Browse Items (18 total)

Recent animal studies suggest links between MeCP2 function and sensitivity to pain. This study investigated the nature and prevalence of atypical pain responses in Rett syndrome and their relationships with specific MECP2 mutations. Families enrolled…

BACKGROUND: The lifespan of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is increasing significantly. The objective of this international pilot study was to study the characteristics of these long-term survivors. METHODS: Four centres with large CF clinics…

BACKGROUND: Empirical data on the changing epidemiology of congenital heart disease (CHD) are scant. We determined the prevalence, age distribution, and proportion of adults and children with severe and other forms of CHD in the general population…

Late-onset Pompe's disease (acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type II) is a slowly progressive myopathy caused by deficiency of acid alpha-glucosidase. Current developments in enzyme replacement therapy require detailed knowledge of…

OBJECTIVE: To analyze prospectively the impact of age at diagnosis in childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). STUDY DESIGN: International registry from June 1997 to May 2001, with analysis of data from baseline and 6-month-follow-up…

OBJECTIVES: To assess adolescents' sources of health care information, explore beliefs about topics which health care providers should address and about those which have been addressed, and identify topics that are embarrassing for adolescents to…

OBJECTIVE: To describe the reasons for eventual dissatisfaction among the families of patients who died in the intensive care unit (ICU), regarding both the assistance offered during the patient's stay in the hospital and the information received…

This study was undertaken to characterize the current feeding situation and nutritional status of moderately or severely disabled children with cerebral palsy (CP). Thirty-five children with CP (17 with diplegia, 11 with dystonia, 6 with tetraplegia…

OBJECTIVE: To derive prognostic data for survival and clinical improvement in children with severe developmental disabilities. STUDY DESIGN: A 13-year follow-up study of several cohorts of children initially evaluated before their first birthday. The…

The number of births in the United States decreased between 2007 and 2008 (preliminary estimate: 4 251 095). Birth rates declined among all women aged 15 to 39 years; the decrease among teenagers reverses the increases seen in the previous 2 years.…
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