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Sibling of children with a life-limiting condition (LLC) face challenge. Yet there is relatively little research specifically investigating the psychosocial impact on siblings living with a child with an LLC. A qualitative participatory methodology…
Problem: Realizing that a child has a lifelong developmental condition like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can create feelings of sadness and grief for the parents. It remains unclear, however, how parents deal with and understand these emotions. The…
Objective: Responding to the National Institutes of Health Working Group's call for research on the psychological impact of stillbirth, we compared coping-related behaviors by outcome of an index birth (surviving live birth or perinatal loss -…
Introduction: The management of parent’s and family’s bereavement, before, during and after the death of a child is a great challenge for health care professionals (HCPs). Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate bereavement in pediatric…
Outcomes: 1. Participants will be able to understand that a quality improvement model is an effective method for developing graduate medical education curricula for end-of-life care. 2. Participants will be able to recognize the lack of pediatric…
After the unexpected death of a child, bereaved parents require prompt access to helpful support systems. Online therapeutic writing courses can make such support accessible. Because few studies have included bereaved fathers as participants, we…
Outcomes: 1. Utilizing a case-based approach plus content expert didactic presentation, participants will self-report ability to identify 3 defensive mechanisms utilized by caregivers and providers during shared decision making (SDM) that can…
Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of pregnancy loss in first-time expecting fathers. Participants were 14 Jewish Israeli men who experienced pregnancy loss that occurred at least 3 months before their participation and who…
Abstract Background Grief in parents has been described as a very intense long-lasting experience, characterized by deep sadness, and social isolation, therefore, the recommendation of scientific societies in pediatrics is to provide bereavement care…
Introduction: Providers working with children who are dying are especially prone to burnout. Encouraging models of human flourishing may mitigate burnout and improve quality of care. However, models of job satisfaction and human flourishing have not…
In Portugal, there are over 7800 children with life-limiting conditions. The context of pediatric palliative care represents a complex and distressing experience for families. Compared to parental caregivers and healthy siblings, grandparents are…
Background: Few studies have examined the spiritual environment of parents of children receiving palliative care in Southern European countries, which are mostly characterized by secularization (or the abandonment of traditional religiosity) and an…
More than two million babies a year die during or before birth around the world, evoking grief that is traumatic. Because the psychological, physical, social, and emotional ramifications of grief following a baby's death are so enduring and intense,…
Aims and objectives: To explore culturally and linguistically diverse men's experiences of support after perinatal death, including barriers and facilitators to support and how healthcare providers, systems and policies can best support families.…
Abstract Perinatal loss is a devastating event for any mother. What is often overlooked is a mothers continued ability to lactate following the death of her child. Donor breast milk is a commodity highly sought after given its value for feeding sick…
Abstract Background Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic, life-threatening condition that results in life-long morbidity and premature mortality. CF has a significant impact on healthy siblings' adaptation and well-being. Siblings of patients with a…
OBJECTIVES: The loss of a child is a devastating event, and bereaved parents often suffer intense and long-lasting grief reactions and are at risk for psychological symptoms. More knowledge about how parents cope with grief may improve the support to…
BACKGROUND: Recurrent or refractory cancer often results in substantial and extensive physical, emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual burdens for children and their families. However, the therapeutic benefits of legacy interventions in children with…
Separation and loss characterise a child's experience in care, yet losses in the care-experienced population have rarely been studied as a possible source of trauma or as events that may justify a grief response. A literature search of five databases…
The sudden, unexpected death of a child (SUDC) is a devastating experience. It is vital that supportive and investigative services are effective and promote the best outcomes for families. Analysis of 5 years of data from 309 SUDC cases in Greater…
AIM: Understanding of coping strategies that parents use before the death of their child is crucial, and will enable us to best provide support. The current study aimed to explore parents' coping strategies, and map these onto an existing theoretical…
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To describe the health challenge for mothers whose infants have died and approaches and resources they used to manage the loss. BACKGROUND: The death of an infant is a devastating experience for families. Bereaved mothers have…
Background: Parents of seriously ill children are at risk of psychosocial morbidity, which may be mitigated by competent family-centered communication and role-affirming conversations. Parent caregivers describe a guiding desire to do a good job in…
This study explored bereaved mothers' responses to the death of a child from cancer, with a focus on identifying adaptive and complicated grief reactions. To understand the unique meaning of their loss, in-depth interviews were conducted with 13…
OBJECTIVES: Parents who have children with complex lifelong and life-limiting neurological conditions experienced many stresses and anxieties throughout their lives as caregivers. However, this information is still very limited. The study aimed to…
Bereaved parenting, a role that entails parenting surviving children after experiencing the death of a child, is a unique but understudied phenomenon within bereavement research. Not much is known about the impact of a child's death on this crucial…
This study explored bereaved mothers' responses to the death of a child from cancer, with a focus on identifying adaptive and complicated grief reactions. To understand the unique meaning of their loss, in-depth interviews were conducted with 13…
AIMS: To evaluate how nurses cope with the death of a paediatric patient, relate it to the different sociodemographic variables, and to describe personal coping strategies used by nurses in managing the process and accepting the death of the patient.…
AIM: Understanding of coping strategies that parents use before the death of their child is crucial, and will enable us to best provide support. The current study aimed to explore parents' coping strategies, and map these onto an existing theoretical…
Background: Palliative care (PC) in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is often provided exclusively to infants expected to die. Standards of care support providing PC early after diagnosis with any condition likely to impact quality of…
Objective: To describe the experiences lived by mothers facing the death of their children. Method: A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research conducted in Guarapuava-PR, with six participants of the "Marias" group that brings together…
The concept of quality of life (QoL) is used in consultations to plan the care and treatment of children and young people (CYP) with brain tumors (BTs). The way in which CYP, their parents, and their health care professionals (HCP) each understand…
Parenting and providing extensive care to a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening disease while being aware of the future loss of the child are among the most stressful parental experiences. Due to technical and medical improvements,…
Objective Many bereaved siblings have still not come to terms with their grief many years after the loss, but few studies have focused on what can help. The aims of this study were to identify cancer-bereaved adolescents� and young adults� ways of…
This paper reports on a study that examined the grief and coping of 29 parents whose child has hypoplastic left heart syndrome using the Dual Process Model. The study employed a secondary thematic analysis of interviews at key times of treatment and…
Objective To examine the feasibility and format of the Promoting Resilience in Stress Management (PRISM) intervention among two groups of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) at-risk for poor outcomes: those with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) or cancer.…
She waged the toughest battle of her life, but died of cancer in the middle of her thirteenth year. How does a mother cope with so tragic a loss? I told and retold the story. I talked about how we faced the chemo, the pain, and the fear together,…
This study examines individual differences in coping and associated health outcomes as they unfold across time. Twice daily for one week, 71 individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis reported their pain, coping efforts, and negative mood via structured…
Preparation for their changing roles in family & society, as well as readying their intimate space for the arrival of an infant, totally engage expectant parents. Miscarriage or stillbirth may bring on a grief storm that strips away many tender roots…