Browse Items (50 total)

AIM: This qualitative study aimed to explore nurses' perspectives regarding the challenges of providing perinatal/neonatal end-of-life care in a regional hospital. METHOD(S): This exploratory qualitative study was conducted with 20 nurses working in…

Background: First Nations Peoples endure disproportionate rates of stillbirth compared with non-First Nations Peoples. Previous interventions have aimed at reducing stillbirth in First Nations Peoples and providing better bereavement care without…

Introduction: Most neonatal deaths in industrialized countries follow a process of redirection of care. The objectives of this study were to describe how neonates die in a middle-income country, whether there was redirection of care, and the reason…

Abstract Background: Evidence to guide intrapartum care when an unborn baby has died is limited. Aims: To explore parents' experiences of care during labour of an antepartum stillbirth. Materials and methods: Semi-structured interviews with 18…

Recent years have seen a shift in the number of bereavement studies examining daily grief processes, but our knowledge is still limited due to the lack of dyadic research. In this paper, we explored the change in mental health in the course of a…

Abstract This study addresses research gaps regarding the impact of professional bereavement photography for perinatal loss. Utilizing a mixed-methods research design, 504 parents completed an online survey measuring their attitudes toward…

Abstract Perinatal loss, the tragic event of losing a baby before, during, or shortly after birth, is a profoundly distressing experience for any family. We focus on the unique challenges faced by diverse families, encompassing those from…

Abstract The occurrence of perinatal losses is an unfortunate, yet common degeneracy that implements perturbing taxation on the mental, emotional, and marital health of mothers considering the grief they impose. This study is a quantitative venture…

Neonatal death is the leading category of death in children under the age of 5 in the UK. Many babies die following decisions between parents and the neonatal team; when a baby is critically unwell, with the support of healthcare professionals,…

Aims and objectives: To explore culturally and linguistically diverse men's experiences of support after perinatal death, including barriers and facilitators to support and how healthcare providers, systems and policies can best support families.…

Abstract Perinatal loss is a devastating event for any mother. What is often overlooked is a mothers continued ability to lactate following the death of her child. Donor breast milk is a commodity highly sought after given its value for feeding sick…

This is the intertwined story of three unique individuals—each of us parents, researchers, givers and takers—who met and changed each other’s lives, whilst simultaneously struggling to comprehend and make meaning out of our own personal losses. After…

BACKGROUND: Neonatal death is often preceded by end-of-life medical decisions. This study aimed to determine whether the context of death - after a decision of withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment (WWLST) or despite maximum care - was…

Studying perinatal death needs to involve cultural beliefs influencing women's perceptions and responses to illuminate their grief journey following the loss of their baby. There is an urgent need to provide a deep understanding in this area that…

Background: Stillbirth and neonatal death are devastating pregnancy outcomes with long-lasting psychosocial consequences for parents and families, and wide-ranging economic impacts on health systems and society. It is essential that parents and…

Abstract Introduction The death of a baby is devastating for parents, families and staff involved. Involving bereaved parents in their baby's care and in the maternity hospital perinatal death review can help parents manage their bereavement and plan…

BACKGROUND: The grieving process following perinatal loss caused by life-limiting conditions presents some particularities associated with the family's culture and the symbolic relationship with the deceased. OBJECTIVE: To reflect on the symbolic…

BACKGROUND: Although perinatal deaths are still a common pregnancy outcome in developing countries, little is known about the effect perinatal death has on fathers. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to understand and describe the meaning of…

BACKGROUND: Perinatal grief is a process that affects families in biological, psychological, social and spiritual terms. It is estimated that every year there are 2.7 million perinatal deaths worldwide and 4.43 deaths for every 1000 births in Spain.…

AIM: Perinatal death is often preceded by an end-of-life decision (ELD). Disparate hospital policies, complex legal frameworks and ethically difficult cases make attitudes important. This study investigated attitudes of neonatologists and nurses…

Today every aspect of our life is published and shared online, including grief. The virtual cemeteries and social networks' use could be considered as a new modern mortuary ritual. Starting from the keyword stillbirth, 50 videos published on YouTube…

Background Perinatal palliative care is a relatively new component of paediatric palliative care which supports families who are expecting the birth of a child with a life-limiting condition. This study seeks to understand the characteristics of the…

The death of a child is felt by extended family, friends, and community members. Most bereavement care research focuses on programs for parents. Little is known about the efficacy of support programs for other grieving individuals. We conducted a…

Problem The negative implications of perinatal death on mothers’ mental health are documented, however little is known about their experience of hope. Background Within the broader literature, hope has contributed to better mental health and…

Healthcare professionals' psychological involvement in perinatal loss is a largely overlooked subject by healthcare systems, scientific research and prevention policies. A systematic scientific review has been carried out about emotional experiences,…

Background: Moral distress and burnout related to end-of-life decisions in neonates is common in neonatologists and nurses working in neonatal intensive care units. Attention to their emotional burden and psychological support in research is lacking.…

Context Making end-of-life decisions in neonates involves ethically difficult and distressing dilemmas for healthcare providers. Insight into which factors complicate or facilitate this decision-making process could be a necessary first step in…

Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe and conceptualize the experiences and processes involved when labor and delivery nurses provide care to women experiencing a stillbirth. Background: The care of a woman experiencing a stillbirth is an…

Aim: Specialised paediatric palliative care has not previously been a priority in Denmark. The aim of this study was to support its development and organisation, by examining why and where children died using official national data for 1994-2014.…

BACKGROUND: Perinatal death is one of the most difficult bereavements due to the shock and profound grief experienced by parents. It has been established that such bereavement has a life-lasting impact. Twin pregnancy is associated with increased…

According to the World Health Organization, there are over 6.3 million perinatal deaths (PND) a year worldwide. Identifying the factors associated with PND is very helpful in building strategies to improve the care provided to mothers and their…

Objectives Trisomy 18 is presumed to be a lethal chromosomal abnormality; medical management of infants with this aneuploidy is controversial. Our objective was to describe our approach and experience with trisomy 18 infants. Study Design We reviewed…

BACKGROUND: Globally, perinatal death is on a decline. However, its impact on the healthcare profession is huge. The existing literature focuses on examining perinatal death from parents' perspectives and patient death from the perspectives of nurses…

The present study investigated the presence and possible predictors of complicated grief symptoms in perinatally bereaved mothers (N = 121) up to 5 years postbereavement. The presence of complicated grief scores in the clinical range was 12.4%, which…

"Losing Thomas & Ella" presents a research comic about one father's perinatal loss of twins. The comic recounts Paul's experience of the hospital and the babies' deaths, and it details the complex grieving process afterward, including themes of…
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