Browse Items (11 total)
- Tags: Survival
Increasing Trend and Effects of Pediatric Palliative Care on Children with Non-Cancer Diagnoses
Tags: 2023, Analgesia, Article, Artificial Ventilation, August List 2028, Cancer Patient, Cancer Survival, Chang CH, Chen HL, Chen SH, Cheng SY, Child, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Female, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Lu FL, Major Clinical Study, Male, Morphine, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Retrospective Study, Survival, Terminal Care, trend study, ventilator, Wang CC, Wu ET, Yu Su M
Impact of Palliative Care Integration on End-of-Life Outcomes in Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplant
Tags: 2023, anxiety, Appetite, Baker JN, bleeding, bodily secretions, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, coughing, Cuviello A, Data Analysis, Demographics, Diarrhea, Distress Syndrome, do not resuscitate order, Documentation, Dyspnea, edema, Fatigue, Female, fever, hematopoietic cell, Hospice, Human, human cell, Intubation, Irritability, July List 2023, Levine DR, Lifespan, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record Review, Nausea And Vomiting, Pain, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Quality Of Life, Retrospective Study, Surgery, Survival, Terminal Care, Transplantation, Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
Trends in incidence, prevalence, and mortality of neuromuscular disease in Ontario, Canada: a population-based retrospective cohort study (2003-2014)
Tags: 2019, Adolescent, Adult, Age, Aged, America, Amin R, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/ep [Epidemiology], Animals, APEC countries, Article, August 2019 List, Bai Y, Canada, Child, childhood disease/ep [Epidemiology], childhood diseases, Children, Chordata, Cohort Analysis, Cohort Studies, Commonwealth of Nations, Controlled Study, Data Base, death rate, Developed Countries, Disease Course, disease prevalence, Disease Progression, Eukaryotes, Female, Gershon A, Goldstein R, Health Care, health Insurance, Hominidae, Homo, Human, Human Diseases, Incidence, Infant, International Classification of Diseases, Katz S, Leasa D, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mammals, Man, McKim D, Middle Aged, Mortality, mortality rates, muscles, neuromuscular disease/ep [Epidemiology], Neuromuscular Diseases, Neuromuscular Disorders, Nonoyama M, North America, OECD Countries, Ontario, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, planning, PLoS One, Population Research, Preschool Child, Prevalence, Primates, Retrospective Studies, Retrospective Study, Rose L, School Child, sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy/ep [Epidemiology], Spine, Survival, Tandon A, trend study, Trends, Vertebrates, Young Adult
End-of-Life Treatments in Pediatric Patients at a Government Tertiary Cancer Center in India
Tags: 2018, Adolescence, Analgesics Opioid -- Therapeutic Use, Antianxiety Agents Benzodiazepine -- Therapeutic Use, Brun Eva, Cancer Care Facilities -- India, Child, Child Preschool, Childhood Neoplasms -- Diagnosis, Childhood Neoplasms -- Drug Therapy, Childhood Neoplasms -- Mortality, Childhood Neoplasms -- Prognosis, Delirium -- Symptoms, Developing World 2018 List, Dyspnea -- Symptoms, Hematologic Neoplasms -- Diagnosis, Hemorrhage -- Symptoms, Hospital Mortality, Hospitals Pediatric, Human, India, Infant, Infant Newborn, Inpatients, Jacob J, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Matharu Jaskirt K, Pain -- Symptoms, Palat G, Palliative Care, Patient Admission, Record Review, Referral And Consultation, Retrospective Design, Segerlantz M, Seizures -- Symptoms, Sinha S, Survival, Terminal Care -- In Infancy and Childhood, tertiary health care, Wiebe T
Pediatric palliative care and resident education
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Child, Comfort, conference abstract, Curriculum, Decision Making, Dietzen D, Exercise, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Internal Medicine, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Kim G, Outpatient, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Penney J, primary medical care, Questionnaire, Resident, Simulation, Survival, terminal disease
Unexpected survivors: Children with life-limiting conditions of uncertain prognosis
Impact of survival probability, life expectancy, quality of life and patient preferences on do-not-attempt-resuscitation orders in a hospital
Guidance on forgoing life-sustaining medical treatment
Tags: 2017, Apparent Life Threatening Event/th [therapy], Article, Awareness, Boss RD, Caregiver, Carter BS, Child Abuse, Child Care, Christian CW, Clinical Decision Making, Comatose Patient, Consensus, Consultation, Critical Illness/th [therapy], Davies D, Death, Death By Neurologic Criteria, Dell ML, Developmental Disorder/th [therapy], Diekema DS, Disease Burden, Disease Course, Elster N, Ethical Decision Making, Extremely Low Gestational Age, Family Decision Making, Family Stress, Feudtner C, Flaherty EG, Fortson BL, Foster Care, Gavril AR, Gestational Age, Goal Attainment, Guinn-Jones M, Hauer JM, Health Belief, High Risk Population, Human, Humphrey LM, Hurley TP, Hydration, Idzerda SM, Imaizumi S, Imminent Death, Informed Consent, Intensive Care, Interpersonal Communication, Katz AL, Klick J, Klipstein S, Laskey A, Laventhal N, Legal Aspect, Legano LA, Leventhal JM, Life-sustaining Medical Treatment, Linebarger JS, Lord B, MacAuley RC, MacMillan H, Medical Ethics, Medical Expert, Medical Information, Medical Procedures, Medical Specialist, Medically Administered Nutrition And Hydration, Moon MR, Neglect, Neurologic Disease/di [diagnosis], November 2017 List, Nutrition, Okun AL, Opel DJ, Oxygenation, Pain/th [therapy], Palliative Therapy, Parker S, Patient Care Planning, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Priority Journal, Prognosis, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, Rivera F, shared decision making, Social Support, Spiritual Care, Statter MB, Stedt E, Survival, Teamwork, Terminal Care, Tissue Perfusion, Uncertain Prognosis, Weise KL
The 'surprise' question in paediatric palliative care: A prospective cohort study
Aim: To assess the prognostic…
Palliative Care After Neonatal Intensive Care: Contributions Of Leonetti Law And Remaining Challenges
Tags: 2017, April 2017 List, Archives de Pediatrie, Artificial Feeding, Astruc D, Brain Damage, Climate, Clinical Practice, Clinical Study, Cojean N, Decision Making, Dillenseger L, Drug Withdrawal, Dying, Emotion, Escande B, Ethics, Health Promotion, Human, Human Dignity, Hydration, Kuhn P, Life Sustaining Treatment, Medical Decision Making, Medical Ethics, Medical Practice, Neonatology, Newborn, Newborn Intensive Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Right, Perinatal Care, Perinatal Nursing, Quality Of Life, Short Survey, Survival, Terminal Care, Treatment Withdrawal, Zores C
Modelling Neonatal Care Pathways For Babies Born Preterm: An Application Of Multistate Modelling.
Tags: 2016, Abrams KR, Babies, Barker L, Collaboration, Competing Risks, Data Analysis, Death, Draper ES, Funding, Health Sciences, Infant, Intensive Care, Length, Manktelow BN, Modi N, Multidisciplinary Sciences, October 2016 List, PLoS One, Population, Premature Babies, Seaton SE, Stay, Survival, Time, Variables