Browse Items (16 total)
- Tags: Descriptive Research
Intrathecal baclofen therapy as treatment for spasticity and dystonia: Review of cases in a pediatric palliative care unit
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Alba RM, alert, antibiotic agent/dt [Drug Therapy], antibiotic agent/iv [Intravenous Drug Administration], Article, Baclofen/dt [drug Therapy], baclofen/po [Oral Drug Administration], baclofen/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], baclofen/tl [Intrathecal Drug Administration], benzodiazepine derivative/dt [Drug Therapy], benzodiazepine derivative/po [Oral Drug Administration], benzodiazepine derivative/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], botulinum toxin/dt [Drug Therapy], Brain Damage, catheter, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Clinical Article, clobazam/dt [Drug Therapy], clonazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], Congenital Malformation, continuous infusion, de Noriega Echevarria I, Descriptive Research, diazepam/dt [Drug Therapy], disease classification, drug dose increase, drug dose reduction, dystonia/dt [Drug Therapy], enzyme deficiency, Errasti VI, Female, glutaric aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 1, Gross Motor Function Measure, Human, implantation, intrathecal baclofen pump/am [Adverse Device Effect], intrathecal pump, Male, medical device malfunction/co [Complication], meningitis/dt [Drug Therapy], nerve degeneration, Neurologia, November List 2024, Palliative Therapy, pantothenate kinase/ec [Endogenous Compound], Pediatrics, Perez MMA, poly malformative syndrome, Preschool Child, Puertas MV, reservoir, Retrospective Study, School Child, spasticity/dt [Drug Therapy], STATA v16.0, Syndrome, tizanidine/dt [Drug Therapy], tizanidine/po [Oral Drug Administration], tizanidine/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], trihexyphenidyl/dt [Drug Therapy], trihexyphenidyl/po [Oral Drug Administration], trihexyphenidyl/pv [Special Situation for Pharmacovigilance], Young Adult
Healthcare personnel's perspectives on health technology in home-based pediatric palliative care: a qualitative study
Tags: 2024, Access To Information, Article, August List 2024, BMC Palliative Care, Cognitive Defect, communication technology, Descriptive Research, Documentation, electronic patient record, Exploratory Research, Health Personnel Attitude, health personnel perspective, health technology, Holmen H, home based pediatric palliative care, Home Care, Human, Human Relation, in person interaction, Information Processing, information sharing, language ability, Medical Record, Medical Technology, Multidisciplinary team, Norway, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, physical activity, Qualitative Research, Riiser K, Schroder J, Software, Thematic Analysis, Videoconferencing, visual documentation
Parents' descriptions of labouring with an antepartum fetal death: Findings from the Birthing in Grief study
Tags: 2024, Adolescence, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Autonomy, Bereavement, Boyle F, childbirth, Cognition, Collier A, Content Analysis, Descriptive Research, Funding Source, Goals and Objectives, Horey D, Human, Information Resources, intrapartum care, June List 2024, Labor, Parents, Perinatal Death, Pollock D, Psychosocial Factors, Qualitative Studies, Semi-Structured Interview, Thematic Analysis, Warland J
Cultivating Gratitude in Bereaved Families: Understanding the Impact of the Bereavement Workshop on the Families of Deceased Patients in the Pediatric Palliative Care Program
Tags: 2024, Alvarez Saa T, Bereavement, Bolaños-Lopez JE, Content Analysis, Coping, Correa I, Cuervo-Suárez MI, Death, Descriptive Research, Devia AM, Emotions, Exploratory Research, Family, Female, García-Quintero X, Gift Giving, Grief, Human, Illness, Crisis and Loss, Infant Death, Male, May List 2024, Molina-Gomez K, Nieto ND, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Pereira LF, Psychosocial Factors, Qualitative Studies, Seminars and Workshops, Social Isolation
Children with palliative care needs in Papua New Guinea, and perspectives from their parents and health care workers: a qualitative study
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE5 - Low Resource Setting, acute lymphoblastic leukemia/di [Diagnosis], Adolescent, Adult, Anga G, Article, BMC Palliative Care, bronchiectasis/di [Diagnosis], Cerebral Palsy/di [Diagnosis], Child, Child Health Care, Clinical Article, congenital heart disease/di [Diagnosis], congenital malformation/di [Diagnosis], Controlled Study, Descriptive Research, Duke T, dyspnea/co [Complication], Female, germ cell tumor/di [Diagnosis], Guillain Barre syndrome/di [Diagnosis], health care need, Health Care Personnel, Health Care Quality, hemosiderosis/di [Diagnosis], Human, Human immunodeficiency virus infection/di [Diagnosis], Infant, Interview, job experience, Kilalang C, knowledge gap, Male, malignant neoplasm/di [Diagnosis], Medical Record, Melanesia, neuroblastoma/di [Diagnosis], Only Child, Pacific Islands, Pain/co [complication], Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Papua New Guinea, Parent, pediatric ward, Preschool Child, pulmonary hypertension/di [Diagnosis], Pulsan F, Qualitative Research, retinoblastoma/di [Diagnosis], School Child, thalassemia/di [Diagnosis], Thematic Analysis, tuberculosis/di [Diagnosis], Vince JD, Watch V
Intersectoral collaboration in home-based end-of-life pediatric cancer care: A qualitative multiple-case study integrating families' and professionals' experiences
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Abitz M, Adolescence, Bidstrup PE, cancer patients, Case Studies, Child, Collaboration, Content Analysis, Data Analysis Software, Denmark, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Hammer NM, Hansson H, Home Health Care, Human, In Infancy and Childhood, Larsen HB, Male, Olsen M, Oncologic Care, Palliative Care, Palliative Medicine, Pedersen LH, Pediatric Care, Qualitative Studies, Schmiegelow K, Semi-Structured Interview, Sjøgren P
The need of patients living with cancer for palliative care
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Abdalrahim MS, Adolescence, Adult, Aged, Aged 80 And Over, Alnajar MK, Amro K, anxiety, cancer patients, Chi Square Test, Convenience Sample, Cross Sectional Studies, Darawad MW, Data Analysis Software, Depression, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Farhan M, Health Services Accessibility, Health Services Needs And Demand, Human, International Journal of Palliative Nursing, Jordan, Middle Age, Mosleh SM, Neoplasms, Nursing, Palliative Care, Palliative Care Nursing, Patient Attitudes, Psychological Distress, Psychometrics, Questionnaires, Self Report, Spiritual Care, Stress Psychological
Max's legacy: an evaluation of the impacts of baby loss on staff and families
Tags: 2023, Abortion, Spontaneous, After Care, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Bereavement, British Journal of Midwifery, Cater K, Crane R, Descriptive Research, Family Attitudes, Female, Focus Groups, Human, Multimethod Studies, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Trimester, First, Rostron H, Safety, Semi-Structured Interview, September List 2058, Thematic Analysis, United Kingdom, Whitehouse C
Palliative care education in an Australian undergraduate pharmacy curriculum: an exploratory descriptive study
Tags: 2023, Adolescence, Adult, Ash K, Australia, clinical reasoning, Communication, Confidence, Curriculum, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Education, Education Pharmacy, Empathy, Exploratory Research, Female, Human, International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, June 2022 List, Kumar S, Male, Mann-Whitney U Test, Ong JA, Palliative Care, Prospective Studies, Qualitative Studies, Questionnaires, Reflection, Rego J, Saini B, Self Concept, Students Undergraduate, surveys, Thematic Analysis, Ung T, Yates P
Specialized pediatric palliative care services in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant centers
Tags: 2021, Advance Care Planning, Article, Bader P, Bereavement Counseling, Bereavement Support, Cause Of Death, Child, Children, Controlled Study, Corbacioglu S, Dalissier A, Descriptive Research, Ethics, Female, Galimard JE, Gjergji M, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Home, Hospice, Hospital, Human, Hutt D, in-hospital mortality, July List 2023, Kenyon M, Kozijn A, Liptrott S, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mekelenkamp H, Mortality, Murray J, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Place Of Death, relapse, Retrospective Study, Schroder T, Spiritual Care, Stem Cell Transplantation, Trigoso E
Grief Journey: Perception and Response Based on Cultural Beliefs in Thai Women Experiencing Perinatal Death
Tags: 2022, Adolescence, Adult, anxiety, April List 2023, Bih-Ching S, Content Analysis, cultural competence, cultural sensitivity, Culture, Descriptive Research, Emotions, Evaluation, Fear, Female, field notes, Forgiveness, Grief, Health Knowledge, Health Personnel, Hope, Hospitals Community, Human, Interviews, Medical Records, Nedruetai P, Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, Perinatal Death, Psychosocial Factors, Puangpaka K, Purposive Sample, Qualitative Studies, Quality Of Health Care, Reflection, Self Concept, Self-Talk, Social Norms, Thailand, Women
Mothers of angels: (re)living the death of the child as a coping strategy
Tags: 2020, Adult, Anna Nery School Journal of Nursing / Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem, Attitude To Death, Child, Coping, Data Analysis Software, de Azevedo Mazza V, Death -- In Infancy and Childhood, Descriptive Research, Exploratory Research, Focus Groups, Gramazio Soares L, Hardiness, Human, Kuchla É, March 2020 List, Mother-child Relations, Mothers -- Psychosocial Factors, Padilha Mattei A, Qualitative Studies, Raimondo Ferraz M I, Thematic Analysis
The Long-Term Care Experiences and Care Needs of Parents Caring for Children With Adrenoleukodystrophy
Tags: 2019, Descriptive Research, Guilt, Helplessness Learned, Hospice Care, Human, Individualized Medicine, Interviews, Journal of Nursing, Jui-Chun F, Long Term Care, March 2019 List, Miao-Ju C, Needs Assessment, Parental Attitudes, Peroxisomal Disorders -- Psychosocial Factors, Psychosocial Aspects of Illness, Qualitative Studies, Shu-Yuan L, Su-Fen C, Wei-Wen W U
Meeting the needs of young adults with life-limiting conditions: A UK survey of current provision and future challenges for hospices
Tags: 2018, Adult, Bray L, Content Analysis, Convenience Sample, Cross Sectional Studies, Data Analysis Software, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Downing J, Health Services Needs And Demand, Hospice Care, Human, Jack Barbara A, Journal Of Advanced Nursing, Kirkcaldy AJ, Knighting K, Mitchell TK, O'Brien MR, Pilkington M, September 2018 List, Terminally Ill Patients -- In Adulthood, Thematic Analysis, United Kingdom, Young Adult
Self-concept of siblings of children with cancer
Tags: 2001, Backlog, Child, Childhood Neoplasms -- Psychosocial Factors, Data Analysis Software, Descriptive Research, Exploratory Research, Female, Human, Issues In Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, Journal Article, Male, Murray Js, psychosocial, Purposive Sample, Questionnaires, Self Concept -- Evaluation, Self Concept -- In Infancy and Childhood, sibling bereavement, Siblings -- Psychosocial Factors, Southwestern United States, Support, T-Tests
Analysis Of Death And Palliative Care In A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Tags: 2017, Analgesia, Analgesic Agent, Article, Ceccon M E J, Clinical Article, De Barbosa S M M, Descriptive Research, Female, Follow Up, Hospitalization, Human, Male, Marcola L, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Newborn Death, October 2017 List, Pain Assessment, Palliative Therapy, Polastrini R T V, Prematurity, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Revista Paulista de Pediatria, Sedation, Sedative Agent, Zoboli I