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Tags: 2016, 7 dehydrocholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], 8 dehydrocholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, Albert P, Article, Autism, automutilation, Behavior, Bianconi S, Bukelis I, Case Study, cerebrospinal fluid level, characteristics, Child, Child Rearing, childhood, cholesterol/ec [Endogenous Compound], Clinical Article, Cognition, delayed development, development, Developmental delay, Farmer C, Female, Human, Intelligence Quotient, Interpersonal Communication, Joseph L, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Lanham D, Male, Observational Study, Parent, Porter F D, Preschool Child, Priority Journal, problem behavior, Sarphare G, Smith Lemli Opitz syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, Socialization, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Sterols, Swedo S, Thurm A, Tierney E, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Unclassified Drug, Walking, Wassif C A, Wheeler C, Young Adult
Tags: 2013, adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Article, Assistive technology, Caffo A O, Case Report, Child Behavior, Female, hand washing, Happiness, Human, Indices of happiness, locomotion, Locomotor behavior, Microswitches, optic sensors, physical intervention, Priority Journal, Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett syndrome, School Child, Stasolla F, stereotyped movements, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Wobble microswitch
Tags: 2014, Aberrant Behavior Checklist, adaptive behavior, Adolescent, Adult, Age, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Article, Autism, behavior disorder, Behavioral phenotype, behavioral problems, characteristics, Checklist, Child, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Clark B, Clinical Article, Communication, communication disorder, compulsion, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, daily life activity, De Lange syndrome, Diagnosis, Disease Severity, Emotion, Female, Grados M A, Human, hyperactivity, Intellectual Impairment, Interpersonal Communication, Irritability, Kline A D, Landy-Schmitt C, Language, lethargy, limb, maladjustment, Male, Phenotype, Priority Journal, psychological rating scale, Rating Scale, Repetitive behaviors, rigidity, Skill, social cognition, Socialization, Specht M, Srivastava S, stereotypy, Trajectory, Verbal Communication, Vineland Adaptive Behaviors Scales