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The field of pediatric cardiology has witnessed major changes over the past few decades that have considerably altered patient outcomes, including decreasing mortality rates for many previously untreatable conditions. Despite this, some pediatric…
Objectives: * Describe a prospective study to evaluate how parents of children with advanced heart disease (AHD) perceive communication about prognosis with their child's physicians. * Describe results from this analysis that found no correlation…
Background: Paediatric end-of-life care is challenging and requires a high level of professional expertise. It is important that healthcare teams have a thorough understanding of paediatric subspecialties and related knowledge of disease-specific…
Lymphocytes can be activated to produce and release opioid peptides. We investigated the levels of immunoreactive beta-endorphin in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 11 patients with acute myocardial infarction. The concentrations of…
Objective: To describe the characteristics of children and adolescentes with chronic diseases of outpatient clinics at a tertiary university hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed with 16,237 patients with chronic diseases…
Background: Although palliative care (PC) communication skills can be learned through trial and error, pediatric fellows have few opportunities to practice communication, and learning by doing may be harmful for families. Despite these issues and…
Growing numbers of patients with severe congenital heart disease (CHD) are surviving into late childhood and beyond. This increasingly complex patient group may experience multiple formidable and precarious interventions, lifelong morbidity and the…
Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM) competencies are of growing importance in training general pediatricians and pediatric sub-specialists. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) emphasized pediatric trainees…