Browse Items (68 total)
- Tags: Cause Of Death
Understanding PICU Mortality and Family Bereavement: A Singlr- Canter Qualitative Study
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Bereavement, Caucasian, Cause Of Death, Child, conference abstract, Critical Care Medicine, date of death, do not resuscitate order, Family, Family Structure, Female, fetus death, household, Human, Infant, Intensive Care, July List 2024, Major Clinical Study, Male, Morbidity, Mortality, Palliative Therapy, Parrillo M, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, pediatric patient, poverty level, Qualitative Research, Remy AM, Remy K, Retrospective Study, Social Class, University Hospital
Meaningful Display of Legacy Items Among Families Experiencing a Perinatal, Neonatal, or Infant Death
Tags: 2024, Bereavement, Cause Of Death, Child, Child Death, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Conversation, Family, Family Interaction, Female, fetus death, Gestational Age, Grief, Human, Infant, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, Kaushik R, Mental Health, Newborn, Palliative Therapy, palmar dermatoglyphics, Pregnancy, Rodriguez M, Second Trimester Pregnancy, Smith V, third trimester pregnancy, University Hospital, Vandermeer R
Bereavement Needs Assessment of a Growing Pediatric Palliative Care Program
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, Adult, Autrey AK, Bereavement, Bereavement Support, Caregiver, Caucasian, Cause Of Death, Child, Collette J, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Female, Grief, Hispanic, Human, James C, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, June List 2024, leisure, married person, Needs Assessment, Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, Pilot Study, Sample Size, Social Support, support group, time of death, Total Quality Management, Vaden A
Implementing Palliative care, based on family-centered care, in a highly complex neonatal unit
Tags: 2023, Article, Blanco DE, Camprubi CM, Cause Of Death, Child, Clotet CJ, Congenital Malformation, Controlled Study, February List 2024, Female, Human, intimacy, Jornal De Pediatria, Major Clinical Study, Male, Morillo PA, Mortality, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn Death, Observational Study, Palliative Therapy, Prognosis, Retrospective Study, Riverola de Veciana A, Silla GJ, Terminal Care, Transitional Care
Palliative Care for Childhood Cancer
Tags: 2022, 2023 SE3 - Oncology, Advanced Cancer, Cancer Palliative Therapy, Cancer Patient, Cause Of Death, Child, Child Health Care, childhood cancer/th [Therapy], Children, collaborative care team, daily life activity, Disease Burden, Editorial, evidence based practice, Family, Health Care Access, health care need, Health Care Personnel, health care planning, Health Care Quality, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Home Care, Hope, Hospital care, Human, illness trajectory, Medical Education, Michiels EM, Nausea, Netherlands, Nurse, Pain, Palliative Care, patient worry, personalized cancer therapy, Physician, Practice Guideline, Quality Of Life, Vomiting
Neonatal serious illness: operational definition
Tags: 2023, Article, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, Cause Of Death, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Conversation, Female, Guttmann K, Hospital care, Human, Infant, Infant Newborn, Major Clinical Study, Male, Newborn, October List 2041, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Prognosis, rank sum test, Retrospective Study, Silverman R, Terminal Care, Weintraub AS
Neonatal organ donation: Retrospective audit into potential donation in a single neonatal unit
Tags: 2023, Ali F, Article, August List 2023, Brain Injury, Cause Of Death, Chant K, Conversation, cooling, Documentation, eligibility, England, Gallagher K, Human, Human Tissue, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Newborn Death, Newborn Intensive Care, Nurse, Nursing In Critical Care, organ donor, Patient Referral, Scales A, Sellwood M, Surgery, Terminal Care, Transplantation
Specialized pediatric palliative care services in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant centers
Tags: 2021, Advance Care Planning, Article, Bader P, Bereavement Counseling, Bereavement Support, Cause Of Death, Child, Children, Controlled Study, Corbacioglu S, Dalissier A, Descriptive Research, Ethics, Female, Galimard JE, Gjergji M, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Home, Hospice, Hospital, Human, Hutt D, in-hospital mortality, July List 2023, Kenyon M, Kozijn A, Liptrott S, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mekelenkamp H, Mortality, Murray J, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Place Of Death, relapse, Retrospective Study, Schroder T, Spiritual Care, Stem Cell Transplantation, Trigoso E
Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood in Greater Manchester (United Kingdom): A Five-Year Review (2015–2020)
Tags: Bereavement, Death, 2022, Cause Of Death, Child Pediatricians, Child welfare, childhood, Comprehensive Child & Adolescent Nursing, Coping, Dierckx E, Emergency Service, England, Evaluation, Family, family support, Infancy, January List 2023, Long T, Parents, Police Home Visits, Psychosocial Factors, Quinn S, Rowland AG, Sudden
Frequency and Clinical Characteristics Associated With Pediatric Deaths In a Tertiary Hospital in a Developing Country - Opportunities for Pediatric Palliative Care
Tags: 2018, antibiotic therapy, Artificial Ventilation, Brain Death, Cause Of Death, Child, Clinical Feature, Comfort, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Cuervo Suarez M I, Demography, developing country, Developing World 2019 List, Diagnosis, Drug Withdrawal, Female, Garcia X, Health Care Quality, Hospital Patient, Human, Human Tissue, inotropism, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Life Sustaining Treatment, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medical Record, Munoz M, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Palliative Therapy, pediatric patient, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Sedation, statistical analysis, Terminal Care, tertiary care center
Perceptible end-of-life signs in PICU, a prospective study
Tags: 2019, Annals of Intensive Care, Artificial Ventilation, bradycardia, Brain Death, Caregiver, Cause Of Death, Child, Chronic Disease, Clinical Article, conference abstract, cyanosis, Drug Withdrawal, edema, February 2020 List, Human, Hypotension, Le Bourgeois F, Male, Naudin J, Neurologic Disease, pallor, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, petechia, Pierron C, Poncelet G, Prospective Study, respiratory failure, skin color, Sommet J, time of death
Center, Gestational Age, and Race Impact End-of-Life Care Practices at Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Tags: 2019, Article, Asselin J, Bartman T, Black person, Brozanski B, Cause Of Death, Central Nervous System, Child, Coghill C H, Cohort Analysis, Controlled Study, Datta A, DiGeronimo R, do not resuscitate order, Drug Withdrawal, Durand D, Dykes F, Evans J, February 2020 List, Female, Fry J T, Gestational Age, Grover T, Human, Infant, injury, Journal of Pediatrics, Leuthner S R, Life Sustaining Treatment, Major Clinical Study, Male, Matoba N, Murthy K, Natarajan G, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Newborn Death, Niehaus J Z, Padula M, Pallotto E, Piazza A, Reber K, Retrospective Study, Schlegel A B, Shah A, Short B, Sullivan K M, Terminal Care, Zaniletti I
Where children die: A retrospective analysis of child death overview panel (CDOP) data
Tags: 2019, anonymised data, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Asian, August 2019 List, British citizen, Cancer Diagnosis, Cause Of Death, Child, Child Death, Chromosome Aberration, Clarkson L, conference abstract, Congenital Malformation, Controlled Study, Data Analysis Software, Ethnic Group, Ethnicity, Female, Gender, Hartley D, Hospice, Human, Lyles L, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mayer A, McKeating C, Mortality Rate, Newborn, Palliative Therapy, Renton K, Retrospective Study, strategic planning, Terminal Care
Infant deaths from congenital anomalies: novel use of Child Death Overview Panel data
Tags: 2018, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Cause Of Death, Congenital Abnormalities/mortality, congenital anomaly, Consanguinity, Death Certificates, Disabled Children, England/epidemiology, Ethnic Groups/statistics & numerical data, Ethnicity, Female, Firth C, Humans, Infant, Infant Death, Infant Mortality, Infant Mortality/ethnology, Male, Maternal Age, Newborn, Oddie SJ, Petherick E, Retrospective Studies, September 2019 List
Neonatal palliative care: A single site clinical audit
Tags: 2019, Bereavement Support, Broadbent A, Cause Of Death, Child, Clinical Audit, conference abstract, Delaney A, Female, Gill K, gold, Herbert A, Hong T, Hospital Admission, Human, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, June 2019 List, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mickan S, Moloney S, Music Therapy, Newborn, Newborn Death, Noyes M, Nursing Staff, Palliative Therapy, Physiotherapy, Retrospective Study, Scuffham P, seashore, Social Work, Speech, Terminal Care, Weir K
Aggressiveness of care at the end of life in children with cancer: A nationwide cohort study
Tags: 2017, Aggression, aggressiveness, Annals of Oncology, Cancer Staging, Cardoso A, Cause Of Death, Child, Cohort Analysis, Cohort Studies, developmental stage, Female, Gomes B, Hospitalization, Human, Icd-9, immunotherapy, Intensive Care Unit, Lacerda A, Lopes S, Major Clinical Study, Male, Martins BD, Morbidity, Multicenter Study, Oncology 2018 List, Only Child, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Portugal, Prevalence, Quality Of Life, Resuscitation, School Child, total parenteral nutrition, vascular access
Epidemiology of death in paediatric intensive care units (PICUS) in a developing country
Tags: 2018, Artificial Ventilation, Brain Death, Cause Of Death, Child, Chuah S L, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Decision Making, developing country, Developing World 2018 List, Drug Withdrawal, Female, Gan CS, Ho AMM, Human, inotropic agent, Isa MR, Jalil R, Length Of Stay, Life Sustaining Treatment, liver failure, Lum LC, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mortality Rate, organ donor, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Prospective Study, Resuscitation, Secondary Analysis, Tang SF, Teh K H, Total Quality Management, Zainal Abidin AS
Paediatric palliative care: Are we doing enough? a retrospective review of deaths over 5 years in an academic tertiary hospital paediatric intensive care unit
Tags: 2018, Adolescent, Adult, Advanced Cancer, Analgesia, Artificial Ventilation, Cancer Patient, Cause Of Death, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Demography, Drug Withdrawal, Female, Human, inotropism, Koh PL, Life Sustaining Treatment, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Medical History, Medical Record, Neurologic Disease, Ng MCG, November 2018 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, pediatric patient, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, tertiary care center
Patterns of paediatric end-of-life care: A chart review across different care settings in Switzerland
Tags: 103-90-2 (paracetamol), 2018, Adolescent, Aebi C, Ansari M, Article, Baer R, Bergstraesser E, Bernet V, Bmc Pediatrics, Brazzola P, Bucher HU, Buder R, Cagnazzo S, Cardiology, Cause Of Death, Child, Child Care, Child Death, Cignacco E, Cohort Analysis, community care, Dinten B, Dorsaz A, Drug Use, Elmer F, Engberg S, Enriquez R, Eskola K, Fahrni-Nater P, Female, Finkbeiner G, Frey B, Frey U, Greiner J, Hassink RI, Health Care Utilization, Home Care, Hospital Admission, Human, Infant, Intensive Care Unit, invasive procedure, Keller S, Kretschmar O, Kroell J, Laubscher B, Leibundgut K, Length Of Stay, Life Sustaining Treatment, Major Clinical Study, Malaer R, Male, Medical Record Review, Meyer A, narcotic analgesic agent, Nelle M, Neonatology, Neuhaus T, Neurology, Newborn, Niggli F, October 2018 List, Oncology, Paracetamol, Perrenoud G, Pfammatter JP, Plecko B, Popovic MB, Ramelet AS, Resuscitation, Retrospective Study, Rupf D, Sennhauser F, September 2018 List, Stade C, Steinlin M, Stoffel L, Stuessi C, Switzerland, Terminal Care, Thomas K, Treatment Withdrawal, Von der Weid N, von Vigier R, Vonarburg C, Wagner B, Wernz B, Wieland J, Zimmermann K
Parents' perspectives on losing a child due to life-limiting diagnoses: A population-based study
Tags: 2018, Adult, August 2018 List, Cause Of Death, Child, conference abstract, Denmark, Diagnosis, directory, Distress Syndrome, Ekholm O, Female, Human, Lykke C, Major Clinical Study, Male, Malignant Neoplasm, Olsen M, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, Schmiegelow K, Sjogren P, Wales, Young Adult
"I don't want this to be in my biography": A qualitative study of the experiences of grandparents losing a grandchild due to a neurological or oncological disease
Tags: 2018, August 2018 List, Becker G, Bergstrasser E, Cause Of Death, Child, Clinical Article, Comfort, conference abstract, Diagnosis, Flury M, friend, grandchild, grandparent, Human, literature, Male, Memory, Oncology, Orellana-Rios C, Palliative Medicine, Palliative Therapy, Qualitative Research, Semi Structured Interview, son, Switzerland, Terminal Care
R Package for Pediatric Complex Chronic Condition Classification
Tags: 0 (Enzyme Inhibitors), 0 (Lamin Type A), 0 (Piperidines), 0 (prelamin A), 0 (Pyridines), 2018, Adolescent, Adult, Brazier J, Campbell SE, Cause Of Death, Child, Cohort Studies, D'Agostino Sr RB, EC 2.7.4.- (farnesyl phosphate kinase), EC 2.7.4.- (Phosphotransferases (Phosphate Group Acceptor)), Enzyme Inhibitors/therapeutic use, Female, Gordon LB, Humans, IOW153004F (lonafarnib), JAMA., July 2018 List, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Kieran MW, Kleinman ME, Lamin Type A/biosynthesis/metabolism, Male, Massaro J, Phosphotransferases (Phosphate Group Acceptor)/antagonists & inhibitors, Piperidines/therapeutic use, Post-Translational, Progeria/drug therapy/genetics/mortality, Protein Processing, Pyridines/therapeutic use, Shappell H, Young Adult
Sudden, unexpected infant death due to pulmonary arterial hypertension
Child death in high-income countries
Birth weight percentile and the risk of term perinatal death
Epidemiology of Death in the PICU at Five U.S. Teaching Hospitals*
Differences in characteristics of dying children who receive and do not receive palliative care
Tags: 2013, Adolescent, Age Factors, Backlog, Bratton SL, Cause Of Death, Child, Cohort Studies, Complex Chronic Conditions, Female, Hospital Mortality, Hospitals, Humans, Infant, Intensive Care Units, Journal Article, Keele L, Keenan HT, Length Of Stay, Location Of Death, Male, Neonatal, Newborn, Palliative Care, Pediatric, Pediatric Palliative Care, Pediatrics, Preschool, Retrospective Studies, Sheetz J, Terminal Care, United States, Utilization Review
Neonatal end-of-life care: A single-center NICU experience in Israel over a decade
Tags: 2013, adrenal insufficiency/ep [Epidemiology], anemia/ep [Epidemiology], Article, Bar-Oz B, brain edema/ep [Epidemiology], brain hemorrhage/ep [Epidemiology], Cause Of Death, Child Parent Relation, congenital malformation/ep [Epidemiology], Eventov-Friedman S, Gestational Age, Human, Incidence, Israel, Jerusalem, Kanevsky H, kidney failure/ep [Epidemiology], March 2018 List, Medical Decision Making, Middle East, necrotizing enterocolitis/ep [Epidemiology], Newborn, Newborn Care, Newborn Death, newborn hypoxia/ep [Epidemiology], Newborn Intensive Care, newborn mortality, newborn sepsis/ep [Epidemiology], Pediatrics, Practice Guideline, Prematurity, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, Religion, respiratory failure/ep [Epidemiology], sepsis/ep [Epidemiology], shock/ep [Epidemiology], treatment duration
Mental Health Services for Parents Who Lost a Child to Cancer: If We Build Them, Will They Come?
Tags: 2015, Adaptation, Adolescent, Adult, Age Factors, Backlog, Baser RE, Breitbart W, Cause Of Death, Child, Corner GW, Cross-sectional Studies, Female, Grief, Health Services Accessibility, Humans, Infant, Journal Article, Journal Of Clinical Oncology, Kissane DW, Li Y, Lichtenthal WG, Male, Mental Health Services, Middle Aged, Minority Groups, Neoplasms, Parents, Patient Acceptance of Health Care, Preschool, Prigerson HG, Psychological, Psychotherapy, Psychotropic Drugs, Roberts KE, Self Report, Self-Help Groups, Sweeney CR, Time Factors, United States, Wiener L, Young Adult
Changing mortality in congenital heart disease
Tags: 2010, Abrahamowicz M, Adolescent, Adolescent Transitions, Age Factors, Aged, Backlog, Cardiac Surgical Procedures/methods/mortality, Cause Of Death, Child, Cohort Studies, Congenital/diagnosis/mortality/surgery, Female, Heart Defects, Humans, Infant, Ionescu-Ittu R, Journal Article, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Khairy P, Mackie AS, Male, Marelli AJ, Middle Aged, Newborn, Pilote L, Preschool, Prognosis, Quebec, Retrospective Studies, Sex Factors, Survival Analysis, Young Adult
Outcomes and causes of death in children on home mechanical ventilation via tracheostomy: an institutional and literature review
End-of-life practices in the Netherlands under the Euthanasia Act
Tags: 2007, 80 And Over, Aged, Analgesics, Assisted/legislation & jurisprudence/statistics & numerical data/trends, Backlog, Buiting HM, Cause Of Death, Deerenberg IM, Euthanasia/legislation & jurisprudence/statistics & numerical data/trends, Female, Follow-up Studies, Gevers JK, Hanssen-de Wolf JE, Humans, Hypnotics and Sedatives/administration & dosage, Janssen AG, Journal Article, Male, Middle Aged, Netherlands, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, Opioid/administration & dosage, Pasman HR, Prins CJ, Questionnaires, Rietjens JA, Rurup ML, Suicide, The New England Journal Of Medicine, van Delden JJ, van der Heide A, van der Maas PJ, van der Wal G, Withholding Treatment/statistics & numerical data/trends
Physician-assisted deaths under the euthanasia law in Belgium: a population-based survey
Tags: 2010, 80 And Over, Active, Age Factors, Aged, Assisted/legislation & jurisprudence/statistics & numerical data, Backlog, Belgium/epidemiology, Bilsen J, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Cause Of Death, Chambaere K, Cohen J, Deliens L, Euthanasia, Euthanasia/legislation & jurisprudence/statistics & numerical data, Female, Home Care Services/statistics & Numerical Data, Humans, Journal Article, Male, Middle Aged, Mortier F, Neoplasms/therapy, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, Prevalence, Questionnaires, Sex Factors, Suicide, Terminal Care/statistics & Numerical Data, Time Factors, Voluntary/statistics & numerical data
Long-term outcome and clinical spectrum of 73 pediatric patients with mitochondrial diseases
Tags: 2007, AIM, Backlog, Cause Of Death, Chevalier I, Child, Cohort Studies, Debray FG, Decarie JC, DNA, DNA Fragmentation, Female, Follow-up Studies, HEREDITARY, Humans, IM, Infant, Journal Article, Lambert M, Leber/di [Diagnosis], Leber/ge [Genetics], Leber/mo [Mortality], Longitudinal Studies, Male, MELAS Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], MELAS Syndrome/mo [Mortality], MELAS Syndrome/th [Therapy], Mitchell GA, Mitochondrial Diseases/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Diseases/ge [Genetics], Mitochondrial Diseases/mo [Mortality], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/mo [Mortality], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/th [therapy], Mitochondrial Myopathies/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Myopathies/ge [Genetics], Mitochondrial Myopathies/mo [Mortality], Mitochondrial/ge [Genetics], Newborn, Optic Atrophy, Pediatrics, Preschool, Probability, Proportional Hazards Models, Q3 Scoping Review Results, Retrospective Studies, Robinson BH, Robitaille Y, Severity Of Illness Index, Shoubridge EA, Survival Analysis, Time Factors
Neonatal management of trisomy 18: Clinical details of 24 patients receiving intensive treatment.
Tags: 2006, American Journal Of Medical Genetics.Part A, Baba A, Backlog, Birth Weight, Cause Of Death, Children W/SNI, Chromosome Disorders/genetics/mortality/therapy, Chromosomes, Female, Fetal Diseases/diagnosis/genetics, Fukushima Y, Gestational Age, Human, Humans, Infant, Journal Article, Kawame H, Kosho T, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Nakamura T, Newborn, Pair 18/genetics, Pregnancy, Prenatal Diagnosis, Prognosis, Survival Analysis, Survival Rate, Tamura M, Trisomy/diagnosis/genetics
Review of pediatric autopsies performed at a university hospital in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
Tags: 2006, Abnormalities/diagnosis, Adolescent, Adult, Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Autopsy, Backlog, Brazil, Cause Of Death, Child, Female, Hospitals, Humans, Infant, Journal Article, Male, Newborn, PedPal Lit, Peres LC, Pregnancy, Prenatal Care, Preschool, Retrospective Studies, Stillbirth, University
The impact of parental status on the risk of completed suicide.
Tags: 2003, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Archives Of General Psychiatry, Backlog, Bereavement, Cause Of Death, Child, Denmark/epidemiology, Family Characteristics, Female, Grief, Humans, Infant, Journal Article, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Middle Aged, Mortensen PB, Parents/psychology, Preschool, Qin P, Registries, Risk Factors, Socioeconomic Factors, Suicide/prevention & control/psychology/statistics & numerical data
Simple changes can improve conduct of end-of-life care in the intensive care unit.
Tags: 2004, Aged, Analgesics/tu [Therapeutic Use], Attitude Of Health Personnel, Backlog, Canadian Journal Of Anaesthesia, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Cause Of Death, Diazepam/tu [Therapeutic Use], DNAR, DNAR Outcomes, Female, Hall RI, Humans, Hypnotics and Sedatives/tu [Therapeutic Use], Intensive Care Units, Intervention Studies, Journal Article, Life Support Care, Male, Middle Aged, Murray D, Nurses/px [Psychology], Palliative Care, Pastoral Care, Patient Admission, Physicians/px [Psychology], Resuscitation Orders, Retrospective Studies, Rocker GM, Withholding Treatment
Mortality in parents after death of a child in Denmark: A nationwide follow-up study.
Tags: 2003, Adolescent, Adult, Backlog, Bereavement, Cause Of Death, Child, Death, Denmark/epidemiology, Female, Follow-up Studies, Health Status, Humans, Incidence, Infant, Journal Article, Lancet, Li J, Life Change Events, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Mortality, Mortensen PB, Olsen J, Parents/psychology, Population Surveillance, Precht DH, Preschool, Proportional Hazards Models, Registries, Risk Factors, Sex Distribution, SSHRC CURA, Time Factors
The prevalence of PTSD following the violent death of a child and predictors of change 5 years later
Tags: 2003, Adaptation, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Backlog, Beaton RD, Bereavement, Cause Of Death, Child, Chung IJ, Death, Female, Humans, Johnson LC, Journal Article, Journal Of Traumatic Stress, Male, Middle Aged, Murphy SA, Non-U.S. Gov't, P.H.S., Parent-child Relations, Post-Traumatic/epidemiology/etiology/psychology, Prevalence, Psychological, Research Support, Risk Factors, Self Concept, Sex Factors, Social Support, Stress Disorders, U.S. Gov't, Violence