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Objectives: In the modern pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) physicians are often faced with the need to interrupt life-sustaining treatment (LST) and to allow children to die when no further treatment options are available. Consequently, the…

Families and clinicians approaching a child's death in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) frequently encounter questions surrounding medical decision-making at the end of life (EOL), including defining what is in the child's best interest,…

We read with interest Sriraman et al's (2023)1 response to our article ‘Resuscitation thresholds were seen as guidance by Belgian neonatologists and other relevant factors were included in decision-making’.2 We appreciate that other institutions use…

Full text linksCite Abstract Background: Parents of medically complex children hold deeply personal definitions of how to be "good parents" that guide their medical decision making and interactions with providers and are impacted by provider…

The option to donate milk within the context of perinatal palliative care allows pregnant women to be involved in medical decision making before birth. In this article we examine how a perinatal bereavement program engages women and families in the…

Background:: In 2005, the Israeli parliament passed the "law of dying patients" legalizing life and death decisions (do not resuscitate) in patients with life expectancy less than 6 months. Objective:: To determine whether ethnic and religious…

The goal of this study was to examine sources of variation in the utilities assigned to health states. The authors selected a common clinical problem, carcinoma of the rectum, and examined the utilities assigned to colostomy, a common outcome of…

Objectives. The goals of this study were to define the endpoints of pain research that are important to patients with chronic pain and to identify clinical and demographic variables that are associated with patients' choices of endpoints. Patients &…

The authors assessed the test-retest reliabilities of two treatment-preference instruments recently applied to the measurement of the utilities of health states after different treatment modalities for cancer. The first instrument measures the…

Patients' informed acceptance of chronic medical therapy hinges on communicating the potential benefits of drugs in quantitative terms. In a hypothetical scenario of treatment initiation, the authors assessed how three different formats of the same…

Despite increasing emphasis on advance directives, there has been little methodologic work to assess preferences about the "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order. This developmental work assessed, in a non-patient group, the performance of a…

Objective: To report a finding of a severe lack of social support with potential for serious harm during the course of a pediatric advanced care planning study. Method: A longitudinal, single-blinded, multisite randomized controlled trial, conducted…

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