Browse Items (33 total)

INTRODUCTION: Caring for children living with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses can be challenging for families. Parents' roles as primary caregivers can be complex, with extensive responsibilities. METHOD(S): A mixed-design study was…

Context: Pediatric residents care for dying children during training. Few educational efforts focus on helping trainees better understand their own grief process and the supports available to them and their patients' families. Objectives: This work…

Caring for children and their families at the end-of-life is an essential but challenging aspect of care in the PICU. During and following a child's death, families often report a simultaneous need for protected privacy and ongoing supportive…

Outcomes: 1. Identify key actions that help prepare families for the dying process. 2. Consider how the defined key actions may apply to other settings of practice. Key Message: Preparing families for end-of-life symptoms and circumstances may help…

Aim: The Charter of the Rights of the Dying Child was formulated as a professional guide for caring the child in the final stages. The study examines the nurses' degree of agreement with the Charter's principles and their perception of the…

Introduction: Providers working with children who are dying are especially prone to burnout. Encouraging models of human flourishing may mitigate burnout and improve quality of care. However, models of job satisfaction and human flourishing have not…

As medical students and residents, we have all grappled with patient death and dying at some point in our training. These experiences often remain with us, informing our clinical practice, our personal wellbeing, and the ways in which we build…

BACKGROUND: Residents often feel unprepared to care for dying patients and may benefit from more training. Little is known about factors in the clinical setting that promote resident learning about end of life (EOL) care. OBJECTIVE(S): This…

Against the background of a society that tends to underrate the grief experienced by parents whose infants have died prematurely, the model "SORROWFUL" is presented here with the intent to highlight the significance of the death of a newborn for the…

In this article, I sort through some of the confusion surrounding what constitutes the controversial notion of a "good death" for children. I distinguish, first, between metaphysical and practical disagreements about the notion of a good death, and,…

Introduction: One of the most complex and emotional aspects of nursing is the interaction between the nurse and the dying child. The attitudes of nurses towards death, affect the quality of care. Objective(s): To investigate pediatric nurses'…

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review was to synthesize the experiences of health professionals who have experienced grief as a result of a pediatric patient dying. INTRODUCTION: There has been some research into health professionals' grief…

Background: Community hospitals represent a unique setting to provide pediatric palliative care (PPC), given their usual proximity to a patient's home. Texas Children's Hospital, TheWoodlands (TCH-TW) is a community-based campus that opened in April…

Illness narratives have become very popular. The stories of children, however, are rarely ever studied. This paper aims to provide insight into how children, parents and physicians make sense of progressive childhood cancer. It also explores how this…

BACKGROUND: Caring for a child near the end of life (EOL) can be a stressful experience. Resident physicians are often the frontline providers responsible for managing symptoms, communicating difficult information, and pronouncing death, yet they…

Background:: In 2005, the Israeli parliament passed the "law of dying patients" legalizing life and death decisions (do not resuscitate) in patients with life expectancy less than 6 months. Objective:: To determine whether ethnic and religious…

Aim The aim of this paper is to report an analysis of the concept of spiritual care of a child with cancer at the end of life. Background Spirituality is a vital dimension of a child's experience at the end of life; providing comfort; support; and a…

Objective. To identify psychometrically sound measures of outcomes in end-of-life care and to characterize their use in intervention studies.Data Sources. English language articles from 1990 to November 2005 describing measures with published…

This paper addresses issues relating to place of death in young adults with terminal cancer, through the perspectives of their parents. Evidence suggests that the majority of terminally ill cancer patients would prefer the option of a home death, but…

AbstractBackground: In an effort to improve the quality of life of children with cancer, this study analyzes the signs and symptoms at the end of life in such children. It is hoped that these data will contribute to the development of appropriate…

A retrospective analysis was performed to describe the course of terminal care provided to dying hospitalized children in terms of symptom assessment and management, and communication and decision-making, at the end of life. Seventy-seven of 236…

The International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement recognizes the wide variation of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours pertaining to childhood death, dying, and bereavement. The purpose of this statement is, therefore, to identify a set of…

Personal narratives are assumed to be primary sources of the essential meaning of lived experiences of dying. In this study, I analyzed the personal diary of Mirac Fidan, a terminally ill adolescent with advanced cancer who kept a diary until her…

BACKGROUND: End-of-life and bereavement care is an important consideration in intensive care. This study describes the type of bereavement care provided in intensive care units across Australia and New Zealand. DESIGN: Inductive qualitative content…

BACKGROUND: Children's books have the potential to facilitate communication about death for children living with a serious illness and for children coping with the death of a loved one. OBJECTIVES: This study examines the content of children's…

Many extremely preterm neonates die in the delivery room (DR) after decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments or after failed resuscitation. Specific palliative care is then recommended but sparse data exist about the…
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