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Abstract Background: The PalliPed project is a nationwide, observational, cross-sectional study designed with the aim of providing a constantly updated national database for the census and monitoring of specialized pediatric palliative care (PPC)…
Background: Pediatric palliative care (CPP) is defined as active and holistic care of the child's body, mind and spirit, actively supporting the centrality and role of the family. They have as their primary objective the improvement of the quality of…
BACKGROUND: The current Italian scenario of pediatric palliative care (PPC) services is characterized by inadequate coverage of the territory. Therefore, it is important to improve the referral of patients to the most appropriate setting (community…
Background: PalliPed is the first Italian nationwide project aimed at describing the characteristics of patients accessing specialized pediatric palliative care (PPC) and their families, in the main care settings (hospice, home care, and hospital).…
Aim: The Charter of the Rights of the Dying Child was formulated as a professional guide for caring the child in the final stages. The study examines the nurses' degree of agreement with the Charter's principles and their perception of the…
OBJECTIVES: Pediatric healthcare professionals (HCPs) working in a palliative setting may experience challenges during their clinical practice in addressing the complex end-of-life phase of children and their families. Nurses, especially, have a…
There is a lack of highly reliable tools evaluating healthcare professionals' competences on Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) and Pain Therapy (PT). The aim of this study is to document the development of an online questionnaire to assess Perceived,…
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a home care program, closely integrated with a medical oncology department. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The charts, prospectively recorded, of all the patients treated at home by the "L'Aquila per la Vita" Home Care Unit…
BACKGROUND: The lifespan of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is increasing significantly. The objective of this international pilot study was to study the characteristics of these long-term survivors. METHODS: Four centres with large CF clinics…
BACKGROUND: This study is a pilot experience aiming to investigate the compliance of an institutional cohort of Italian children treated for a malignant disease and their families in completing the health utilities index2, (HUI2) and the…
UNLABELLED: Pediatric palliative care represents the ideal response to life-limiting and life-threatening diseases and requires a specific and multidisciplinary training. This study aims at evaluating in Italy the training programs offered in pain…
Recent progress in neonatal care have significantly improved the prognosis and chances of survival of critically ill or extremely preterm neonates and have modified the limits of viability. However, in some circumstances, when the child's death can…