Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Hauer JM
Supportive and palliative care of children with metabolic and neurological diseases
Tags: 2014, Advance Care Planning, Backlog, Communication, Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, Hauer JM, Hope, Humans, Journal Article, Metabolic Diseases, Nervous System Diseases, neurologic, Palliative Care, Parents, Pediatrics, Psychological, Quality Of Life, Risk Assessment, Stress, Terminal Care, Wolfe J
Treating dyspnea with morphine sulfate in nonverbal children with neurological impairment
Pediatric palliative care.
Tags: 2010, Adaptation, Analgesics/ae [Adverse Effects], Analgesics/tu [Therapeutic Use], Backlog, Child, Child welfare, Constipation/ci [Chemically Induced], Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care, Decision Making, DNAR, Hauer JM, Hospice Care, Humans, Interdisciplinary Communication, Journal Article, Klick JC, Nausea/ci [Chemically Induced], Pain/dt [drug Therapy], Palliative Care/px [psychology], Patient Care Team, Pediatrics/td [trends], Professional-family Relations, Psychological, Quality Of Life/px [psychology], Resuscitation Orders, Stress, Vomiting/ci [Chemically Induced]
Central hypothermia as a cause of acute pancreatitis in children with neurodevelopmental impairment
Tags: 2008, Adolescent, Backlog, Body Temperature Regulation, Child, Cohort Studies, Developmental Disabilities/complications/physiopathology, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Female, Hauer JM, Humans, Hypothermia/complications/prevention & control/psychology, Journal Article, Male, Pancreatitis/diagnosis/etiology/therapy, Preschool, Q3 Scoping Review Results, Recurrence, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors
Gabapentin Successfully Manages Chronic Unexplained Irritability in Children With Severe Neurologic Impairment
Tags: 2007, Adolescent, Adult, Amines/therapeutic use, Analgesics/therapeutic use, Backlog, Charnas L, Child, Chronic Disease, Cyclohexanecarboxylic Acids/therapeutic use, Female, gamma-Aminobutyric Acid/therapeutic use, Hauer JM, Humans, Infant, Irritable Mood/drug effects, Journal Article, Male, Nervous System Diseases/complications, Pediatrics, Preschool, Remission Induction, Retrospective Studies, Severity Of Illness Index, Wical BS
Guidance on forgoing life-sustaining medical treatment
Tags: 2017, Apparent Life Threatening Event/th [therapy], Article, Awareness, Boss RD, Caregiver, Carter BS, Child Abuse, Child Care, Christian CW, Clinical Decision Making, Comatose Patient, Consensus, Consultation, Critical Illness/th [therapy], Davies D, Death, Death By Neurologic Criteria, Dell ML, Developmental Disorder/th [therapy], Diekema DS, Disease Burden, Disease Course, Elster N, Ethical Decision Making, Extremely Low Gestational Age, Family Decision Making, Family Stress, Feudtner C, Flaherty EG, Fortson BL, Foster Care, Gavril AR, Gestational Age, Goal Attainment, Guinn-Jones M, Hauer JM, Health Belief, High Risk Population, Human, Humphrey LM, Hurley TP, Hydration, Idzerda SM, Imaizumi S, Imminent Death, Informed Consent, Intensive Care, Interpersonal Communication, Katz AL, Klick J, Klipstein S, Laskey A, Laventhal N, Legal Aspect, Legano LA, Leventhal JM, Life-sustaining Medical Treatment, Linebarger JS, Lord B, MacAuley RC, MacMillan H, Medical Ethics, Medical Expert, Medical Information, Medical Procedures, Medical Specialist, Medically Administered Nutrition And Hydration, Moon MR, Neglect, Neurologic Disease/di [diagnosis], November 2017 List, Nutrition, Okun AL, Opel DJ, Oxygenation, Pain/th [therapy], Palliative Therapy, Parker S, Patient Care Planning, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Priority Journal, Prognosis, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Rivera F, shared decision making, Social Support, Spiritual Care, Statter MB, Stedt E, Survival, Teamwork, Terminal Care, Tissue Perfusion, Uncertain Prognosis, Weise KL