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ABSTRACT: Objectives: Research examining sibling caregiving contributions to medically complex pediatric patients, including those with inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs), is limited. We assess caregiving roles and attributes of siblings and…
OBJECTIVE: To compare the characteristics and healthcare utilization of children with medical complexity (CMC) who receive paid certified nursing assistant (CNA) care by a family member (family CNA) and by a traditional non-family member (non-family…
Background: Care teams are increasingly expected to attend to the needs of patient's personal caregivers (e.g., family members). Improving communication among oncologists, patients with advanced cancer, and their personal caregivers might enhance…
Parenting and providing extensive care to a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening disease while being aware of the future loss of the child are among the most stressful parental experiences. Due to technical and medical improvements,…