Browse Items (10 total)
- Tags: Newborn Care
Tags: 2024, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Battersby C, brain malformation, Brown S, conference abstract, Diagnosis, Female, Fetus, Foster E, Harnden F, heart disease, Human, Infant, long term survival, Mackie F, Major Clinical Study, Maternal care, Mott C, multiple malformation syndrome, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, nervous system malformation, Newborn, Newborn Care, Newborn Intensive Care, October List 2024, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, pharmaceutical care, Prenatal Care, Prognosis, Rajaraman N, routinely collected health data, Therapy, Van Hasselt TJ
A protocol for neoWONDER: Neonatal whole population data linkage to improve long-term health and wellbeing of preterm and sick babies
Tags: 2024, Adult, Article, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Aveline A, Battersby C, behavior change, breast feeding, breast milk, Cause Of Death, Cohort Analysis, community mental health, congenital diaphragm hernia, Databases Factual, date of birth, Developmental delay, Educational Status, England, Epidemiology, esophagus atresia, factual database, Female, gastroschisis, Gestational Age, Health Care Utilization, Hirschsprung disease, hospital discharge, hospital readmission, Human, Humans, Infant Newborn, Infant Premature, information retrieval, Information Storage and Retrieval, Length Of Stay, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mortality Rate, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Newborn, newborn assessment, Newborn Care, newborn surgery, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, place of birth, PLoS One, premature labor, Prematurity, Propensity Score, routinely collected health data, school attendance, September List 2024, van Blankenstein E, Wales, Wellbeing
Scandinavian perspectives on life support at the border of viability
Tags: 2024, Clinical Practice, Consensus, Denmark, Family Centered Care, Frontiers in Pediatrics, Gestational Age, Human, July List 2024, Medical Ethics, Newborn Care, Norway, Palliative Therapy, Practice Guideline, Prematurity, Prognosis, Scandinavia, shared decision making, Short Survey, Sweden, Syltern J
Redirecting Care: Compassionate Management of the Sick or Preterm Neonate at the End of Life
Tags: 2022, August List 2052, Children, compassionate care, Distress Syndrome, doctor patient relationship, emotionality, family relation, family support, Hain R, Health Care Personnel, Human, Infant, Newborn, intersectoral collaboration, Newborn Care, Newborn Death, Pain, Palliative Therapy, parent counseling, parental behavior, Patient Care, Personal Experience, Philosophy, Psychological care, Review, Terminal Care, Wyatt J
Data-driven approach to understanding neonatal palliative care needs in England and Wales: a population-based study 2015-2020
Tags: 2023, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Article, Battersby C, England, Female, Harnden F, Human, Infant, Infant Newborn, Lanoue J, long term survival, Major Clinical Study, Male, May List 2023, Modi N, Morbidity, Neonatology, Newborn, Newborn Care, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Perinatal Care, Uthaya SN, Wales
Care of the Sick Newborn in a Cottage Hospital Level in a Developing Country
Parental assessment of comfort in newborns affected by lifelimiting conditions treated by a standardized neonatal comfort care program
Tags: 2018, Adult, April 2018 List, Article, Byrne M, Child Parent Relation, Clinical Article, Daho M, Female, fluid intake, Foe G, Health Care Delivery, Health Care Quality, health program, Health Survey, Human, Infant, Infant Nutrition, Journal Of Perinatology, kangaroo care, Life Expectancy, life limiting disease, Male, Newborn, Newborn Care, Parental Attitude, parental behavior, Parravicini E, Patient Comfort, Peer Review, physical disease, Prospective Study, Self Report, standardization, Steinwurtzel R
Neonatal end-of-life care: A single-center NICU experience in Israel over a decade
Tags: 2013, adrenal insufficiency/ep [Epidemiology], anemia/ep [Epidemiology], Article, Bar-Oz B, brain edema/ep [Epidemiology], brain hemorrhage/ep [Epidemiology], Cause Of Death, Child Parent Relation, congenital malformation/ep [Epidemiology], Eventov-Friedman S, Gestational Age, Human, Incidence, Israel, Jerusalem, Kanevsky H, kidney failure/ep [Epidemiology], March 2018 List, Medical Decision Making, Middle East, necrotizing enterocolitis/ep [Epidemiology], Newborn, Newborn Care, Newborn Death, newborn hypoxia/ep [Epidemiology], Newborn Intensive Care, newborn mortality, newborn sepsis/ep [Epidemiology], Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Prematurity, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, Religion, respiratory failure/ep [Epidemiology], sepsis/ep [Epidemiology], shock/ep [Epidemiology], treatment duration
Palliative care in neonatal period and ethical issues
Tags: 2017, Anestezi Dergisi, Clinical Decision Making, Communication Skill, Ethical Decision Making, Family Attitude, History, Human, January 2018 List, Medical Ethics, Morality, Newborn, Newborn Care, newborn period, nurse attitude, Palliative Therapy, Perinatal Care, Physician Attitude, Review, Terminal Care, Turkcapar AF
Trisomy 18: A survey of opinions, attitudes, and practices of neonatologists
Tags: 2016, Adult, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Article, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Attitude To Abortion, Biggio JR, Caucasian, Christian, Chromosomes Human Pair 18, Clinical Practice, Correlation Analysis, December 2017 List, Demography, Disease Management, Disease Severity, Edwards RK, Family, Female, Fetus Malformation, Health Care Surveys, Human, Humans, Intellectual Impairment, Jacobs AP, Male, Marriage, Medical Decision Making, Medical Society, Neonatologist, Neonatologists/px [psychology], Newborn Care, Normal Human, Outcome Assessment (health Care), Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Parental Attitude, Philips JB 3rd, Physician Attitude, Practice Patterns Physicians', Prenatal Diagnosis, Priority Journal, Race Difference, Resuscitation, Robin NH, Subramaniam A, Survival Rate, Tang Y, Trisomy 18, Trisomy/di [diagnosis], United States