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Background Parents of neonates with life-threatening conditions and professionals, bear the burden of making complex decisions. Parents may not be fully involved in decision-making, and there is a paucity of evidence regarding the influence of social…
Introduction Early-life medical and surgical interventions in babies born preterm and/or with surgical conditions influence later life health and educational outcomes. Obtaining long-term outcomes post-discharge to evaluate the impact of…
Background: Specialist care units cater to targeted cohorts of patients, applying evidence-based practice to people with a specific condition (e.g., dementia) or meeting other specific criteria (e.g., children). This paper aimed to collate…
INTRODUCTION: The Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Goyalmara Hospital in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh is a referral centre offering the highest level of care available in the Rohingya camps for pediatrics and neonatology. Efforts are underway to integrate…
In high-income countries, emerging research suggests sibling bereavement can have significant health and life course consequences for young people. Yet, we know far less about its burden in lower-income countries. Due to higher fertility and…
BACKGROUND: Parents of dying children face unique challenge and expect compassionate support from health care providers (HCPs). This study explored the experiences of the parents and HCPs about the end-of-life care and breaking bad news and related…
BACKGROUND: For terminally sick neonates and their families, it's crucial to provide holistic nursing care that incorporates both curative and palliative care as much as feasible. It is well known that the biggest obstacle to delivering palliative…
Background The Pediatric Quality of Life and Evaluation of Symptoms Technology Response to Pediatric Oncology Symptom Experience (PQ-Response) intervention aims to integrate specialized pediatric palliative care into the routine care of children,…
For the sizeable subset of adolescents and young adults whose cancer is incurable, developmentally appropriate end-of-life discussions are critical. Standards of care for adolescent and young adult end-of-life communication have been established,…
BACKGROUND: Parents of dying children face unique challenge and expect compassionate support from health care providers (HCPs). This study explored the experiences of the parents and HCPs about the end-of-life care and breaking bad news and related…
INTRODUCTION: The World Health Organization (WHO) Safe Childbirth Checklist (SCC) is a 29-item checklist based on essential childbirth practices to help health-care workers to deliver consistently high quality maternal and perinatal care. The…
BACKGROUND AND AIM: The Helping Babies Breathe program gave major reductions in perinatal mortality in Tanzania from 2009 to 2012. We aimed to study whether this effect was sustained, and whether resuscitation skills changed with continued frequent…
BACKGROUND: Neonatal resuscitation is a life-saving intervention for birth asphyxia, a leading cause of neonatal mortality. Worldwide, four million neonate deaths happen annually, and birth asphyxia accounts for one million deaths. Improving…
INTRODUCTION: Grief among bereaved parents is known to cause psychological distress and physical illness, but knowledge concerning factors that can contribute to health promotion after bereavement is scarce. Childhood cancer remains the most common…
INTRODUCTION: Medical education experts argue that grief support training for physicians would improve physician and patient and family wellness, and should therefore be mandatory. However, there is little evidence about the range of curricula…
Friedreich's ataxia is the most common autosomal recessive form of neurodegenerative ataxia. We present a longitudinal study on the gait pattern of children and adolescents affected by Friedreich's ataxia using Gait Analysis and the Scale for the…
Ataxia-telangiectasia is known for cerebellar degeneration, but clinical descriptions of abnormal tone, posture, and movements suggest involvement of the network between cerebellum and basal ganglia. We quantitatively assessed the nature of…
Background: GPi (Internal globus pallidus) DBS (deep brain stimulation) is recognized as a safe, reliable, reversible and adjustable treatment in patients with medically refractory dystonia. Objectives: This report describes the long-term clinical…
Sleep disturbances are prevalent in mucopolysaccharidosis Type III (MPS III), yet there is a lack of objective, ecologically valid evidence detailing sleep quantity, quality or circadian system. Eight children with MPS III and eight age-matched…
Background: Population trends of disease prevalence and incidence over time measure burden of disease and inform healthcare planning. Neuromuscular disorders (NMD) affect muscle and nerve function with varying degrees of severity and disease…
BACKGROUND: The death of a newborn baby is devastating. While clinical issues may be a primary concern, interpersonal aspects can impact significantly. Mothers in this situation are not easy to access for research and little quantitative evidence is…
BACKGROUND: In light of the Korean Supreme Court's 2009 ruling favoring a patient's right to die with dignity, we evaluated trends in aggressive care in a cohort of pediatric cancer patients. Methods We conducted a population-based retrospective…
Background Objective was to determine whether prophylactic low level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces the risk of severe mucositis as compared to placebo or no therapy. Methods MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were…
PURPOSE: To explore the lived experiences and personal impact of stillbirth on bereaved parents. METHODS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews analysed by Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) on a purposive sample of parents of twelve babies…
Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has extended the longevity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals. However, this has resulted in greater awareness of age-associated diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease…
BACKGROUND: Reports of reduced pain sensitivity in autism have prompted opioid theories of autism and have practical care ramifications. Our objective was to examine behavioral and physiological pain responses, plasma beta-endorphin levels and their…
Objectives: In the context of serious or life-limiting illness, pediatric patients and their families are faced with difficult decisions surrounding appropriate resuscitation efforts in the event of a cardiopulmonary arrest. Code status orders are…
BACKGROUND: Adolescents commonly experience loss due to death, and perceived closeness to the deceased can often increase the intensity of bereavement. Adolescents and early young adult (AeYA) oncology patients may recall previous losses or…
The present study aimed to examine whether bereaved parents “meaning-made”–defined as results of attempts to reduce discrepancies between the meaning assigned to the death of the child and self and world-views—was influenced by their own and their…
Modelling length of stay in neonatal care is vital to inform service planning and the counselling of parents. Preterm babies, at the highest risk of mortality, can have long stays in neonatal care and require high resource use. Previous work has…