Browse Items (17 total)

Abstract Background Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) has been shown to offer a wide berth of supportive services for families as they navigate life with pediatric heart disease. PPC assists families in medical decision making, symptom management,…

Background: A large Midwestern hospital has no consistent process for prenatal integration of palliative care for parents carrying a fetus diagnosed with complex congenital heart disease. The palliative care team is typically consulted postnatally…

Background: The role of pediatric palliative care (PPC) is well described in oncology, however, its involvement in children with congenital heart disease (CHD) is not well explored. Method(s): This prospective interventional study was conducted on…

Objectives The West Midlands Perinatal Palliative Care Service based at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Hospital Trust is one of the busiest services in the UK after being in operation only 2 years. The service offers support to all West…

Outcomes: 1. Utilizing a case-based approach, participants will be able to identify three different models to develop pediatric palliative care clinics. 2. Utilizing the examples and framework from this presentation, participants will be able to…

OBJECTIVE: To present our center's experience with terminal extubation in 3 palliative critical care home transports from the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Unit. DESIGN: All cases were identified from our Cardiovascular intensive care unit ( CVICU).…

BACKGROUND: Use of synchronous digital health technologies for care delivery to children with special health care needs (having a chronic physical, behavioral, developmental, or emotional condition in combination with high resource use) and their…

OBJECTIVE: To test our hypothesis that an innovative method of early palliative care called "Baby, Attachment, Comfort Interventions" reduces psychological distress in parents of neonates with congenital heart disease. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective…

Introduction: Many paediatric hospitals are treating increasing numbers of children with medical complexity (CMC), diagnosed with chronic life-limiting illnesses and requiring life-sustaining home medical technology. These medically fragile children…

Introduction. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome was uniformly fatal until the 1980s but now has survival approaching 70% to age 5 due to treatment advances. The current study was undertaken to examine trends in the intervention rate, survival, and…

BACKGROUND: Although the role of pediatric palliative care (PPC) is well described in oncology, neonatal, and pediatric intensive care patients, the involvement of PPC in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) is not well explored. CHD is a…

To assess the longitudinal risk of death following tracheostomy in the pediatric age group.
Retrospective cohort study.
Hospital records of 513 children (≤18 years) at a tertiary care children's hospital…

Growing numbers of patients with severe congenital heart disease (CHD) are surviving into late childhood and beyond. This increasingly complex patient group may experience multiple formidable and precarious interventions, lifelong morbidity and the…

For premature infants with congenital heart disease (CHD), it may be unclear when the burdens of treatment outweigh potential benefits. Parents may thus have to choose between comfort care at birth and medical stabilization until surgical repair is…
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