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Pediatric palliative care (PPC) patients are at an elevated risk of malnutrition. Nutritional inadequacy can also cause micronutrient deficiencies. These factors can lead to weight loss, stunted growth, and poor quality of life. Despite the…
Advances in neonatal medicine have allowed us to rescue extremely preterm infants. However, both long-term vulnerability and the burden of treatment in the neonatal period increase with decreasing gestational age. This raises questions about the…
Recent high-profile cases have highlighted the difficulties that professionals caring for terminally ill or technology dependent children face. I am a paediatrician. I see children with severe problems, often chronic and frequently without a cure,…
Importance: Attitudes toward end-of-life decision-making in neonatology have been studied in physicians and other health care professionals and are mostly shaped by their clinical education and work experiences. In contrast, attitudes among the…
Aim: This work explores the experiences and meaning attributed by parents who underwent the decision-making process of withholding and/or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for their newborn. Methods: Audio-recorded face-to-face interviews were…
Families and clinicians approaching a child's death in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) frequently encounter questions surrounding medical decision-making at the end of life (EOL), including defining what is in the child's best interest,…
The ethical barriers involved in the practice of pediatric palliative medicine remain high and challenging. In terms of medical ethics, attention should be paid to culture, religion and family values, in order to promote adequate care for caregivers,…
OBJECTIVE: The James Lind Alliance (JLA) offers a method for better aligning health and care agenda's with the needs of patients, carers and clinicians by bringing them together in a Priority Setting Partnership (PSP). In this paper, we draw…
Objective: To describe levels of perceived shared decision making (SDM), decisional conflict (DC), and decision regret (DR) in prenatal counseling by pregnant women, partners, neonatologists, and obstetricians regarding decision-making around…
OBJECTIVE: To identify barriers, as perceived by parents, to good care for children with life-threatening conditions. DESIGN: In a nationwide qualitative study, we held in-depth interviews regarding end-of-life care with parents of children (aged 1…
Introduction: Pediatric residents are faced with ethical dilemmas in beginning- and end-of-life situations throughout their training. These situations are innately challenging, yet despite recommendations that residents receive training in ethics and…
OBJECTIVE: To assess how physicians and families understand quality of life (QOL) for NICU patients, and to explore the feasibility of developing a standardized definition for QOL. STUDY DESIGN: Surveys were developed and administered to…
OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate the Test of Ethics Knowledge in Neonatology (TEK-Neo) with good internal consistency reliability, item performance, and construct validity that reliably assesses interprofessional staff and trainee knowledge of…
Background:: In 2005, the Israeli parliament passed the "law of dying patients" legalizing life and death decisions (do not resuscitate) in patients with life expectancy less than 6 months. Objective:: To determine whether ethnic and religious…
Perinatal palliative care is the active total care of the fetus who has been diagnosed with a life-limiting condition with his/her entirety and also involves giving support to the family. It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continues regardless…
Pediatric health care is practiced with the goal of promoting the best interests of the child. Treatment generally is rendered under a presumption in favor of sustaining life. However, in some circumstances, the balance of benefits and burdens to the…
Severe congenital hydrocephalus manifests as accumulation of a large amount of excess fluid in the brain. It is a paradigmatic example of a condition in which diagnosis is relatively straightforward and long-term survival is usually associated with…