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[Purpose] This study aimed to examine problematic behaviors of mentally handicapped children receiving pediatric physical therapy, through applying the Japanese version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist(ABC-J) to persons receiving pediatric physical…
Background: Mowat-Wilson Syndrome (MWS) is caused by deletion/mutation of the ZEB2 gene on chromosome 2q22. MWS is characterized by a distinctive facial appearance, severe intellectual disability and other anomalies, e.g. seizures and/or Hirschsprung…
Stereotypic hand movements are a feature of Rett Syndrome but few studies have observed their nature systematically. Video data in familiar settings were obtained on subjects (n = 144) identified from an Australian population-based database. I-land…
Costello syndrome is a rare rasopathy caused by germline mutations in the oncogene HRAS resulting in increased signal transduction through the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In contrast to the more common rasopathies, such as…