Browse Items (37 total)

Background: First Nations Peoples endure disproportionate rates of stillbirth compared with non-First Nations Peoples. Previous interventions have aimed at reducing stillbirth in First Nations Peoples and providing better bereavement care without…

Studying perinatal death needs to involve cultural beliefs influencing women's perceptions and responses to illuminate their grief journey following the loss of their baby. There is an urgent need to provide a deep understanding in this area that…

OBJECTIVES: Studies in adult patients have shown that do-not-resuscitate orders are often associated with decreased medical intervention. In neonatology, this phenomenon has not been investigated, and how do-not-resuscitate orders potentially affect…

BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an inherited neuromuscular disorder and a leading genetic cause of infant death worldwide. However, there is no routine screening program for SMA in the UK. Lack of treatments and the inability of…

BACKGROUND: 8,600 children are eligible for palliative care services each day in the US, yet many pediatric residents and pediatricians do not feel comfortable providing palliative/end of life care. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of a palliative…

BACKGROUND: Pediatric patients experience significant symptoms during cancer treatment. Symptom management is frequently inadequate. We studied perceptions of pediatric oncology care providers regarding early integration of palliative care (PC) for…

IMPORTANCE: Parents' beliefs about what they need to do to be a good parent when their children are seriously ill influence their medical decisions, and better understanding of these beliefs may improve decision support. OBJECTIVE: To assess parents'…

OBJECTIVE: To explore the end-of-life experience of children with brain tumors and their families. DESIGN: Qualitative analysis of focus group interviews. SETTING: Children's Hospital, London Health Sciences Center. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-five parents…

Social workers play an important role in the delivery of Hospice Palliative Care in many diverse settings. The profession brings a unique perspective to end-of-life care that reflects and supports the holistic philosophy of Hospice Palliative Care.…

CONTEXT: Legislation has been proposed that would mandate parental notification for adolescents younger than 18 years (minors) obtaining prescription contraception from federally funded family planning clinics. OBJECTIVE: To determine the extent to…

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine what adolescents and young adults with moderate to complex congenital heart disease (CHD) believe their life span to be and to examine correlates of their beliefs. BACKGROUND: Patients with moderate to…

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of a family-based group intervention for young siblings of children with chronic illness and developmental disability (CI/DD). METHODS: Forty-three healthy siblings (ages 4-7 years) of children with CI/DD and their…

Social workers from clinical, academic, and research settings met in 2002 for a national Social Work Leadership Summit on Palliative and End-of-Life Care. Participants placed the highest priority on the development and broad dissemination of a…

This paper reviews the professional literature with respect to the social work profession's involvement in end-of-life care. The search process was conducted by entering key words in various combinations to electronic databases. Eligible articles…

The present study was undertaken to explore the psychosocial functioning of young people with chronic illness, their beliefs about treatment adherence, difficulties with adherence and concerns about living with their illness. A small correlational…

OBJECTIVE: To develop a conceptual model of family caregiver beliefs and behavior related to nutritional care of the terminally ill by examining the perspectives of family members, patients, and health care providers. DESIGN: Qualitative study using…

OBJECTIVES: More than 85% of children born today with chronic medical conditions will live to adulthood, and many should transfer from pediatric to adult health care. The numbers of adults with congenital heart defects (CHDs) are increasing rapidly.…

Although adolescents suffer from a variety of complaints, they do not often consult a doctor. Following a high rate of medical consultation during infancy and childhood, the rate dramatically decreases at the age of 10 and increases again around the…

The Delphi technique is a useful method of obtaining group consensus. However, "consensus" is not usually defined when this technique is used. This paper describes a study in which two panels of experts (registered nurses who were nurse managers or…

The purpose of this study was to assess the use of analgesic agents for invasive medical procedures in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units. The directors of 38 pediatric units and 31 neonatal units reported that analgesics were infrequently…

In this research study, a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used to assess the impact of the Cardiovascular Health Education Program (CHEP) on the cardiovascular health knowledge of grade eight adolescents. A…

There has been very little research focusing on the role of the social worker in a specialist palliative care service. A qualitative research methodology was used which sought to capture the essence of that role, as perceived by those carrying it…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Advance care discussions (ACD) occur infrequently or are initiated late in the course of illness. Although data exist regarding barriers to ACD among the care of adult patients, few pediatric data exist. The goal of this…

This study evaluated the potential impact of an online spiritual care educational program on pediatric nurses' attitudes toward and knowledge of spiritual care and their competence to provide spiritual care to children with cancer at the end of life.…
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