Browse Items (34 total)
- Tags: breathing difficulties
Autonomic nervous system dysregulation: Breathing and heart rate perturbation during wakefulness in young girls with Rett syndrome
Tags: 2006, Bennett H L, Boothby C M, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Disorder, dysfunction, explanation, hyperventilation, increased breathing frequency, increased mean airflow increased hear rate, irregular breathing, Kenny A S, Lieske S P, long qt syndrome, mecp2, mutations, Patterns, Pediatric Research, Pediatrics, Ramirez J M, Rett syndrome, Silvestri J M, sudden-death, Trajectory, Weese-Mayer D E
Autonomic Dysregulation in Young Girls With Rett Syndrome During Nighttime in-Home Recordings
Tags: 2008, autonomic dysregulation, Bennett H L, Boothby C M, breathing difficulties, cardiorespiratory dysregulation, characteristics, Disorder, disturbances, dysfunction, hyperventilation, increased breathing frequency, irregular breathing, Kenny A S, Lieske S P, mecp2 mutations, Mice, nervous-system, Patterns, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pediatrics, Ramirez J M, Respiratory System, Rett syndrome, Trajectory, Weese-Mayer D E
Breathing abnormalities in sleep in achondroplasia
Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea in achondroplasia: evaluation of sleep, breathing, and somatosensory-evoked potentials
Tags: 1995, achondroplasia, Achondroplasia/co [Complications], adenotonsillectomy, Adolescent, Adult Child, American Journal Of Medical Genetics, breathing difficulties, Child, CPAP, Everett F, Evoked Potentials, Fagan E R, Female, Humans, Infant, losing weight, Male, Middle Aged, physical interventions, Preschool, Respiration, respiratory disturbance index, Sillence D O, Sleep Apnea Syndromes/et [Etiology], Sleep Apnea Syndromes/th [Therapy], Sullivan C E, surgical interventions, Tonsillectomy, Waters K A, Weight Loss
The feasibility and validity of forced spirometry in ataxia telangiectasia
Tags: 2010, Adolescent, ataxia telangiectasia, ataxia telangiectasia/di [Diagnosis], Ataxia Telangiectasia/pp [Physiopathology], Berkun Y, breathing difficulties, Case-Control Studies, characteristics, Child, Efrati O, Feasibility Studies, Female, Humans, Jacobson J M, Levi Y, lung deterioration, Male, Pediatric Pulmonology, Preschool, Reproducibility of Results, Spirometry, Trajectory, Vilozni D, Weiss B, Young Adult
Sleep-disordered breathing and its management in children with achondroplasia
Tags: 2017, achondroplasia, adenotonsillectomy, Amaddeo A, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, apnea hypopnea index, apnea monitoring, Baujat G, BiPAP, bone dysplasia, breathing difficulties, cervical decompression, Child, Clinical Article, Cormier-Daire V, Couloigner V, CPAP, De Sanctis L, ENT surgery, Fauroux B, Human, James S, Khirani S, Michot C, Neurosurgery, obstructive sleep apnea, physical interventions, Polysomnography, Preschool Child, Prevalence, Retrospective Study, School Child, Sleep disordered breathing, Surgery, surgical interventions, Tenconi R, upper respiratory tract, Zerah M
Comparison of treatment modalities in syndromic children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea-A randomized cohort study
Tags: 2014, adenotonsillectomy, apnea hypopnea index, Article, Arumugam S V, breathing difficulties, Child, Clinical Effectiveness, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, Controlled Study, CPAP device, Down Syndrome, Epworth sleepiness scale, ess-c, Female, Follow Up, Human, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Kameswaran M, Major Clinical Study, Male, MPSI, MPSII, MPSIII, MPSIIIA, MPSIIIB, MPSVI, MPSVII, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Murali S, osa-18, outcome assessment, Paramasivan V K, Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea, physical interventions, positive end expiratory pressure, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, radiofrequency ablation device, Randomized Controlled Trial, sleep disordered breathing/su [Surgery], sleep disordered breathing/th [Therapy], Sudarsan S S, surgical interventions, Treatment Outcome
Characterization of sleep disturbance in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Tags: 2011, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Ishman S L, Kimball A, Kline A D, Levy H P, Mettel T L, Sleep disordered breathing, sleep disturbance, Sleepiness, snoring, Stavinoha Rose C, Trajectory
Respiratory complications of mucopolysaccharide storage disorders
Tags: 1988, adenoidectomy, Adolescent, Adult, Airway Obstruction/et [Etiology], Anesthesia General/ae [Adverse Effects], beta adrenergic blockers, breathing difficulties, calcium antagonists, Cardiovascular Diseases/et [Etiology], Child, Child Preschool, digoxin, diuretics, Female, Humans, Infant, Intubation Intratracheal/ae [Adverse Effects], Lung Diseases/et [Etiology], Lung Diseases/pp [Physiopathology], Male, Medicine, MLII, MLIII, MPSI, MPSII, MPSVI, Mucopolysaccharidoses/co [Complications], Mucopolysaccharidoses/mo [Mortality], Mucopolysaccharidoses/pp [Physiopathology], pharmacologic interventions, Pyeritz R E, respiratory problems, Respiratory Tract Diseases/et [Etiology], Respiratory Tract Diseases/pp [Physiopathology], Respiratory Tract Diseases/ra [Radiography], Retrospective Studies, Semenza G L, Sleep Apnea Syndromes/et [Etiology], Spinal Diseases/et [Etiology], Spinal Diseases/ra [Radiography], surgical interventions, theophylline, Tonsillectomy, Tracheostomy
Polysomnographic recordings of respiratory disturbances in Rett syndrome
Tags: 1995, Adolescent, Aguigah G, Aksu F, apnea, breathing difficulties, Buschatz D, Case Report, characteristics, Conference Paper, Disorder of respiratory control, Female, Human, hyperventilation, hypocapnia, Journal of Sleep Research, Polygraphic recording, Polysomnography, Priority Journal, Respiratory Tract Disease, Rett syndrome, Rett Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], Schluter B, School Child, Trajectory, Trowitzsch E
Disturbances in cardiorespiratory function during day and night in Rett syndrome
Dyspnea in Children with Life-Threatening and Life-Limiting Complex Chronic Conditions
Sleep disordered breathing in childhood-onset acid maltase deficiency
Tags: 2009, Adolescent, Blood Gas Analysis, Brain and Development, breathing difficulties, Child, Female, glycogen storage disease type II, Glycogen Storage Disease Type II/pp [Physiopathology], Humans, Kagitani-Shimono K, Kato-Nishimura K, Male, Mohri I, Muscle Strength, Muscle Weakness, Nabatame S, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, Okinaga T, Ozono K, physical intervention, Polysomnography, Positive-Pressure Respiration, Quality Of Life, Respiration, Respiration Disorders/pp [Physiopathology], Respiration Disorders/th [Therapy], Respiratory Function Tests, Retrospective Studies, Sakai N, Sleep apnea, Sleep Apnea Syndromes/pp [Physiopathology], Sleep Apnea Syndromes/th [Therapy], Sleep/ph [Physiology], Tachibana N, Taniike M
Naltrexone therapy of apnea in children with elevated cerebrospinal fluid beta-endorphin
Tags: 1990, Annals Of Neurology, beta-Endorphin/cerebrospinal fluid, Biomarkers of Pain, Brase D A, breathing difficulties, Child, Child Preschool, Dewey W L, Female, Humans, Infant, Infant Newborn, Leigh Disease/cerebrospinal fluid, Leigh syndrome, Male, Morris D L, Myer E C, Naltrexone, Naltrexone/therapeutic use, oral naltrexone, pharmacologic intervention, Prospective Studies, Sleep apnea, Sleep Apnea Syndromes/cerebrospinal fluid/drug therapy, Zimmerman A W
The Rett Syndrome Behaviour Questionnaire (RSBQ): refining the behavioural phenotype of Rett syndrome
Tags: 2002, Adolescents, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, breathing difficulties, Cass H, Charman T, Children, cpg-binding protein-2, Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Hastings R P, Intellectual Disability, Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, mecp2, mecp2 mutations, Mental Retardation, mental-retardation, Mount R H, population prevalence, Psychiatry, Psychology, psychopathology, Questionnaire, Reilly S, Rett syndrome, RSBQ, scale development, sleep disturbance, tone and motor problems, tool development, x-chromosome inactivation
Sleep-disordered breathing in children with achondroplasia
Tags: 1998, achondroplasia, apnea, breathing difficulties, Carroll J L, central apnea, cervicomedullary compression, characteristics, Death, decompression, Francomano C A, Hurko O, Infants, Journal of Pediatrics, Loughlin G M, Marcus C L, Mogayzel P J, obstruction, obstructive sleep apnea, Pediatrics, respiratory complications, Trajectory, unexpected
Sleep disordered breathing in spinal muscular atrophy
Tags: 2004, breathing difficulties, Child, Cyclic AMP, Disease Progression, disordered breathing, Dohna-Schwake C, Female, Humans, Male, Mellies U, Muscle, Neuromuscular Disorders, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, physical intervention, Response Element-Binding Protein, Skeletal/pa [Pathology] Muscle, SMA1, Stehling F V T
Autonomic breathing abnormalities in Rett syndrome: Caregiver perspectives in an international database study
Tags: 2017, abdominal bloating, Adult, Article, autonomic dysfunction, bloating, breath holding, breath-holding, breathing difficulties, breathing disorder, Breathing disorders, breathing pattern, Caregiver, characteristics, Child, Data Base, Developmental Disability, Downs J, Epstein A, Female, Genotype, Heyworth J, Human, hyperventilation, International database, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Leonard H, MacKay J, Male, mecp2, Mutation, Noninvasive Ventilation, onset age, oxygen, Priority Journal, Questionnaire, Rare disorder, rebreathing, Rett syndrome, School Child, Trajectory, Wong K
Disordered breathing during sleep in patients with mucopolysaccharidoses
Tags: 2001, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Dinwiddie R, frequent awakenings, Galactosialidosis, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Lane R, Leighton SEJ, MPSI, MPSII, MPSIII, MPSIIIA, MPSIIIB, MPSVI, MPSVII, obstructive sleep apnea, OSA, Papsin B, poor sleep quality, sleep disturbance, Trajectory, Vellodi A
Pediatric leukodystrophies: The role of the otolaryngologist
Tags: 1309378-01-5 (botulinum toxin A), 1638949-86-6 (botulinum toxin A), 1800016-51-6 (botulinum toxin A), 2017, 93384-43-1 (botulinum toxin A), Adolescent, Adult, Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, anamnesis, Article, aspiration pneumonia, Assessment, Bernard G, botulinum toxin A/dt [Drug Therapy], breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Comorbidity, Daniel S J, Drool, drooling, Dysphagia, feeding difficulties, head and neck disease, hearing impairment, Human, hypersalivation/su [Surgery], International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Kay-Rivest E, Khendek L, Krabbe disease, Leukodystrophy, leukodystrophy/dt [Drug Therapy], nose feeding, otolaryngologist, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, physical examination, Physician Attitude, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, quality of life assessment, Questionnaire, sleep disturbance, stomach tube, Trajectory, x-linked adreno-leukodystrophy
Characterisation of breathing and associated central autonomic dysfunction in the Rett disorder
Tags: 2001, abnormal respiratory rhythm, Al-Rawas S, angiotensin-ii, Apartopoulos F, Archives of Disease in Childhood, autonomic system, brain stem, breathing difficulties, characteristics, component, Dysautonomia, Engerstrom I W, Engerstrom L, Hansen S, hyperventilation, immaturity, Jamal G A, Julu P O O, Kerr A M, Neurons, nucleus-tractus-solitarii, Pediatrics, protein-2, real-time, reflexes, Rett disorder, Rett syndrome, Trajectory, vagal tone
Sleep abnormalities in untreated patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
Tags: 2011, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, anamnesis, apnea, Article, Azevedo A C, Barrios P, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Clinical Feature, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Dalcin P, disease association, Disease Severity, Doppler echocardiography, Fagondes S, Female, Giugliani R, Glycosaminoglycans, Human, John A, Lysosomal storage diseases, lysosome storage disease, macroglossia, Male, Maroteaux Lamy syndrome, Menna-Barreto S, Morquio syndrome, MPSVI, Mucopolysaccharidosis, oxygen saturation, oxygen/ec [Endogenous Compound], physical examination, pigeon thorax, Polysomnography, Preschool Child, Prevalence, Priority Journal, Prospective Study, pulmonary hypertension, Schwartz I, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea syndrome/di [Diagnosis], sleep disorder, snoring, Trajectory, witnessed apnea
Sixty-four patients with Brachmann-de Lange syndrome: a survey
Tags: 1985, American Journal Of Medical Genetics, behavioral problems, Birth Weight, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, De Lange syndrome, De Lange Syndrome/etiology/genetics/physiopathology, feeding difficulties, Female, Hawley P P, Humans, Jackson L G, Kurnit D M, Male, Psychomotor Performance, respiratory tract symptoms, Surveys And Questionnaires, Trajectory
Respiratory disturbances in rett syndrome: Don't forget to evaluate upper airway obstruction
Rett's syndrome: Characterization of respiratory patterns and sleep
Tags: 1987, abnormal respiratory problems, abnormal sleep patterns, Annals Of Neurology, ataxia, Autism, breathing difficulties, Central Nervous System, characteristics, Child, Dementia, Diagnosis, etiology, Frost Jr J D, Glaze D G, heredity, Human, hyperpnea, Major Clinical Study, Percy A K, Priority Journal, Respiratory System, Rett syndrome, Seizure, Sleep, sleep disturbance, Trajectory, Zoghbi H Y
Sleep problems and daytime problem behaviours in children with intellectual disability
Tags: 2002, Adolescents, adults, Behavior, breathing difficulties, challenging behavior, characteristics, Children, community-based sample, daytime problem behaviour, de Vries M, Didden R, difficulties, Disorders, disturbance, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, handicapped-children, Intellectual Disability, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Korzilius H, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, severe learning-disabilities, sleep disturbance, sleep problem, Trajectory, Tuberous Sclerosis, urinary incontinence, van Aperlo B, van Overloop C
Increased prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in Friedreich ataxia
Direct Observation of the Behaviour of Females with Rett Syndrome
A national survey of Rett syndrome: age, clinical characteristics, current abilities, and health
Tags: 2015, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, bowel problems, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Cianfaglione R, Clarke A, Constipation, Epilepsy, feeding difficulties, Felce D, gastrointestinal problems, Hastings R P, Kerr M, Oliver C, Rett syndrome, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, weight
A national survey of Rett syndrome: behavioural characteristics
Tags: 2015, anxiety, Behavior, breathing difficulties, breathing problems, characteristics, Cianfaglione R, Clarke A, Felce D, hand stereotypies, Hastings R P, Heald M, inappropriate fear, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Kerr M, Moss J, Oliver C, Rett syndrome, sleep problems, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Trajectory
Findings from a multidisciplinary clinical case series of females with Rett syndrome
Polysomnographic findings in Rett syndrome: a case-control study
Tags: 2013, Bravaccio C, breathing difficulties, Carotenuto M, Case-Control Studies, Cerebral Cortex, characteristics, Child, D'Aniello A, Elia M, Esposito M, Female, Humans, obstructive apnea, Pascotto A, periodic limb movement, Polysomnography, Precenzano F, Reference Values, Rett syndrome, Rippa C D, Signal Processing Computer-Assisted, Sleep, Sleep REM, Sleep & Breathing, sleep disturbance, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Wakefulness
Anxiety-like behavior in Rett syndrome: characteristics and assessment by anxiety scales
Tags: 2015, anxiety, Autism spectrum disorder, Barnes K V, Bazin G A, Behavior, Beinecke E B, breathing difficulties, Bruck N, Cantwell N G, characteristics, Checklist, Children, Coughlin F R, Down-syndrome, fragile-x-syndrome, Intellectual disabilities, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Kaufmann W E, mecp2, mental-retardation, mouse model, Neurosciences & Neurology, O'Leary H M, Problematic behavior, quality-of-life, Rett syndrome, severity, sleep disturbance, Social avoidance, Trajectory, Walco A C
Respiratory events and obstructive sleep apnea in children with achondroplasia: investigation and treatment outcomes
Tags: 2011, achondroplasia, Achondroplasia/di [Diagnosis], Achondroplasia/ep [Epidemiology], Achondroplasia/th [Therapy], Adolescent, Afsharpaiman S, Age Factors, Airway Obstruction/di [Diagnosis], Airway Obstruction/ep [Epidemiology], Airway Obstruction/th [Therapy], Ault J E, Body Mass Index, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Cohort Studies, Comorbidity, Cross-sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, obstructive sleep apnea, Polysomnography, Sheikhvatan M, Sillence D O, Sleep and Breathing, Sleep Apnea Central/di [Diagnosis], Sleep Apnea Central/ep [Epidemiology], Sleep Apnea Central/th [Therapy], Sleep Apnea Obstructive/di [Diagnosis], Sleep Apnea Obstructive/ep [Epidemiology], Sleep Apnea Obstructive/th [Therapy], Trajectory, Treatment Outcome, Waters K