Browse Items (46 total)
- Tags: Content Analysis
Holistic Nursing Care for Perinatal Loss Based on Swanson's Theory of Caring
Tags: 2025, Adult, American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, Audiorecording, Berry SN, Content Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Holistic Care, Human, Interviews, Lazcano S, Male, March List 2025, Middle Age, Nurse-patient Relations, Nursing Care, nursing role, nursing theory, Parental Attitudes, Perinatal Death -- Psychosocial Factors, Qualitative Studies, surveys
"Death is Not a Dirty Word:" A Qualitative Study of Emergency Clinician End-of-Life Communication
Tags: 2024, Acute Disease, Article, Best Practice, Child, Clinical Article, Clinician, Communication Skill, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, Conversation, Coping, Diagnosis, Emergency Ward, Family Centered Care, Family Structure, family support, February List 2025, Female, Hinds PS, Human, Interpersonal Communication, Interview, knowledge gap, Kotler H, Male, Needs Assessment, Nurse, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Physician, Qualitative Research, self-reflection, Semi Structured Interview, Wolfe AHJ
Living with Pompe disease: results from a qualitative interview study with children and adolescents and their caregivers
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, cognitive behavioral therapy, Content Analysis, content validity, Disease Severity, Dyspnea, Emotion, emotional appraisal, enzyme replacement, Fatigue, February List 2025, Female, glycogen storage disease type 2, Hahn A, Hennermann JB, Home Care, Huemer M, Human, inborn error of metabolism, Lagler FB, Landolt MA, Life Expectancy, Male, MAXQDA software, Moslinger D, Multicenter Study, Muscle Weakness, musculoskeletal pain, Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases, Pain, Pain Intensity, Palliative Therapy, Perception, Pfrimmer C, psychosocial care, Qualitative Analysis, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Rohrbach M, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Severity Of Illness Index, social exclusion, Social Support, sore throat, Truninger MI, Vomiting, Werner H, Young Adult
Beyond the healthcare system: The societal and contextual factors impacting parents' participation in decision-making for neonates with life-threatening conditions
Tags: 2024, Adult, Article, asphyxia, Banazadeh M, Content Analysis, Data Analysis Software, Decision Making, do not resuscitate order, Female, General Practitioner, Health Care Personnel, Health Care System, health Insurance, heart surgery, Human, infertility, Khanjari S, life threat, Male, MAXQDA software, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neonatology, Newborn, Newborn Death, November List 2024, Oskouie F, Palliative Therapy, Parent, Physician, PLoS One, Prematurity, Reliability, Resuscitation, Seizure, Semi Structured Interview, social aspect, Social Environment, societal and contextual factors, sociologist, Teacher, Validity
Parent Narratives Provide Perspectives on the Experience of Care in Trisomy 18
Tags: 2024, Adult, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics, Anderson R, Article, Bierer R, Carey J, Child, Chromosome Disorder, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Diagnosis, Down Syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Female, heart surgery, Human, Infant Mortality, Male, Mladucky J, Narrative, November List 2024, Parent, Patient Comfort, Personal Experience, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, rearing, shared decision making, support group, Therapy, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18
Tags: 2024, anxiety, Beck Anxiety Inventory, care behavior, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Dying, Family, Fear, Human, Mental Health, Neuro-oncology, October List 2024, Palliative Therapy, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, School Child, Semi Structured Interview, Tanriverdi M, Yilmaz GG
Outpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Development: Guidance on Building Sustainable Programs
Tags: 2024, Adult, Article, Autrey AK, Child, Content Analysis, Female, Follow Up, Human, James C, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Kaye EC, Leadership, Miller EG, Morvant A, Mothi SS, Normal Human, October List 2024, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Program Development, Stafford C, United States, workflow
Living-loss: A narrative synthesis review of the grief process in parents
Tags: 2024, Abdolmohamadi K, Alimohamadi A, Content Analysis, Coping, Fooladi F, Ghasemzadeh M, Grief, Human, Janghorbanian Z, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Killikelly C, Nurses, Parent-child Relations, Parental Attitudes, Parents of Children with Disabilities, Psychosocial Factors, Psycinfo, PubMed, September List 2024, Systematic Review, Thematic Analysis, Uncertainty
Grasping the meaning of perinatal palliative care for the multiprofessional team
Tags: 2024, Adult, Araujo JP, Article, August List 2024, Child, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, De Godoi Melo FP, De Oliveira Peripolli M, Female, Gallo AM, health practitioner, Human, Male, Multidisciplinary team, Neonatology, Palliative Therapy, Patient Care Team, Perinatal Care, perinatology, Probst VS, Qualitative Research, Revista Paulista de Pediatria, Semi Structured Interview, University Hospital, Zani AV
Parents' descriptions of labouring with an antepartum fetal death: Findings from the Birthing in Grief study
Tags: 2024, Adolescence, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Autonomy, Bereavement, Boyle F, childbirth, Cognition, Collier A, Content Analysis, Descriptive Research, Funding Source, Goals and Objectives, Horey D, Human, Information Resources, intrapartum care, June List 2024, Labor, Parents, Perinatal Death, Pollock D, Psychosocial Factors, Qualitative Studies, Semi-Structured Interview, Thematic Analysis, Warland J
Understanding and Optimizing Rest and Rejuvenation for Family Caregivers of Children with Medical Complexity
Tags: 2024, Adult, Caregiver, Caregiver Support, Child, Clinician, conceptual model, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, coronavirus disease 2019, Family, Fatigue, Female, Follow Up, household, Human, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Palliative Therapy, Participant Observation, Porter AS, Qualitative Analysis, rejuvenation, Respite Care, rest, Semi Structured Interview, task shifting, ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase
Characterizing Pain in Pediatric Palliative Care Clinical Documentation
Tags: 2024, Aderibigbe T, Adolescent, Carney KB, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinician, conference abstract, Consultation, Content Analysis, Drug Therapy, electronic health record, Ethnicity, Female, Hispanic, Human, interrater reliability, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Linder L, Longtin E, Major Clinical Study, Male, Moore D, Newborn, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Retrospective Study, School Child, social life, special situation for pharmacovigilance, Therapy, Wilkes J
Cultivating Gratitude in Bereaved Families: Understanding the Impact of the Bereavement Workshop on the Families of Deceased Patients in the Pediatric Palliative Care Program
Tags: 2024, Alvarez Saa T, Bereavement, Bolaños-Lopez JE, Content Analysis, Coping, Correa I, Cuervo-Suárez MI, Death, Descriptive Research, Devia AM, Emotions, Exploratory Research, Family, Female, García-Quintero X, Gift Giving, Grief, Human, Illness, Crisis and Loss, Infant Death, Male, May List 2024, Molina-Gomez K, Nieto ND, Palliative Care, Pediatric Care, Pereira LF, Psychosocial Factors, Qualitative Studies, Seminars and Workshops, Social Isolation
Palliative care for infants with life-limiting conditions: Integrative review
Tags: 2023, Advance Care Planning, Aged, biological marker, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, Chronic Disease, Consultation, Content Analysis, English (language), February List 2024, Gill FJ, health practitioner, Human, Infant, Interpersonal Communication, Iten R, Medical Specialist, Nurse, O'Connor M, Palliative Therapy, Primary Health Care, quality improvement study, Review, Terminal Care, Therapy
A Qualitative Study of Parents' Experiences of Bonding in End-of-Life Care in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Tags: 2023, Adult, Article, Child, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Decision Making, Diagnosis, Edner A, February List 2024, Funkquist EL, Health Care Personnel, Human, Infant, Interview, Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, Lindquist A, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Newborn Intensive Care, Parent, parenthood, Pilot Study, Powerlessness, Qualitative Research, shame, Terminal Care
Assessing the suitability of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT-Paediatric) for use with parents of children with a life-limiting condition: A qualitative secondary analysis
Tags: 2023, Article, Atkin K, care behavior, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Diagnosis, Ewing G, Father, February List 2024, Female, Fisher V, Fraser LK, Grande G, Human, Male, Needs Assessment, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Parent, School Child, Secondary Analysis, social media, special situation for pharmacovigilance
Intersectoral collaboration in home-based end-of-life pediatric cancer care: A qualitative multiple-case study integrating families' and professionals' experiences
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Abitz M, Adolescence, Bidstrup PE, cancer patients, Case Studies, Child, Collaboration, Content Analysis, Data Analysis Software, Denmark, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Female, Hammer NM, Hansson H, Home Health Care, Human, In Infancy and Childhood, Larsen HB, Male, Olsen M, Oncologic Care, Palliative Care, Palliative Medicine, Pedersen LH, Pediatric Care, Qualitative Studies, Schmiegelow K, Semi-Structured Interview, Sjøgren P
Supportive care for cancer-related symptoms in pediatric oncology: a qualitative study among healthcare providers
Tags: 2023, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, acupressure, Acupuncture, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Adult, Aged, alternative medicine, anxiety, Arcury TA, Aromatherapy, Article, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, Canada, Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Therapy, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Constipation, Content Analysis, dietitian, Education, Fatigue, Female, Germany, Health Care Personnel, Human, insomnia, Integrative Medicine, Interview, Jong MC, Kristoffersen AE, Leukemia, Male, Massage, Mora DC, Music Therapy, Nausea, Netherlands, Norway, Nurse, Palliative Therapy, Philosophy, Play Therapy, Professional Practice, psychodrama, Qualitative Research, Quality Of Life, Quandt SA, Semi Structured Interview, Stub T, United States, vincristine, Vomiting
Dying and Death in a Pediatric Cardiac ICU: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Multidisciplinary Staff Responses
Tags: 2023, Article, Attention, Bailey VK, Beke DM, Broden EG, Child, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, coronary care unit, Education, Human, in-hospital mortality, Major Clinical Study, Moynihan KM, Multidisciplinary team, November List 2041, Nurse, Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, Physician, Snaman JM, Terminal Care
"It's a Heavy Thing to Carry:" Internal Medicine and Pediatric Resident Experiences Caring for Dying Patients
Tags: 2023, American Journal Of Hospice And Palliative Care, Article, August List 2033, Bogetz JF, Buck L, care behavior, Child, Content Analysis, Dying, Education, Emotion, genetic transcription, Gibbon LM, Human, Internal Medicine, Interview, learning environment, meaning-making, Multidisciplinary team, Personhood, Physician, Resident, Schmidt L, Self Care, Skill, tension, Terminal Care, Trowbridge A, witness
Home values and experiences navigation track (HomeVENT): Supporting decisions about pediatric home ventilation
Tags: 2023, Adolescent, Article, Artificial Ventilation, August List 2025, Boss RD, Child, Cohort Analysis, Content Analysis, Counseling, Decision Making, Ding Y, Female, Henderson CM, home ventilation, Human, Intensive Care Unit, Jabre NA, Lanier CL, Length Of Stay, Male, McDermott A, Mercer A, Palliative Therapy, PEC Innovation, pediatric patient, Pilot Study, Quality Of Life, Question Prompt List, respiratory failure, Semi Structured Interview, Shepard J, Tracheostomy, Ventilators, Mechanical, Vo HH, Wilfond BS
Siblings and End-Of-Life Decision Making in the NICU
Tags: 2023, care behavior, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Critically Ill Patient, Decision Making, electronic medical record, Female, Gillam L, Human, Infant, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, July List 2023, Male, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Perception, Power J, Prentice TM, Semi Structured Interview, Sibling, Wellbeing
Family-Centered Advance Care Planning: What Matters Most for Parents of Children with Rare Diseases
Tags: 2022, Adult, Advance Care Planning, Aoun SM, Article, attitude to illness, body movement, Caregiver, Child Care, Children, Cohort Analysis, collaborative care team, Content Analysis, Conversation, Disease Burden, Family Centered Care, Family Decision Making, Feasibility Study, Female, Fratantoni K, Human, Human Relation, July List 2023, Livingston J, Lyon ME, Palliative Therapy, Parent, Parental Attitude, pediatric patient, psychosocial care, Qualitative Analysis, Rare Disease, Schellinger SE, social connectedness, videorecording
Grief Journey: Perception and Response Based on Cultural Beliefs in Thai Women Experiencing Perinatal Death
Tags: 2022, Adolescence, Adult, anxiety, April List 2023, Bih-Ching S, Content Analysis, cultural competence, cultural sensitivity, Culture, Descriptive Research, Emotions, Evaluation, Fear, Female, field notes, Forgiveness, Grief, Health Knowledge, Health Personnel, Hope, Hospitals Community, Human, Interviews, Medical Records, Nedruetai P, Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, Perinatal Death, Psychosocial Factors, Puangpaka K, Purposive Sample, Qualitative Studies, Quality Of Health Care, Reflection, Self Concept, Self-Talk, Social Norms, Thailand, Women
Content Analysis of Multifaceted Needs for Improving the Quality of Pediatric Palliative Care Among Parents of Children With Life-threatening Conditions
Tags: 2022, Advance Care Planning, Article, Bereavement, Bereavement Support, care behavior, Child, Cho-Hee K, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, December List 2022, diagnosis related group, Female, Hee-Young S, Human, Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, Kyung-Ah K, Male, Min-Sun K, Myung-Nam L, Palliative Therapy, Qualitative Research, Semi Structured Interview, South Korea, Spiritual Care, Yi-Ji M
Insights into the perception that research ethics committees are a barrier to research with seriously ill children: A study of committee minutes and correspondence with researchers studying seriously ill children
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, April 2021 List, Bluebond-Langner M, Butler AE, Child, Child Preschool, Content Analysis, Ethics Committees, Ethics Committees Research, Female, Human Experimentation/ethics, Humans, Infant, Infant Newborn, Male, Palliative Medicine, Research, Research Design, Terminally Ill, United Kingdom, Vincent K
Helping parents prepare for their child's end of life: A retrospective survey of cancer-bereaved parents
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Article, Battles H, Bedoya S Z, Bereavement, Caregiver, Child, childhood cancer/dm [Disease Management], Content Analysis, Emotion, Female, Gerhardt C A, health care need, Human, Infant, Interpersonal Communication, Mack J, Major Clinical Study, Male, Newborn, Nurse, Oncology 2020 List, open ended questionnaire, Parent, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric oncologist, pediatric patient, Priority Journal, Psycho-Oncology, Psychologist, Quality Of Life, quantitative analysis, Retrospective Study, social media, Social Support, Social Worker, support group, Tager J, Terminal Care, Thematic Analysis, time of death, Wiener L, worker
Defining the Boundaries of Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology
Tags: 2020, Article, Boss R D, Cancer Patient, Child, Childhood Cancer, Comfort, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, Cuviello A, Donohue P K, Female, genetic transcription, Human, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mental Health, Nurse Practitioner, Oncology 2020 List, Palliative Therapy, pediatric oncologist, Quality Of Life, Raisanen J C, Skill, standardization, Terminal Care, Wiener L
Nurses' Perceptions of the Palliative Care Needs of Neonates With Multiple Congenital Anomalies
Tags: 2020, Abnormalities, Age Factors, Consent (Research), Content Analysis, Data Analysis Software, Descriptive Statistics, Educational Status, Feedback, Female, Gürol A, Health Services Needs and Demand – In Infancy and Childhood, Human, Infant, Intensive Care Units, Interviews, Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, June 2020 List, Male, Multiple, Neonatal, Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, Newborn, Nurse Attitudes – Evaluation, Palliative Care, Polat S, Quality Of Life, Questionnaires, Semi-Structured Interview, Şener Taplak A, Thematic Analysis, Time Factors
Identifying key elements for paediatric advance care planning with parents, healthcare providers and stakeholders: A qualitative study
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Advance Care Planning, Article, Awareness, Borasio G D, Child, Content Analysis, Decision Making, Documentation, Emergency Health Service, Female, Fuhrer M, Health Care Personnel, Hein K, Heitkamp N, Human, Human Experiment, Knochel K, living will, Male, March 2020 List, Monz A, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Qualitative Research, Reimann D, Trust, Zaimovic V
The 'good death' in pediatric oncology
Tags: 2019, Adult, Advanced Cancer, advanced practice provider, Aged, avoidance behavior, Barton K, Childhood Cancer, Clergy, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, conference abstract, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, Female, genetic transcription, Human, Male, Medical Staff, music, Oncology 2019 List, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Pediatric Hospital, physiotherapist, Prospective Study, Rosenberg A, Semi Structured Interview, Software, sudden death, Taylor M, Terminal Care, Young Adult
The Nesting Dolls Design: A Methodology for the Recruitment of Bereaved Parents for Partnership Activities Related to Palliative Care and Bereavement Support in Paediatric Psycho-Oncology
Tags: 2018, 52315-07-8 (cypermethrin), 65731-84-2 (cypermethrin), 66841-24-5 (cypermethrin), 67375-30-8 (cypermethrin), Bereavement Support, Bourque C J, Cardinal G, Child, Clinical Article, Clinician, conference abstract, Confidentiality, Content Analysis, Controlled Study, cypermethrin, Death, Dumont E, evaluation research, Female, filter, Follow Up, Human, information center, Intensive Care, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Male, Neonatology, nesting, Oncology 2019 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Psycho-Oncology, Questionnaire, research ethics, Sultan S, writing
Changes in Siblings Over Time After the Death of a Brother or Sister From Cancer
Tags: 2019, Adolescence, Adult, Akard T F, Barrera M, Bereavement, Cancer Nursing, Child, Content Analysis, Davies B, Dietrich M S, Fathers -- Psychosocial Factors, Female, Fortney C A, Gerhardt C A, Gilmer M J, Human, Male, McNemar's Test, Middle Age, Mothers -- Psychosocial Factors, Multimethod Studies, Neoplasms -- Mortality, Oncology 2019 List, Prospective Studies, Semi-Structured Interview, Siblings -- Psychosocial Factors, Skeens M A, Vannatta K, Wray S
Perception of health professionals about neonatal palliative care
Tags: 2019, Attitude Of Health Personnel, Batoca Silva E M, Content Analysis, Human, Infant, Intensive Care Units, January 2020 List, Machado Silva M J, Marques Silva D, Neonatal, Newborn, Palliative Care -- In Infancy and Childhood, Phenomenological Research, Portugal, Professional-patient Relations, Qualitative Studies, Quality Of Life, Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
Barriers to and facilitators of end-of-life decision-making by neonatologists and neonatal nurses in neonates: a qualitative study
Tags: 2019, Advance Care Planning, Article, Beernaert K, Chambaere K, Child, Cohen J, Consultation, Content Analysis, Conversation, Cools F, Cornette L, December 2019 List, Decision Making, Deliens L, Dombrecht L, Flanders, Goossens L, Human, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Law, Naulaers G, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Nurse, Neonatologist, Newborn, Perinatal Death, Piette V, Privacy, Qualitative Research, Uncertainty
The experiences of bereaved family caregivers with advance care planning for children with medical complexity
Tags: 2019, Advance Care Planning, Amin R, Caregiver, Child, Clinical Article, Cohen E, conference abstract, Consultation, Content Analysis, Conversation, Death, Female, genetic transcription, Health Care Personnel, Hellman J, Human, Human Tissue, Informed Consent, Lord S, Male, Moore C, Netten K, October 2019 List, Orkin J, Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada), Perception, Personal Experience, Rappaport A, Semi Structured Interview
Social worker and chaplain activities with parents of critically ill children with cancer
Tags: 2018, Arenson M, audio recording, Cancer Patient, cancer stem cell, Child, Clergy, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Critical Care Medicine, Critically Ill Patient, Female, Heap N, Human, human cell, Interview, Lentini N, Male, Martinez E, Michelson K, Mortality, Oncology 2018 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Self Care, Social Worker, Statistics
Bereaved parents' experiences of research participation
Early integrated palliative approach for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A narrative study of bereaved caregivers' experiences
Tags: 2018, Accountability, Adult Children, Advance Care Planning, anxiety, Attitude To Death, Bereavement, Canada, Caregiver Attitudes, Collaboration, Communication, Content Analysis, December 2018 List, Emotions, Health Facilities -- Canada, Home Health Care, Hospital Mortality, Human, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis -- Prognosis, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis -- Therapy -- Canada, Interpersonal Relations, Interviews, Kalluri M, Life Change Events, Life Experiences, Memory, Narratives, Palliative Care, Palliative Medicine, Patient Attitudes, Patient Care Plans, Pooler C, Pulmonologists, Purposive Sample, Quality Of Life, Richman-Eisenstat J, Spouses, Stress Psychological, Support Psychosocial, Thematic Analysis
Meeting the needs of young adults with life-limiting conditions: A UK survey of current provision and future challenges for hospices
Tags: 2018, Adult, Bray L, Content Analysis, Convenience Sample, Cross Sectional Studies, Data Analysis Software, Descriptive Research, Descriptive Statistics, Downing J, Health Services Needs And Demand, Hospice Care, Human, Jack Barbara A, Journal Of Advanced Nursing, Kirkcaldy AJ, Knighting K, Mitchell TK, O'Brien MR, Pilkington M, September 2018 List, Terminally Ill Patients -- In Adulthood, Thematic Analysis, United Kingdom, Young Adult