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Tags: 2024, Adult, Age Distribution, Aged, airway pressure, Benzodiazepine, Burkiewicz K, Caucasian, Child, conference abstract, Critical Care Medicine, electronic medical record, ethnic difference, Ethnic Group, Ethnicity, extubation, Female, Hispanic, Human, hypertensive factor, Intensive Care, Intensive Care Unit, July List 2024, Major Clinical Study, Male, Morphine, Only Child, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, positive end expiratory pressure ventilation, positive pressure ventilation, racial disparity, Secondary Analysis, Terminal Care, Tripathi S, ventilator, Winter M
Tags: 2018, Alladin A R, April 2020 List, Awareness, Bereavement Support, bone marrow, Cancer Patient, Cantwell G P, Caribbean, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Congenital Malformation, coordination compound, Ethnic Group, Europe, Female, Heart, Hispanic, Hospice, Hospital Patient, Human, Japan, Juanico K, kidney, liver, Major Clinical Study, Male, Medicaid, Memory, Middle East, Music Therapy, Nares M, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, nursing education, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pastoral Care, Pediatrics, Perception, Posthumous Care, Resident, Sibling, Social Work, Terminal Care, terminally Ill Patient, Webster-Carrion A
Tags: 2018, Ambulatory Care, Analysis of Variance, Awareness, Black C, Caucasian, Child, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Convenience Sample, Data Analysis Software, Ethnic Group, February 2020 List, Female, Granowetter L, high school, Human, Illinois, Institutional Review, legal guardian, Likert scale, Major Clinical Study, Male, New York, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrics, Physician, Randomized Controlled Trial, Spruill T M, Terminal Care, Zawistowski C A
Tags: 2019, anonymised data, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Asian, August 2019 List, British citizen, Cancer Diagnosis, Cause Of Death, Child, Child Death, Chromosome Aberration, Clarkson L, conference abstract, Congenital Malformation, Controlled Study, Data Analysis Software, Ethnic Group, Ethnicity, Female, Gender, Hartley D, Hospice, Human, Lyles L, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mayer A, McKeating C, Mortality Rate, Newborn, Palliative Therapy, Renton K, Retrospective Study, strategic planning, Terminal Care
Tags: 2017, Bereavement, Cancer Prognosis, Child, Childhood Cancer, Controlled Study, Ethnic Group, Human, Oncology 2017 List, Palliative Therapy, Personal Experience, Prevalence, Prognosis, Quality Of Life, Randomized Controlled Trial(topic), Rosenberg AR, Sibling, The Lancet Child And Adolescent Health, Voice, Wolfe J