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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of advance care planning (ACP) on parent-reported end-of-life (EOL) outcomes in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). STUDY DESIGN: Single-center, cross-sectional mixed-methods survey study of…
OBJECTIVES: Chronically ill adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients experience barriers to accessing psychosocial care. AYAs who receive palliative and psychosocial care experience numerous benefits from these services. However, we still lack…
Abstract Context: Bereavement is an individuated, nuanced experience, and its expression is different for each parent who has cared for a dying child. Evidence highlights support is valuable to navigate this loss. Objectives: To evaluate a…
This study aims to understand the experiences of professionals involved in caring for families of children with life-limiting illnesses to ascertain unmet needs, access issues and expectations of services.A phenomenological approach comprising…
BACKGROUND: Perinatal palliative care (PPC) is an emerging concept in fetal medicine that offers quality of life options and anticipatory grief management for families of fetuses with complex conditions. Few PPC outcomes are detailed in peer-reviewed…
Background: Many parents of children with advanced cancer pursue curative goals when cure is no longer possible. To the authors' knowledge, no pediatric studies to date have prospectively evaluated prognosis communication or influences on decision…
Background: For children with cancer in palliative care, pain and worry are common and frequently under-managed, which negatively impacts quality of life (QOL). Massage therapy (MT) can lead to reduced pain in children with chronic illnesses.…
Objectives: * Describe a prospective study to evaluate how parents of children with advanced heart disease (AHD) perceive communication about prognosis with their child's physicians. * Describe results from this analysis that found no correlation…
Objectives: Palliative radiation therapy (pRT) is often used to improve quality of life for pediatric patients. Though palliative doses are generally lower than those for cure, pRT may still introduce undesirable effects. The decision to pursue…
Background: and aim Palliative Care for Children is defined as 'an active and total approach to care, from the point of diagnosis or recognition throughout the child's life, death and beyond'. It is recognised that the prevalence of children with…
PURPOSE: Preparing a future nurse to respond to the complex and sensitive needs of a child and family during the end-of-life requires more than didactic content in a classroom. During clinical experiences, students may care for children diagnosed…
Background/Objectives: Families often prefer home care to hospital care, and home-care services for ill children are increasing worldwide with limited knowledge of families' needs during curative and palliative home care. The aim of this study was to…
Introduction To discuss the extended family support that is required in children's palliative care, focusing on Grandparents, who sometimes may be seen as the 'forgotten mourners'. Objectives Utilizing art psychotherapy in a group setting to…
Background: Over the last decade, paediatric palliative care teams (PPCTs) have been introduced to support children with life-limiting diseases and their families and to ensure continuity, coordination and quality of paediatric palliative care (PPC).…
Learning Objectives: Assessing competence in pediatric critical care medicine (PCCM) training is challenging, and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) were recently introduced to enhance the assessment process. There are 7 EPAs that define the…
Background: Parents of children with a life-limiting disease have to rely on themselves at home while adequate paediatric palliative care is lacking. In several countries, paediatric palliative care teams are introduced to ensure continuity and…
Purpose/Objective(s): Palliative radiation therapy (pRT) for pediatric cancer patients is often used to treat pain, neurologic symptoms, and other conditions from progressive cancer that affects quality of life. However, though the doses used are…