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- Tags: Humphrey LM
"there's Just No Way to Help, and They Did." Parents Name Compassionate Care as a New Domain of Quality in Pediatric Home-Based Hospice and Palliative Care
Concerns of Parents with Children Receiving Home-Based Pediatric Palliative Care
Healthcare Satisfaction and Unmet Needs Among Bereaved Parents in the NICU
Tags: 2020, 2022 Special Edition 1 - Parent Perspectives, Advances in Neonatal Care, Baughcum AE, Bereavement, Delivery of Health Care, Dunnells ZDO, Fortney CA, Gerhardt CA, Humphrey LM, Infant, Needs Assessment, neonatal intensive care, Newborn Infant, Palliative Care, Parents, Personal Satisfaction, Prospective Studies, Terminal Care, Winning AM
Guidance on forgoing life-sustaining medical treatment
Tags: 2017, Apparent Life Threatening Event/th [therapy], Article, Awareness, Boss RD, Caregiver, Carter BS, Child Abuse, Child Care, Christian CW, Clinical Decision Making, Comatose Patient, Consensus, Consultation, Critical Illness/th [therapy], Davies D, Death, Death By Neurologic Criteria, Dell ML, Developmental Disorder/th [therapy], Diekema DS, Disease Burden, Disease Course, Elster N, Ethical Decision Making, Extremely Low Gestational Age, Family Decision Making, Family Stress, Feudtner C, Flaherty EG, Fortson BL, Foster Care, Gavril AR, Gestational Age, Goal Attainment, Guinn-Jones M, Hauer JM, Health Belief, High Risk Population, Human, Humphrey LM, Hurley TP, Hydration, Idzerda SM, Imaizumi S, Imminent Death, Informed Consent, Intensive Care, Interpersonal Communication, Katz AL, Klick J, Klipstein S, Laskey A, Laventhal N, Legal Aspect, Legano LA, Leventhal JM, Life-sustaining Medical Treatment, Linebarger JS, Lord B, MacAuley RC, MacMillan H, Medical Ethics, Medical Expert, Medical Information, Medical Procedures, Medical Specialist, Medically Administered Nutrition And Hydration, Moon MR, Neglect, Neurologic Disease/di [diagnosis], November 2017 List, Nutrition, Okun AL, Opel DJ, Oxygenation, Pain/th [therapy], Palliative Therapy, Parker S, Patient Care Planning, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Priority Journal, Prognosis, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Rivera F, shared decision making, Social Support, Spiritual Care, Statter MB, Stedt E, Survival, Teamwork, Terminal Care, Tissue Perfusion, Uncertain Prognosis, Weise KL