone audiometry, School Child, Senirli R T, stabilography, Swallowing, Swallowing disorders, tone and motor problems, Topcu M, Trajectory, vestibular system, Yigit O
Gait, Balance, and Coordination Impairments in Niemann Pick Disease, Type C1
Tags: 2 hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin, 2018, 94035-02-6 (2 hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin), Adolescent, Adult, Alter K, Article, balance impairment, body equilibrium, case control study, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, clinical evaluation, Comparative Study, coordination disorder, disease severity assessment, Farhat N, Female, gait disorder, Human, Human Development, intervention study, Journal of Child Neurology, Keener L A, Male, molecular stability, motion analysis system, Neurologic Examination, Niemann Pick disease, NIH NPC Neurologic Severity Scale, NPC, outcome assessment, performance, Porter F, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, Research, Retrospective Study, Sansare A, School Child, scoring system, spatiotemporal analysis, stabilography, Stanley C, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Upper limb, vts 270, Young Adult, Zampieri C
Reliability of home-based, motor function measure in hereditary neuromuscular diseases
Gross motor abilities in children with Hurler syndrome
Guided eating or feeding: three girls with Rett syndrome
Tags: 2009, Activity, being fed, Children, dyspraxia, Eliasson A C, engagement, Engerstrom I W, guided eating, hand function, hand splints, hand use, involvement, movements, Occupational Therapy, Participation, psychological intervention, Qvarfordt I, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, skills, stereotyped hand movements, tone and motor problems
Rett syndrome: A preliminary analysis of stereotypy, stress, and negative affect
Long-term clinical outcome of internal globus pallidus deep brain stimulation for dystonia
Movement disorder in ataxia-telangiectasia: treatment with amantadine sulfate
Tags: 0 (Antiparkinson Agents), 2013, Adolescent, amantadine sulfate, Amantadine/tu [Therapeutic Use], Antiparkinson Agents/Antiparkinson [Therapeutic Use], ataxia telangiectasia, Ataxia Telangiectasia/co [Complications], Ben-Zeev B, BF4C9Z1J53 (Amantadine), Child, Disability, Evaluation, Hassin-Baer S, Humans, Journal of Child Neurology, Lerman S F, Levi Y B, Movement Disorders/dt [Drug Therapy], Movement Disorders/et [Etiology], Neurologic Examination, Nissenkorn A, pharmacologic intervention, Preschool, Prospective Studies, Severity Of Illness Index, tone and motor problems, Tzadok M
Development of global rating instruments for pediatric patients with ataxia telangiectasia
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, ataxia telangiectasia, ataxia telangiectasia/di [Diagnosis], Ataxia Telangiectasia/ep [Epidemiology], Ben-Zeev B, Borgohain R, Brief Ataxia Rating Scale, Child, Child Preschool, D'Agnano D, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Female, Hegde A U, Humans, ICARS, Leuzzi V, Male, Micheli R, Molinaro A, Mridula K R, Nissenkorn A, Pediatrics/mt [methods], SARA, scale development, Severity Of Illness Index, tone and motor problems, tool development, Yareeda S
The gross motor function measure is a valid and sensitive outcome measure for spinal muscular atrophy
Tags: 2006, Adolescent, Child, Child Preschool, Clinical Trials as Topic, Endpoint Determination, Female, GMFM, Humans, Hynan L S, Iannaccone S T, Male, Motor Activity/physiology, Nelson L, Neuromuscular Disorders, Outcome Assessment (Health Care)/methods, Owens H, Psychomotor Performance/physiology, scale development, Sensitivity and Specificity, Severity Of Illness Index, SMA1, Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood/drug therapy/physiopathology, tone and motor problems, tool development
Botulinum Toxin Type A for the Treatment of Equinus Deformity in Patients With Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II
Tags: 2012, botulinum toxin type A, cerebral-palsy, Children, Disease, equinus deformity, Gautschi M, Grunt S, Hunter syndrome, hunter-syndrome, II, Journal of Child Neurology, Management, MPSII, mucopolysaccharidosis type, Nava E, Neurosciences & Neurology, Nuoffer J M, Pediatrics, pharmacologic intervention, physical intervention, Physical Therapy, Recommendations, serial casting, skeletal-muscle, tone and motor problems, Weber P
Effect of hand splints on stereotypic hand behavior of three girls with Rett syndrome
Tags: 1988, Adolescent, Autistic disorder, Billingsley F F, Child, Female, finger-feeding skills, Hand, hand splints, Humans, Intellectual Disability, Naganuma G M, Neuromuscular Diseases/rehabilitation, physical intervention, Physical Therapy, Rett syndrome, splints, Stereotyped Behavior, stereotypic hand behavior, Syndrome, Thumb abduction splints, tone and motor problems
A structured assessment of motor function, behavior, and communication in patients with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
The Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire (RSBQ): refining the behavioural phenotype of Rett syndrome
Tags: 2002, Adolescents, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, breathing difficulties, Cass H, Charman T, Children, cpg-binding protein-2, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Hastings R P, Intellectual Disability, Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, mecp2, mecp2 mutations, Mental Retardation, mental-retardation, Mount R H, population prevalence, Psychiatry, Psychology, psychopathology, Questionnaire, Reilly S, Rett syndrome, RSBQ, scale development, sleep disturbance, tone and motor problems, tool development, x-chromosome inactivation
The prevalence and phenomenology of repetitive behavior in genetic syndromes
Tags: 2009, Adolescent, Adult, Angelman Syndrome/epidemiology/psychology, Arron K, behavioral problems, Berg K, Burbidge C, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Cri-du-chat, Cri-du-Chat Syndrome/epidemiology/psychology, De Lange syndrome, De Lange Syndrome/epidemiology/psychology, Female, Fragile X Syndrome/epidemiology/psychology, Humans, Intellectual Disability/epidemiology/genetics/psychology, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, London, Male, Middle Aged, Moss J, Oliver C, Phenotype, Prader-Willi Syndrome/epidemiology/psychology, Prevalence, repetitive behavior, Stereotyped Behavior, Surveys And Questionnaires, Syndrome, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Young Adult
Feed-induced Dystonias in Children with Severe Central Nervous System Disorders
Tags: 1134-47-0 (baclofen), 2017, acquired brain injury, Adolescent, Article, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], Campbell D I, Case Study, central nervous system disease, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, Constipation, Dystonia, dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], feed induced dystonia, feed induced dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], feeding difficulties, Female, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Gastroscopy, GERD, Human, Hydrocephalus, Hyperglycinemia, Infant, infantile spasm, intestinal dysmotility, intestine motility, Intestine Obstruction, Journal Of Pediatric Gastroenterology And Nutrition, Male, microcephaly, Mordekar S R, motor dysfunction, MPSIII, onset age, Parenteral Nutrition, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, peristalsis, pharmacologic intervention, Practice Guideline, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, reflux esophagitis, Retrospective Study, Rett syndrome, Sanfilippo syndrome, School Child, tone and motor problems, total parenteral nutrition, Velayudhan M, West syndrome