Browse Items (42 total)

Aim: The aim of this study was to compare patients referred to our retrieval service who were palliated before transfer, versus those transferred who were palliated within 7 days of birth. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of infants…

Aim: Complex care programmes for children with medically complex cerebral palsy (CP) exist; however, evidence for their impact is limited. This study (i) explored the impact of The Royal Children's Hospital Complex Care Hub (CCH) on hospital service…

Aim: To characterise the feeding profile and care pathway for infants receiving prolonged high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) respiratory support for management of a chronic condition at one facility from January to December 2021. Methods: Data regarding…

AIM: Australian neonatal mortality data are collected and shared within collaborative networks. Individual unit outcomes are benchmarked between units and presented in quarterly or yearly reports. Low mortality is commonly interpreted as optimal…

Background: When making end-of-life decisions for a child in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), standard practice is to involve parents in shared decision-making so that the values of parents are considered and decisions are made in the…

AIM: To identify barriers in the understanding and provision of optimal palliative care to Aboriginal children with cancer by health-care staff, with the aim to support education and training that highlights the importance of cultural, physical and…

Aim Death in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) commonly follows a decision to withdraw or limit life-sustaining treatment. Advances in medicine have changed the nature of life-sustaining interventions available and the potential prognosis for…

The integration of the child or young person (CYP) in conversations around advance care planning (ACP) is an important area of paediatric practice. These discussions provide CYP with the opportunity to voice their values, goals and preferences,…

AIM: Parents' role as end-of-life decision-makers for their child has become largely accepted Western health-care practice. How parents subsequently view and live with the end-of-life decision (ELD) they made has not been extensively examined. To…

AIM: Hospital readmissions within 28 days are an important performance measurement of quality and safety of health care. The aims of this study were to examine the rates, trends and characteristics of paediatric intensive care unit admissions, and…

Aim: Multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) deserve special attention in health-care facilities for children with life-limiting conditions because these children have an increased risk for colonisation. To avoid nosocomial transmissions to other…

AIM: Following the establishment of paediatric palliative care services over recent decades, this study sought to identify information to inform future policy and practice. METHODS: A rapid review using thematic synthesis was conducted to synthesise…

AIM: This study aimed to review the use of medications in a paediatric palliative care (PPC) population during the last two weeks of life. METHODS: This is a retrospective observational cohort study that included 50 consecutive patients who were…

AIM: To examine paediatric deaths following withdrawal or withholding of medical treatment (WWMT) from a hospital-wide perspective and identify changes over a 10 year period. METHODS: A retrospective review of medical records was conducted for all…

AIM: Reports of the outcomes of infants born with marginal viability in developing countries are limited. This study aimed to determine the mortality rate and major disabilities of extremely preterm infants. METHODS: A retrospective cohort with a…

Effective parent-child communication may serve to buffer the potential negative impacts of stressful situations on a child. Children who have a brother or sister with a life-threatening or life-limiting medical condition may turn to their parents for…

AIM: To assess clinicians' experience, attitudes and confidence with advance care planning (ACP) at a quaternary paediatric referral centre using a learning-needs survey, and then apply this information to develop and examine the feasibility of…

Aim: To identify and assess the quality of decision aids that align the decision, values and information provided for parents making end-of-life or palliative care decisions for children with life-threatening conditions. Method(s): Six databases and…

Background: Best practice, palliative and end-of-life care (EOLC) enhances symptom management and quality-of-life for individuals who are palliative and dying, and their families. Although Gold Coast Health (GCH) has a dedicated, interdisciplinary…

AIM: To describe the clinical course for children with severe physical disability (SPD) in the 2 years prior to their death and to identify whether these children had palliative care involvement and advance care planning prior to death. To…

Background: Providing appropriate psychosocial care for parents experiencing the loss of a newborn is crucial. Currently, a number of practices are recommended in perinatal and neonatal palliative care guidelines that are designed to help families to…

AIM: The aim of this study was to identify the potential risks and benefits of sleeping infants in a Pepi-Pod distributed to families with high risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy compared to a bassinet. METHODS: Forty-five mostly indigenous…

We present a baby with spinal muscular atrophy type 1, an inherited disorder causing progressive weakness, leading to complete paralysis of respiratory, facial and limb muscles. Without intervention, death occurs in infancy due to respiratory…

AIM: With increasing survival rates for chronic childhood illness, there has been an increasing focus on the transition of clinical care from paediatric to adult services. Data regarding patient numbers are essential for strategic planning and for…

OBJECTIVES: To examine withdrawal and limitation of life-sustaining treatment (WLST) in an Australian paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and to compare this experience with published data from other countries. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review…

Objective: To identify and compare perceptions of health care service delivery held by young people with chronic illness and their parents. Methods: A convenience sample of young people with chronic illness and their parents were invited to complete…

AIM: We aimed to determine the laboratory detection time of bacteraemia in neonatal blood cultures, and whether this differed by: organism; samples deemed to represent true bacteraemia versus contaminants; and blood cultures collected from an infant…

OBJECTIVES: To measure the effect of telephone reminders on adolescent clinic attendance. METHODS: Clinic bookings of adolescents were randomly assigned to either a telephone reminder one day prior to their appointment, or a routine booking (no…

Congenital and acquired forms of osteoporosis in childhood and adolescence can result in morbidity from fracture and pain in childhood, and place an individual at significant risk for problems in adult life. A range of therapies exist for the…

OBJECTIVE: This study examines the potential role for palliative care services in the care of individuals with muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy, and the support of their families., METHODOLOGY: Semistructured interviews were conducted…

OBJECTIVES: To gauge the perspectives of adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their parents regarding the transition from paediatric to adult-oriented health care. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey using an anonymous, semi-structured…

Palliative medicine has developed as a specialized field of practice in recent decades but the focus has been very much on older adults with incurable malignancies. The needs of dying children have not been addressed adequately and the question of…

It is widely believed that the improved survival of young people with chronic diseases will be associated with the development of appropriate services within the adult healthcare domain. There is, however, little evidence to suggest that this is…

AIM: Our study aimed to assess physicians' experiences and education regarding advance care planning (ACP) in paediatrics. We aimed to assess barriers to ACP initiation, including the adequacy of exposure and education regarding ACP and whether…

AIM: To investigate clinical course and mortality-associated factors in children with Down syndrome (DS) managed in a medical paediatric intensive care unit. METHODS: A single-centre, retrospective study conducted between 2001 and 2010 in DS children…

AIM: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 1 is a relatively common, untreatable and invariably fatal neuromuscular disorder of early childhood. Psychosocial care is vital in management of families affected by this disease. There are few studies…

AIM: To document the profile and management of children with developmental disabilities (DD) attending an outpatient complex pain clinic at a Children's Hospital in Sydney, Australia. METHODS: Children with DD from 2011 to 2014 were identified from a…

Children and young people who require palliative care have aheterogeneous range of life-limiting conditions such as a malig-nant disease, chromosomal, neurodegenerative and genetic meta-bolic disorders. The benefits of paediatric palliative care…
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