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Tags: 1998, 2002, 2005, Academic Medical Centers Adolescent AdultCause of Death Child Child, and 19 (52%) were identified through the clinic-initiated tracking system for deaths that occurred outside the institution. Only 1 anticipated death occurred in the patient's home. Sixty-six percent of patients h(TRUNCATED), and June 31, and to compare the characteristics of deaths that were sudden, and whether an autopsy was performed. RESULTS: Thirty-six patient deaths were identified between July 1, Backlog, epidemiology United States%X BACKGROUND: The Institute of Medicine's report When Children Die emphasizes the importance of the medical home in end-of-life care, Hospital, Hospital-Based, Journal Article, Nellis ME, Newborn Male Outpatient Clinics, Pediatrics, PedPal Lit, preexisting medical conditions, Preschool Death FemaleHospital Mortality Hospitals, resident continuity clinic, Serwint JR, setting and cause of death, statistics & numerical data Primary Health Care Professional-Family Relations Sudden Infant Death, to determine the mechanisms of communication about these deaths, unexpected, Urban/statistics & numerical data Humans Infant Infant, within a clinic population of 7000 patients (average annual mortality rate: 0.13%). Seventeen patient deaths (48%) were identified through the institutional tracking system