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BACKGROUND: There is a lack of knowledge regarding siblings' experiences of being a brother or sister of a child with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition. Siblings' perspectives are often expressed through their parents and not by siblings…
Objective: The present study examined the role of maternal posttraumatic growth in changes in behavioral problems among the siblings of children with complex chronic health conditions. Methods: Data were collected from a sample of 70 siblings from 58…
INTRODUCTION: Siblings share a lifelong bond in their relationship, and they may choose to provide support to their brother or sister with a neurodisability. Previous reviews summarised programmes that only focused on the behavioural, emotional and…
Abstract Background Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic, life-threatening condition that results in life-long morbidity and premature mortality. CF has a significant impact on healthy siblings' adaptation and well-being. Siblings of patients with a…
Siblings of children with palliative care needs often suffer feelings of being neglected, and their needs for information and involvement are frequently unmet. This study aims to explore the experiences and feelings of siblings of children with…
ABSTRACT: Objectives: Research examining sibling caregiving contributions to medically complex pediatric patients, including those with inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs), is limited. We assess caregiving roles and attributes of siblings and…
Sibling relationships reflect a unique childhood bond, thus the impact on a sibling when a child is seriously ill or dying is profound. We conducted a prospective, longitudinal, qualitative study over 2 years using interpretive descriptive…
Over 200,000 patients are admitted into pediatric intensive care units (PICU) annually in North America, exposing families to extreme psychosocial stressors and adverse outcomes. While previous research has shown PICU patients and their parents…
BACKGROUND: Self-reported health data from children with life-limiting conditions is rarely collected. To improve acceptability and feasibility of child and family-centred outcome measures for children, they need to be designed in a way that reflects…
In high-income countries, emerging research suggests sibling bereavement can have significant health and life course consequences for young people. Yet, we know far less about its burden in lower-income countries. Due to higher fertility and…
CONTEXT: Public and patient involvement is increasingly becoming an expectation of research funders and policy makers. Not all areas of health research are public-facing. Here, we outline an approach for building the skills and developing the…
Nearly a quarter-million children are siblings to children living with serious illness. Intense physical, emotional, social and psychological concerns are introduced when a brother or sister is diagnosed with a serious illness or disease. Support…
Siblings of children with palliative care needs often suffer feelings of being neglected, and their needs for information and involvement are frequently unmet. This study aims to explore the experiences and feelings of siblings of children with…
Background: Death of any of siblings is an overwhelming, severe, and prolonged challenge in children development process and is a major risk factor for psychiatric disorders in childhood and later. Interventions for bereaved families following a…
Effective parent-child communication may serve to buffer the potential negative impacts of stressful situations on a child. Children who have a brother or sister with a life-threatening or life-limiting medical condition may turn to their parents for…
BACKGROUND: Childhood bereavement after sibling death is common, but often unrecognized. The psychosomatic and socioeconomic outcomes of bereaved children can be compromised if appropriate care is unavailable during the formative years leading into…
Evaluation of a Manualized Group Program for Siblings of Children with Diseases or Disabilities This study evaluates a manualized group program for siblings of children with life-threatening/life-limiting diseases or disabilities. The program aims to…
BACKGROUND: Models of palliative care need to address the unmet needs of children, young people and families. OBJECTIVE: To undertake an integrative review to identify the key elements of optimal paediatric palliative care from the perspectives of…
Objective Many bereaved siblings have still not come to terms with their grief many years after the loss, but few studies have focused on what can help. The aims of this study were to identify cancer-bereaved adolescents� and young adults� ways of…
Background: Globally, an estimated eight million children could benefit from palliative care each year. Effective communication about children with life-limiting conditions is well recognized as a critical component of high-quality pediatric…
The objective was to characterize the relation between different sources of school-based social support (friends, peers, and teachers) and bereaved siblings’ grief and grief-related growth and to examine whether nonparental sources of social support…
Siblings of children with life-threatening or life-limiting illnesses can face a number of challenges, yet this is a group that is often unacknowledged as needing specific support. It is essential that the needs of siblings are recognised and…
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) and Batten disease are rare life-limiting conditions (LLCs) characterised by progressive and permanent physical and cognitive decline. The impact of such conditions on families, and notably on siblings, has not yet been…
Abstract Background: The experiences of young people who have siblings with life-limiting illnesses are not well understood. Aim: The study proposed to identify the concerns of siblings of pediatric palliative care (PPC) patients. Design and…
Siblings of patients that have lengthy stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) may be affected emotionally by their brother’s or sister’s condition, separation, or even death. In an effort to assess the effect of perinatal loss on siblings a…
This qualitative study explored bereaved parents’ and siblings’ reports of legacies created by children with advanced cancer. Participants included 40 families of children who died from cancer, with 36 mothers, 27 fathers, and 40 siblings (ages 8-18…
A significant population of children will experience bereavement because of the death of a parent or a sibling. This grief is different from the bereavement seen in adults and needs to be understood in a developmental context. Cognitive and emotional…
Transition has been described by many disciplines. However, the concept of transition has yet to be applied to the sibling experience of childhood cancer. Understanding the transitions that siblings encounter is important because it will offer nurses…
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of a family-based group intervention for young siblings of children with chronic illness and developmental disability (CI/DD). METHODS: Forty-three healthy siblings (ages 4-7 years) of children with CI/DD and their…
BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study is to describe the quality of life (QoL) of siblings of children with cancer and to predict it according to their health before the diagnosis of cancer in the ill child and their ways of coping with the…
When a child is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, such as cancer, there is much disruption to the family. It is a struggle for parents to divide their time between the hospital, home, and other healthy siblings. Nurses strive to provide…
This study used both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to assess the pediatric health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in siblings (n = 77) of cancer patients attending summer camp. On quantitative measures (Pediatric Quality of Life…
This study explored the experiences and needs of nine parents who had received hospital-based bereavement support following the death of their child from cancer, in Western Australia. Six prominent themes emerged from thematic data analysis: personal…
To explore siblings'needs and issues when a brother or sister dies of cancer, interviews were conducted with 10 surviving children and young adults. The siblings expressed dissatisfaction with the information they had received and said that they had…
Several studies have been conducted on sibling psychosocial adaptation to cancer in a brother or sister, but little is known on how the long-term adaptation of siblings to the illness develops. The concept quality of life has primarily been applied…
We report two siblings with a mitochondrial respiratory chain defect who presented with progressive bulbar paralysis of childhood (Fazio-Londe disease). Mitochondrial respiratory chain defects should be considered in differential diagnosis of this…
BACKGROUND: The role of psycho-educational interventions in facilitating adaptation to chronic disease has received growing recognition and is in keeping with policy developments advocating greater involvement of patients in their own care. The…