Browse Items (13 total)

ABSTRACT: Objectives: Research examining sibling caregiving contributions to medically complex pediatric patients, including those with inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs), is limited. We assess caregiving roles and attributes of siblings and…

Parents and clinicians caring for infants with neurologic disease often make high-stakes decisions about infant care. To characterize how these decisions occur, we enrolled infants with neurologic conditions, their parents, and their clinicians in a…

BACKGROUND: The increased life expectancy of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) raises questions regarding the medical decisions related to life and death, made on their behalf during their later lives. However,…

Background: Children with severe neurological impairment (SNI) commonly receive care in the hospital setting necessitating frequent interactions with clinicians. Yet, parents report that clinicians often have a limited understanding of their child's…

CONTEXT: Parents of children with severe neurologic impairment (SNI) often face high-stakes medical decisions when their child is hospitalized. These decisions involve technology/surgery, goals of care/advance care planning, or transitions of care.…

Self-injurious behavior (SIB) has been observed in people with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), although the frequency of SIB in TSC is largely unknown. SIB is associated with intellectual and developmental disabilities, but there is no single cause…

Characteristics of sleep and sleep problems were investigated in 43 individuals with 11q terminal deletion disorder (Jacobsen syndrome). Data were collected using a sleep questionnaire. Ten individuals (23%) had a sleep problem. Settling problems,…

Objective: Sleep disturbance and daytime restlessness are present in 50% to 80% of children with severe psychomotor impairment due to neurologic or other complex diseases. Although these issues severely impair the quality of life of the children and…

This paper uses panel data from the Statistics Canada National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (1994 through 2000) to study the implications of parenting a child with a disability or chronic condition for subjective assessments of parental…

Stress, burden, and sorrow are not surprising responses for mothers of children who acquire life-altering disabilities. What is largely unforeseen is how maternal caregivers transform in positive ways through trauma and diversity. This article offers…

With improvements in pediatric care and technology, more young adults (YAs) with life-limiting conditions (LLCs) are surviving into adulthood. However, they have limited expectations to live beyond the first decade of adulthood. This…
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