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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe genetic neuromuscular disease that causes progressive loss of muscle function. As life expectancy in DMD has gradually increased to a current median of 21-39 years, the disease serves as an example of…

Within paediatric palliative care, it is essential for families and providers to have open, equal, and trusting relationships. In practice, however, building relationships can be challenging. Investing in better understanding the differences in each…

Objectives The number of children in the UK living with a life-limiting condition is rising year-on-year.1 The average life expectancy associated with many of these conditions also continues to increase and, consequently, more children are surviving…

Background: There is a lack of research about the experiences and impact of having a sibling with a life-limiting condition. Studies focus on the sibling experience during childhood but the experience and impact during adulthood is unknown despite…

BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis (CF) continues to be the most common life-limiting chronic pulmonary disease in adolescents and young adults. Treatment of CF demands a high treatment time investment to slow the progression of lung function decline, the…

The death of a child is a traumatic stressor that takes a toll on the health of parents. This study examined long-term impacts of the death of a child on the risk of early mortality in bereaved parents. In a follow-up analysis, a twin subsample was…

Objective:To assess the perception of parents concerning the state of comfort maintained in their infants born with life-limiting conditions and treated by a standardized neonatal comfort care program.Study Design:Participants were parents (n=35…

Abstract Background: Missing data is a common phenomenon with survey-based research; patterns of missing data may elucidate why participants decline to answer certain questions. Objective: To describe patterns of missing data in the Pediatric Quality…

AIM: The aim of the study was to determine survival probabilities and life expectancies for individuals with cerebral palsy based on data collected over a 28-year period in California. METHOD: We identified all individuals with cerebral palsy, aged 4…

BACKGROUND: Neuropathic pain causes greater pain intensity and worse quality of life than nociceptive pain. There are no published data that confirm this in the cancer population. AIM: We hypothesised that patients with neuropathic cancer pain had…

BACKGROUND: The lifespan of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) is increasing significantly. The objective of this international pilot study was to study the characteristics of these long-term survivors. METHODS: Four centres with large CF clinics…

Rarely do paediatric palliative medicine physicians have to break the news of a diagnosis of a life-limiting condition. It is much commoner for us to be faced with the question: "how long?". This cannot be answered with certainty, and yet a great…

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine what adolescents and young adults with moderate to complex congenital heart disease (CHD) believe their life span to be and to examine correlates of their beliefs. BACKGROUND: Patients with moderate to…

We investigated how variations in the way information is presented to patients influence their choices between alternative therapies. Data were presented summarizing the results of surgery and radiation therapy for lung cancer to 238 ambulatory…

The goal of this study was to examine sources of variation in the utilities assigned to health states. The authors selected a common clinical problem, carcinoma of the rectum, and examined the utilities assigned to colostomy, a common outcome of…

This report describes trends, predictors, and causes of mortality in persons with cerebral palsy (CP) using individuals identified by the Western Australian Cerebral Palsy Register and born between 1958 and 1994. Two thousand and fourteen people were…

A survival analysis of 40 cases of early onset cerebellar ataxia (EOCA) with retained tendon reflexes was performed. They represent all cases of EOCA diagnosed between 1945 and 1990 among residents of a defined area of Northwestern Italy, followed up…

The authors assessed the test-retest reliabilities of two treatment-preference instruments recently applied to the measurement of the utilities of health states after different treatment modalities for cancer. The first instrument measures the…

We determined estimates of survival in children, 3-15 years of age, in the vegetative state (VS) (n = 564), immobile minimally conscious state (MCS) (n = 705), and mobile MCS (n = 3,806). Data were extracted from the annual Client Development…

AIMS: To investigate the effect of motor and cognitive disabilities on the survival of people on the North of England Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Survey, and compare this with other published results. METHODS: The cerebral palsy cohort consists of…

Risk factors for mortality of young children with cerebral palsy were studied using a sample of 12,709 children aged 0.5-3.5 years with cerebral palsy who had received services from the State of California between 1980 and 1995. The most powerful…

Introduction: The high incidence and prevalence of chronic pain in patients with CF is well documented. In patient surveys, reports of intense pain range from 33% - 82% of respondents. Commonly reported sources of pain include headache, sinuses,…

The aim of this study was to clarify advanced cancer patients' communication preferences regarding ending anticancer treatment and transitioning to palliative care, and to explore variables associated with these preferences. Participants were 106…

Palliative care is specialized care for people with life-limiting illness; it focuses on symptom management and quality of life and ensures that a patient's care is concordant with her goals and values. Unlike end-of-life care, palliative care can be…

Aim: Paediatricians caring for severely ill children may receive requests for physician-assisted dying (PAD). Dutch euthanasia law only applies to patients over 12 who make well-considered requests. These limitations have been widely debated, but…

While availability of palliative care consultation for children with advanced heart disease increases, little is known about cardiologist attitudes towards palliative care. We sought to describe perspectives of cardiologists regarding palliative care…

Palliative care is needed for children with neurodegenerative and progressive neuromuscular diseases, inborn genetic (e.g., chromosomal disorders, deletion syndromes) or metabolic disorders, as well as for children with early brain lesions which can…
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