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Research has focused heavily on mother's experiences of children with life-threatening illnesses. In contrast, fathers' experiences, especially among minorities, are scarcely discussed. This study examined the experiences of 15 fathers as primary…
We assessed the sampling performance of research on parental perspectives in pediatric palliative care and examined if and how gender imbalance was treated. We undertook a systematic review of parental perspectives research in pediatric palliative…
OBJECTIVES: To explore the feasibility and validity of forced spirometry in patients with ataxia telangiectasia (A-T). STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-eight patients (aged 3.7-19.3 years) performed spirometry on 47 occasions. Parameters studied were technical…
[Purpose] This study aimed to examine problematic behaviors of mentally handicapped children receiving pediatric physical therapy, through applying the Japanese version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist(ABC-J) to persons receiving pediatric physical…
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation encompasses a heterogeneous group of rare neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by iron accumulation in the brain. Severe generalized dystonia is frequently a prominent symptom and can be…
The objective of this study was to examine globus pallidus internus deep brain stimulation (GPi-DBS) outcomes in primary and secondary dystonia, derived from blinded ratings using two scales and two raters. Twenty-five patients with variable…
The use of health-related quality of life scales as outcome measures in clinical trials is increasing. Although such measures have been validated in adults with Friedreich ataxia, they have not been studied in children with this disorder. The…
OBJECTIVE: To explore the health-related quality of life (QoL) among children with velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) and to compare QoL by gender and with samples of chronically ill and healthy children. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional design,…
Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA (MPS IIIA) is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by progressive mental deterioration and severe behavioral problems. We conducted an open-label, crossover study of the efficacy and safety of Risperidone on…
The motor skills of patients with spinal muscular atrophy, type I (SMA-I) are very limited. It is difficult to quantify the motor abilities of these patients and as a result there is currently no validated measure of motor function that can be…
AIM: We investigated relationships between hand function and genotype and aspects of phenotype in Rett syndrome. METHOD: Video assessment in naturalistic settings was supplemented by parent-reported data in a cross-sectional study of 144 females with…
Friedreich Ataxia (FRDA) is the commonest inherited ataxia. Clinical trials of pharmaceuticals are increasingly being conducted in this condition. This requires the most accurate outcome measures to enable trials to be conducted with a minimum number…
Stereotypic hand movements are a feature of Rett Syndrome but few studies have observed their nature systematically. Video data in familiar settings were obtained on subjects (n = 144) identified from an Australian population-based database. I-land…
OBJECTIVE: To explore the end-of-life experience of children with brain tumors and their families. DESIGN: Qualitative analysis of focus group interviews. SETTING: Children's Hospital, London Health Sciences Center. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-five parents…
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the frequency of hastening death discussions, describe current parental endorsement of hastening death and intensive symptom management, and explore whether children's pain influences these views in a sample of parents whose…
OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of an innovative professional educational approach on clinicians' confidence and ability to make institutional improvements in pediatric palliative care. DESIGN: Evaluation to assess impact of educational…
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of end-of-life decisions and to describe their characteristics and the preceding decision-making process in minors in Belgium. DESIGN: Population-based postmortem anonymous physician survey. SETTING: Flanders,…
Recent animal studies suggest links between MeCP2 function and sensitivity to pain. This study investigated the nature and prevalence of atypical pain responses in Rett syndrome and their relationships with specific MECP2 mutations. Families enrolled…
BACKGROUND: Refusal of appropriately indicated do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders may cause harm and distress for patients, families, and the medical team. We conducted a retrospective study to determine the frequency and predictors of refusals of DNR…
BACKGROUND: Children undergoing stem cell transplant (SCT) experience high levels of somatic distress and mood disturbance. This trial evaluated the efficacy of complementary therapies (massage, humor therapy, relaxation/imagery) for reducing…
BACKGROUND: Although pediatric hospice care is commonly accepted as a beneficial intervention, the incremental advantage over end-of-life care delivered without engaging hospice remains unknown. The primary objective of this study was to describe…
BACKGROUND: We studied the relation between unrelieved symptoms in terminally ill children and the psychological well-being in the bereaved parents 4-9 years after their loss. PROCEDURE: We contacted parents in Sweden who had lost a child to a…
BACKGROUND: One in four cases of childhood cancer is incurable. In these cases death can usually be anticipated and therefore preceded by a phase of palliative care. For parents, preparing to let their child die is an extraordinarily painful process.…
Hope is discussed in many literatures and from many perspectives. In this essay hope is discussed from the vantage of psychology and stress and coping theory. Hope and psychological stress share a number of formal properties: both are contextual,…
This study evaluated the prevalence and predictors of long term posttraumatic growth (PTG) after breast cancer, and relationships of PTG with psychological health in a random sample of 307 currently disease-free women 5-15 years after diagnosis. This…
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the educational value of a documentary film about family caregiving for patients with brain tumors. The method used in this study is a pre-post survey among neurosurgeons, neuro-oncologist, and other…
OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review of published research on the pharmacologic treatment of pain after spinal cord injury (SCI). DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, and PsycINFO databases were searched for articles published 1980 to June…
Worldwide, acute, and chronic pain affects 20% of the adult population and represents an enormous financial and emotional burden. Using genome-wide neuronal-specific RNAi knockdown in Drosophila, we report a global screen for an innate behavior and…
Palliative care has always been a part of the care of children. It includes any intervention that focuses on relieving suffering, slowing the progression of disease, and improving quality of life at any stage of disease. In addition, for even the…
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by a low circulating platelet count caused by destruction of antibody-sensitized platelets in the reticuloendothelial system. ITP can be classified as childhood versus…
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to characterize temporal trends in all-cause mortality in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). BACKGROUND: Historically, most deaths in patients with CHD occurred in early childhood. Notable advances have since…
PURPOSE: We examined utilization patterns of adolescents and young women as they seek general and reproductive health services in physician offices and hospital outpatient clinics. METHODS: We analyzed physician office visits in the 2003-2006…
PURPOSE: To identify changes in ambulatory health care use during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. METHODS: We analyzed data from health care encounters for adolescents (13-18 year olds) and young adults (19-24 year olds) in the…
PURPOSE: This study tested two hypotheses about gender-specific mental health effects of peer stressors during early adolescence: (1) boys and girls are sensitive to different types of peer stressors, and (2) peer stress is associated with different…