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Background: Family conferences in the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) often include palliative care (PC) providers. We do not know how ICU communication differs when the PC team is present. Aim: To compare language used by PC team and ICU…
CONTEXT: In clinical practice, some symptoms and problems frequently occur in combination, which may have consequences for symptom management. OBJECTIVES: Facing a growing number of non-cancer patients in palliative care, this study aimed to…
Pediatric chronic pain, which can result in deleterious effects for the child, bears the risk of aggravation into adulthood. Intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment (IIPT) might be an effective treatment, given the advantage of consulting with…
Awareness is growing that young adults may have distinctive experiences of adult healthcare and that their needs may differ from those of other adult users. In addition, the role of adult health teams in supporting positive transitions from…
BACKGROUND: While there has been a rapid increase of inpatient palliative care (PC) programs, the financial and clinical benefits have not been well established. OBJECTIVE: Determine the effect of an inpatient PC consultation service on costs and…
OBJECTIVE: When deciding how much hospital resources should be allocated to comprehensive primary care clinics for children with multisystem disorders, it is important to consider all of the non-primary care revenue streams associated with these…
BACKGROUND: Respiratory depression is the opioid adverse effect feared most by physicians. This may hinder adequate dosing in cancer pain. The study was conducted to examine the respiratory function of patients with advanced cancer receiving…
Concerns that high dose opioids and sedatives might shorten patient survival could contribute to insufficient symptom alleviation for terminally ill cancer patients. To examine the effects of opioids and sedatives prescribed in the final 48 hours on…
Background Recent estimates of the number of children and young people with life limiting conditions derived from routine inpatient data are higher than earlier estimates using death record data. Aim To compare routine inpatient data and death…
Methadone administration has increased in pediatric clinical settings. This review is an attempt to ascertain an equianalgesic dose ratio for methadone in the pediatric population using standard adult dose conversion…