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- Tags: Epilepsy
Dronabinol Is Not a Game Changer in Pediatric Palliative Care: Results from a Retrospective Study
Medication Management Through Collaborative Practice for Children With Medical Complexity: A Prospective Case Series
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Adverse Drug Reaction, adverse drug reactions, Article, Asthma, Blood Pressure, Bodenstab HM, bradycardia, cerebral blindness, Cerebral Palsy, Child, children with disability, Chronic Disease, Clinical Practice, collaborative practice, Congenital Malformation, Cost Control, Current Procedural Terminology, diazepam, diphenhydramine, drug information, Drug Therapy, drug-related side effects, Dysphagia, economics, Emergency Ward, Epilepsy, Female, health care facility, hospital readmission, Human, Hypotension, Infant, ipratropium bromide, Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics, July List 2024, Length Of Stay, Long-Term Care, Major Clinical Study, Male, medication management, Medication therapy management, metoclopramide, Multiple Chronic Conditions, Nervous System, Neurology, Newborn, Paracetamol, Parrish RH, pediatric long term care facility, Pharmaceutical, pharmacist, Quinn J, salbutamol, Wo E
The Use of Cannabinoids in Pediatric Palliative Care-A Retrospective Single-Center Analysis
Tags: 2024, add on therapy, Adolescent, Adverse Drug Reaction, anxiety, April List 2024, Article, Cannabinoid, Cannabinoids, Child, Children, Clinical Article, decreased appetite, Diagnosis, drug combination, drug dose increase, Drug Therapy, Epilepsy, Female, Gravou-Apostolatou C, Human, Human Tissue, Loss Of Appetite, Male, Nausea, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, paresis, pediatric patient, Quality Of Life, restlessness, Retrospective Study, School Child, Side Effect, Spasticity, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Tagsold D, Therapy, Toni I, Trollmann R, Woelfle J
The Relationship Between Dyspnea Severity with Radiological and Laboratory Findings in Pneumonia in Children in Pediatric Palliative Care
Tags: 2023, Article, assisted ventilation, Atrophy, bacterial pneumonia, bone development, breathing muscle, bronchopneumonia, Caregiver, Çelik T, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Coskun M, Cross-sectional Study, Cubukcu D, Dyspnea, Epilepsy, February List 2024, Female, Genetic Disorder, Harputluoglu N, Hospitalization, Human, interstitial pneumonia, Journal of Pediatric Academy, laboratory diagnosis, Major Clinical Study, Male, medical device, modified Borg dyspnea scale, Nurse, Nutritional Support, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrician, physiotherapist, pneumonia/di [Diagnosis], radiodiagnosis, respiratory distress, scoring system, Social Worker, thorax radiography, virus pneumonia, X ray
Learning Disability Nurses in Palliative Care - A Narrative on Diversifying the Workforce and the Caseload
Tags: 2022, Adult, ADULTHOOD, Attention, Autism, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, Child, Cognitive Defect, Cohort Analysis, conference abstract, Distress Syndrome, Employment, Epilepsy, Female, geriatric disorder, Hospice, Human, Learning, learning disorder, Learning Disorders, malignant cardiac tumor, March List 2023, Marsden S, Narrative, Neurodisability, Nurse, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Skill, Terminal Care, Treatment Failure, workforce
Family attitudes about and experiences with medical cannabis in children with cancer or epilepsy: an exploratory qualitative study
Characterization of Death in Infants With Neonatal Seizures
Expectations and knowledge of cannabidiol therapy for childhood epilepsy — A German caregiver survey
Sleep disorders in Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Tags: 2016, Adolescent, Adult, Ajmone P, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C - Seminars in Medical Genetics, Article, body mass, Canevini M P, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Comorbidity, Controlled Study, De Lange syndrome, Epilepsy, Female, Fossati C, Furia F, Gastroesophageal Reflux, gene, gene mutation, Gervasini C, HDAC8 gene, histone deacetylase 8, Human, Intellectual Impairment, Kullman G, Male, Masciadri M, NIPBL gene, Priority Journal, problem behavior, RAD21 gene, Russo S, Selicorni A, sleep disorder, sleep disturbance/disorders, SMC1A gene, SMC3 gene, Taiana M, Trajectory, Turner K, Vignoli A, Zambrelli E
Variations of Stereotypies in Individuals With Rett Syndrome: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study in Taiwan
Tags: 2017, Autism, Autism Research, Behavioral Sciences, bruxism, CDKL5, characteristics, chinese patients, Disorders, Epilepsy, Ganglia, girls, hair pulling, Hung P L, Jan T Y, Lee W T, lip protrusion, manifestations, mecp2, mecp2 mutations, motor stereotypies, Movement Disorders, Psychology, retropulsion, Rett syndrome, stereotypies, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Wong L C
Self-injurious behavior and tuberous sclerosis complex: Frequency and possible associations in a population of 257 patients
Tags: 2008, adults, Aggression, Autism, behavioral problems, Behavioral Sciences, characteristics, Disabilities, Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Behavior, Frontal, frontal-lobe seizures, gene, Halpern E F, identification, Kopp C M C, lobe, Major P, Montenegro M A, Muzykewicz D A, Neurosciences & Neurology, Newberry P, Psychiatry, Self-Injurious behavior, Staley B A, Thiele E A, Trajectory, Tuber location, Tuberous Sclerosis, Tuberous sclerosis complex
Melatonin treatment for sleep disorders in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: an observational study
Tags: 2002, Adolescent, Child, Child Preschool, Davies P, Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities/complications, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dose-Response Relationship Drug, Epilepsy, Epilepsy/complications, Female, Humans, Infant, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Leukodystrophy, Male, Medical Records, melatonin, Melatonin/therapeutic use, MPSII, MPSIII, Nervous System Diseases, Nervous System Diseases/complications, Outpatients, pharmacologic intervention, Q3 Scoping Review Results, Ross C, Sex Factors, Sleep Disorders/complications/drug therapy, sleep disturbance/disorders, Sleep Wake Disorders, Vision Disorders, Vision Disorders/complications, Whitehouse W
Sleep dysfunction in Rett syndrome: lack of age related decrease in sleep duration
Tags: 2001, Adolescent, Age Factors, Brain, Brain and Development, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Christodoulou J, Cohort Studies, Ellaway C, Epilepsy, Female, Humans, Leonard H, Movement Disorders, Peat J, Rett syndrome, Sleep, sleep disturbance/disorders, Sleep Wake Disorders, Trajectory
Behavior problems in children with tuberous sclerosis complex and parental stress
Tags: 2008, Adolescents, Attention, Autism, Autism spectrum disorder, behavioral problems, Behavioral Sciences, Cancer, characteristics, diagnostic-criteria, Disorders, Epilepsy, Epilepsy and Behavior, Families, frequency, hyperactivity, infantile spasms, Kopp C M C, Mental, methylphenidate, mixed seizure disorder, Muzykewicz D A, Neurosciences & Neurology, parenting stress, Population, Psychiatry, Pulsifer M B, retardation, Seizure, Staley B A, Thiele E A, Trajectory, tsc1, Tuberous Sclerosis, Tuberous sclerosis complex
Clinical trial of piracetam in patients with myoclonus: nationwide multiinstitution study in Japan. The Myoclonus/Piracetam Study Group
A national survey of Rett syndrome: age, clinical characteristics, current abilities, and health
Tags: 2015, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, bowel problems, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Cianfaglione R, Clarke A, Constipation, Epilepsy, feeding difficulties, Felce D, gastrointestinal problems, Hastings R P, Kerr M, Oliver C, Rett syndrome, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, weight
Sleep disorders in tuberous sclerosis: a polysomnographic study
Standardized assessment of behavior and adaptive living skills in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Tags: 2006, Adams H, batten-disease, behavioral problems, characteristics, childhood, Children, De Blieck E A, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dure L, Epilepsy, impairments, Kwon J, Marshall F J, Mink J W, NCL3, NCL6, Neurosciences & Neurology, Pearce D A, Pediatrics, psychiatric problems, Ramirez-Montealegre D, Rothberg P G, Scale, Symptoms, Trajectory, Validity
Changing landscape of paediatric palliative care
Tags: 2018, Adult, August 2018 List, catering service, Child, conference abstract, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Diagnosis, Epilepsy, Female, Hills M, Hospice, Human, landscape, life event, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Care, Morbidity, Mortality, muscle spasm, Nallapeta N, Palliative Therapy, Retrospective Study, Young Adult
Sudden unexpected death in children with epilepsy: Hearing from parents
Tags: 2014, Abdalla IG, Backlog, Cavalheiro EA, Death, Epilepsy, Epilepsy & Behavior, Female, Fiorini AC, Humans, Journal Article, Male, Parents, Scorza CA, Scorza FA, Sudden
Life at the interface: adults with "pediatric" disorders of the nervous system
Development and pilot-testing of a health-related quality of life chronic generic module for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions: a European perspective
Tags: 'Independence', 'Physical', 'Social Exclusion') with acceptable internal consistency., 'Social Inclusion', 13-16 years) with different chronic health conditions (asthma, 2005, Adolescent Child Chronic Disease/psychology Disabled Children/psychology Europe Health Status Humans Pilot Projects Quality of Life/psychologyQuestionnaires Research Support, and cystic fibrosis) as well as their families were included. Data were analysed according to predefined psychometric and content criteria. Psychometric an alyses resulted in a 56-item chronic generic HRQOL questionnaire with six domains ('Medication', and implement European instruments for the assessment of HRQOL of children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. The current paper describes the development and pilot testing of a chronic generic HRQOL measure. Using literature searches, Arthritis, atopic dermatitis, Backlog, Bullinger M, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Emotion, Epilepsy, expert consulting and focus groups with children/adolescents and their families, items of the instruments were developed and translated into the respective languages. A pilot test with 360 children and adolescents was conducted. Children and adolescents (8-12, Journal Article, Non-U.S. Gov'tSickness Impact Profile%X Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) assessment in children and adolescents with chronic health conditions is increasingly considered as a relevant topic. The aim of the EU-funded DISABKIDS project is to develop, PedPal Lit, Petersen C, Power M, Quality of Life Research, Schmidt S, test
Sublingual lorazepam at home for acute treatment of seizures
Influence of epilepsy on mortality in mental retardation: an epidemiologic study
Tags: 1996, Adult, Backlog, Blomquist HK, Cause Of Death, Cerebral Palsy/ep [Epidemiology], Cerebral Palsy/mo [Mortality], Cohort Studies, Comorbidity, Confidence Intervals, Edvinsson SO, Epilepsia, Epilepsy, Epilepsy/di [diagnosis], Epilepsy/ep [Epidemiology], Epilepsy/mo [Mortality], Follow-up Studies, Forsgren L, Generalized/di [Diagnosis], Generalized/ep [Epidemiology], Generalized/mo [Mortality], Human, Journal Article, Mental Retardation/di [Diagnosis], Mental Retardation/ep [Epidemiology], Mental Retardation/mo [Mortality], Middle Age, Mortality, Nystrom L, Pneumonia/ep [Epidemiology], Pneumonia/mo [Mortality], Prevalence, Severity Of Illness Index, Sweden/ep [Epidemiology]
Children's Experiences Of Epilepsy: A Systematic Review Of Qualitative Studies
Epilepsy is a common and severe neurologic disease associated with increased mortality, seizure-related injury, and adverse psychological and quality-of-life outcomes.
To describe the perspectives of children and adolescents with…