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OBJECTIVES: Pediatric patients with life-limiting diagnoses frequently seek care in the pediatric emergency department (PED) during times of acute illness, or at end-of-life (EOL) . Although the population of patients with life-limiting diagnoses is…
Background/Objective: The Individual Care Plan (ICP) for pediatric palliative care was developed to provide person-centered care for the individual child and family. Currently, a lack of clarity remains regarding the use and function of the ICP in…
Advances in neonatal medicine have allowed us to rescue extremely preterm infants. However, both long-term vulnerability and the burden of treatment in the neonatal period increase with decreasing gestational age. This raises questions about the…
Outcomes: 1. Utilizing a case-based approach plus content expert didactic presentation, participants will self-report ability to identify 3 defensive mechanisms utilized by caregivers and providers during shared decision making (SDM) that can…
Pediatric shared decision-making (SDM) is a fundamental part of family-centered care. Pediatric palliative care (PPC) is one of the more difficult fields for healthcare providers when choosing to utilize SDM. However, to our knowledge, there are…
Lactation support is an important measure of Family-Centered Care (FCC) in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Life-limiting conditions (LLCs) raise complex ethical care issues for providers and parents in the NICU and represent a key and often…
Aims and objectives: To explore culturally and linguistically diverse men's experiences of support after perinatal death, including barriers and facilitators to support and how healthcare providers, systems and policies can best support families.…
Few studies have described the goals and wishes of parents caring for their children with rare diseases, specifically when children are unable to communicate their preferences directly. The purpose of this study was to describe the parent's…
Background: Parents of seriously ill children are at risk of psychosocial morbidity, which may be mitigated by competent family-centered communication and role-affirming conversations. Parent caregivers describe a guiding desire to do a good job in…
STUDY PURPOSE: The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand, from the parent perspective, the experience of the family whose child has Type 1 spinal muscular atrophy (Type 1 SMA), in the emergency center, hospital, and clinical care…
Nurses are looking beyond parents to provide bereavement support for the wider family
Nurse consultant Michael Tatterton’s research revealed that when a child with a life-limiting condition dies, the grandparents’ ‘unique footprint of grief’ is…
The nature and content of the conversations between the healthcare team and the parents concerning withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining interventions for neonates vary greatly. These depend upon the status of the infant; for some neonates,…